
Her Revenge Plan

'Revenge is a dish best served cold.' Malia, a steel hearted woman is out to seek vengeance from those who betrayed her and hurt her, but specifically, she is after one person; her younger sister. Whether her sister by blood or not, she is willing to see her downfall until she is sated. However, this woman who is always distant from others, suddenly falters her cold stance towards people when she meets him. Him; a cold hearted man looking for comfort and love. A rich tycoon who is willing to part the seas just for her sake and helps her back to her feet when everything in her life goes haywire. These two had history together though. However, due to an accident that caused some of her memories to fade, they are forced to separate. When he finally gets the courage to appear in front of her again, will she remember him? Will their love be rekindled? Will these two who seek comfort, love and peace, fair well with each other or will it end up like all her previous relationships? With betrayal and pain? ****Book cover does not belong to me and credit goes to the owner.**** ****Also, the book is for WSA, please support me .****

jenna_j · Urban
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31 Chs


When the gates leading to the large mansion opened, Malia was fascinated by the beauty of the place.

"Is this one of your mansions?" She asked Aryan, still awed by the lush sight around her.

"Yes, it is actually one of my best places." He answered in time with their car coming to a halt. He alighted the car first and helped her to get off. They stood outside for a while silently and finally made their way to the entrance. A maid opened the door for them and ushered them to the dining room where the family was.

When Malia saw them, she broke down, crying in Aryan's arms. It felt so surreal to see her family members after three whole months, all healthy and fine. The family members turned their heads to look at the slight commotion at the entrance of the room and when they saw Aryan with a crying woman in his arms, they froze.

Darren was the first to speak up. "I thought you said that you would stay loyal to our sister despite the fact that she is gone from our lives."

"You promised that the position of our sister would never be given to someone else. Then what is this?" Darius queried, not caring about his disrespectful tone to the man who had 'saved' their lives.

Hearing them, Malia suddenly wiped her tears and looked up. When they saw her face, they were momentarily frozen for a while.

"T...Tell me it's t..true. Tell me it's not a figment of my imagination that I am seeing my daughter right in front of me." Raya, Malia's mother stuttered as she held onto her husband's arm.

"I can see her too." He said as he stood up from his chair and his wife followed suit.

"Malia?" Trevor, Malia's dad,asked in disbelief.

"Mom. Dad." She responded as she ran towards them and gave them a hug. "I am here." She whispered as they hugged her back.

"Malia? You are alive?" Darius asked in shock as he remained frozen in his seat, trying to process the sudden development.

Malia chuckled as he released her parents and headed to her shocked brothers. "No...it's my ghost that has come to haunt you for stealing my chocolates when we were kids." She joked as she hugged Darren first and proceeded to hug Darius.

"B..but how? We thought that you were....gone." Darius said, whilst releasing his sister.

"Actually, everyone still believes that am dead. You are among the few people that know am still alive and kicking. " She responded, taking a seat that Aryan had ushered her to.

Some maids served them tea and sweets as they continued to indulge in the conversation.

"Tell us what happened from the start." Trevor said.

"Okay, so I have been in a coma for two months all thanks to my little sister, Tyra. It all started when I received a phone call and was tricked into leaving my company and that's when I was kidnapped....." Malia narrated the story of what had transpired up to the talk she had with Chad, the previous day.

"She sure is one cunning fox." Raya commented as she took a sip of her tea.

"Well, you brought her into our lives." Darren deadpanned.

"Hey, I didn't know that she would be such a black heartened person. But at least I have learned a lesson from her. Never judge a book by it's cover." Raya defended herself.

"Anyway, I am planning to take my company and name back. She has destroyed my legacy and trust me, I will make her beg and grovel on her knees for sure." Malia said as a glint of viciousness appeared in her eyes and disappeared as fast as it came.

" You can ask us for help at any time. We will take down that pretentious woman down together. We've got you siz." Darius winked at Malia.

"By the way, Darius, when's your graduation ceremony? I don't want to miss my precious little brother's big day."

"It's next week. But will you attend? Like you have said, people think that you are still dead." Darius pointed out.

"What are masks and sunglasses for?" Malia deadpanned as she downed the last bit of the tea in her cup.

"Am really glad that you are alive. We were practically depressed without your presence, dear." Trevor said as he pressed a kiss on her forehead.

"Am glad too dad. But it's all thanks to Aryan." Malia said as she turned to look at her silent lover. " Thank you for being there for me." She said as she squeezed his hand.

"You're welcome, love." He responded.

" We really appreciate your kind gesture, sir." Trevor said as he shook hands with Aryan.

"No need for formal addresses,father in law, just call me Aryan." He declared and a smile made its way to Trevor's lips.

"Well then Aryan. I hope you take care of her as if your life depends on it."

"Yes,father in law."

" I didn't expect this talk to be about Aryan and I being together, but I am not complaining." Malia smiled.

"By the way are you returning today?" Raya asked.

"No...we plan to stay with you for a week at least." Malia answered.

"Great. I will inform the butler to prepare your room." Raya said as she beckoned for the butler.


On the other side of the city;

Chad, dressed in a neat navy blue striped three piece suit, made his way to his father's office, surprising quite everyone in the building.

His new clean cut look made heads turn. He looked much better and more handsome than his previous self. The secretary outside his father's office stood up and greeted him in astonishment and awe as she ushered him in the office and closed the door.

"Father." Chad greeted as he sat opposite the most influential man in politics and his father, Seth.

"You look.... different." Seth commented as he scanned his son.

"A change is necessary at times."

"Glad to see that you have finally opened your eyes, son."

"Thank you, father."

"So tell me, what brings you here today?" Seth asked, in time with the secretary bringing in a tray with two cups of tea and a teapot.

She placed it on the table and served each of them a cup of tea before leaving. Chad took a sip of the earl grey tea and finally spoke up.

"I am ready to take over the oil companies."