
Her Revenge Plan

'Revenge is a dish best served cold.' Malia, a steel hearted woman is out to seek vengeance from those who betrayed her and hurt her, but specifically, she is after one person; her younger sister. Whether her sister by blood or not, she is willing to see her downfall until she is sated. However, this woman who is always distant from others, suddenly falters her cold stance towards people when she meets him. Him; a cold hearted man looking for comfort and love. A rich tycoon who is willing to part the seas just for her sake and helps her back to her feet when everything in her life goes haywire. These two had history together though. However, due to an accident that caused some of her memories to fade, they are forced to separate. When he finally gets the courage to appear in front of her again, will she remember him? Will their love be rekindled? Will these two who seek comfort, love and peace, fair well with each other or will it end up like all her previous relationships? With betrayal and pain? ****Book cover does not belong to me and credit goes to the owner.**** ****Also, the book is for WSA, please support me .****

jenna_j · Urban
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31 Chs


"I am ready to take over the oil companies." Chad declared, much to the astonishment of his father.

" Pardon?" Seth asked as he looked at his son in disbelief.

"I figured that I have been wasting a lot of time on irrelevant things and so I have decided to help you in managing the companies. That is, under your guidance."

Silence reigned in the office for a while. "You may join the company next week. I will personally guide you through every detail." Seth paused. " Am proud of the new you, son." He added.

" Am glad."

"By the way where is the...girl you have been obsessed with lately?"

Chad was silent for a while as he clenched his jaw when he remembered Tyra. "She is past tense now. She was using me as a tool for her own selfish gains, but don't worry, someone will avenge me."

"And who is that?"

"Malia Kim."

Seth practically spilled the tea in his mouth and immediately grabbed a napkin whilst coughing violently. Once he calmed down, he looked at Chad.

"She is dead." Seth blurted out.

"No, she is not. She is actually the one who has made me into the man I have suddenly become. Were it not for her, I would have never known the vicious truth behind Tyra. By the way the company that Tyra claimed was hers actually belonged to Malia and she almost killed her because of it. To add to the fact that Tyra tried to drug me today but Malia and her husband saved me."

Seth sat in his chair quietly registering the sudden news until one particular sentence hit him. "Am sorry, did you just say that she tried to drug you?"

"Damn right she did." Chad answered.

"She is that cruel?"

"She is the definition of a devil in an angel's disguise. Don't ever meet with her again. I will tell mom too but she will be heartbroken because she really liked Tyra." Chad sighed.

"Don't stress out, she will understand." Seth assured his son.


A week later,

Aryan and Malia flew back to their home city. After settling down in their house, Aryan had to rush to his company for a sudden emergency.

Since it was in the afternoon, Malia was quite bored so she decided to go shopping. Scrolling through her contact list, Kylie was the only woman who would accompany her to the mall, so she dialed her number.

"Hey, Kylie. It's Malia. Are you perhaps busy?"

"At the moment, no. Why do you ask though?"

"Wanna go shopping?"

"Sure. Just send me the location and we will meet there."

"Okay thanks." Malia hang up as she sent the location and time to meet, to Kylie.

"Are you perhaps going somewhere, Miss?" The butler asked when thirty minutes later, she descended the stairs.

She was dressed in a straight grey short but conservative skirt, paired with a black cashmere sweater and black knee length boots. She held her purse and overcoat in her hands.

"Yes, uncle Joe,I was planning on visiting the mall today with Kylie." She said as she wore the overcoat and Butler Joe helped her to fix the collars.

"Oh. Should I perhaps ask some maids to accompany you?"

Malia chuckled. " Thank you for the thought but I am afraid I have to decline. I don't want unnecessary attention since people still believe that am dead. But I will perhaps need two or three hidden bodyguards, in case anything unexpected happens." Malia said as she headed towards the awaiting car.

The chauffer opened the door for her but she declined. "Victor, have some rest today. I will drive myself for today, don't worry."She said and Victor immediately handed her the keys to the Jeep.

She revved the engine to life and left for the meeting place with Kylie. Once the two met, they immediately headed to Treevine City Mall, the largest mall in the country.

"It's quite odd to see that you are casually going shopping with the rumors spreading in the city." Kylie stated as Malia parked the car in a reserved parking spot.

" What rumors?"

"About your sudden resurrection. Haven't you heard?"

"Oh...my plan actually worked. I wanted everyone to know that I am alive so I revealed my face to two socialites last week, when I attended a masquerade ball."

"But when is your revenge plan kicking off?"

"Heh....Today." Malia chuckled.


"You will see." Malia stated as she put on a mask and dark sunglasses.

They headed to a shoe store where they bought over ten pairs each. Strolling through other stores, they came across a jewellery store where from the corner of her eyes, she saw someone.

"Steph? What are you doing here?" Malia asked as she headed towards Steph who was talking to one of the attendants.

They both looked at Malia, not quite recognizing her. " Ummm...who are you?" Steph asked as she scanned her from head to toe. She then dismissed the attendant.

Malia chuckled before removing her sunglasses and mask. When Steph saw her face, she stood still and covered her mouth in utter shock. " M..Malia?"


Steph whisked her into a warm hug. "Oh my God, when did you even wake up?"

"About three weeks ago." She responded as she put on her mask and sunglasses back.

"Wait,,,Wait...You have been awake for all that time and Aryan didn't bother to tell us. That son of a... peanut. Anyway, why are you covering your face?"

"Did you forget? People think that I am dead."

"Oh...right. I actually forgot. Wanna have lunch together though, to celebrate your resurrection?"

"Sure, but I have also brought Kylie with me." She stated as she pointed at Kylie who was looking at various jewellery.

" Sure. Just call me after you finish your shopping spree. By the way you can take anything you want from the store. I will pay for it."

"Thanks....but why?"

"I own the store."

" Woah...you are the owner of SD collections?"

"Yes. Now please excuse me. A client is waiting for me in my office. Just call me when you finish shopping, okay?"

"Okay. Bye."

As Malia turned around to look at the beautiful jewellery, she bumped into someone.

"Oh...I am so s...." She dis not finish her sentence as she saw the face of the woman she had bumped into .

"Tyra." She said her name, a mocking tone evident in her voice.