
Her Revenge Plan

'Revenge is a dish best served cold.' Malia, a steel hearted woman is out to seek vengeance from those who betrayed her and hurt her, but specifically, she is after one person; her younger sister. Whether her sister by blood or not, she is willing to see her downfall until she is sated. However, this woman who is always distant from others, suddenly falters her cold stance towards people when she meets him. Him; a cold hearted man looking for comfort and love. A rich tycoon who is willing to part the seas just for her sake and helps her back to her feet when everything in her life goes haywire. These two had history together though. However, due to an accident that caused some of her memories to fade, they are forced to separate. When he finally gets the courage to appear in front of her again, will she remember him? Will their love be rekindled? Will these two who seek comfort, love and peace, fair well with each other or will it end up like all her previous relationships? With betrayal and pain? ****Book cover does not belong to me and credit goes to the owner.**** ****Also, the book is for WSA, please support me .****

jenna_j · Urban
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31 Chs


Meanwhile at the top floor;

Tyra led the group room by room, 'looking' for Chad. When they reached the second last room, Tyra's smirk grew gradually when she heard some shuffling from inside. She knocked on the door and when she didn't receive any response, she entered the room and the small crowd followed suit.

It was dark so it was practically hard to discern anything. However, the shuffling sounds and unbearable noises made by the people entangled on the bed, explained it all.

Tyra suddenly fell on her knees as she let out a fake cry. " Chad. " She croaked. " How could you? How could you do this to me? I thought you loved me! You freaking liar!" She screamed as she headed to the switch and flickered the lights on.

Everyone in the room, including her, froze on the spot as they all made out was happening. Three naked bodies were indulging in pleasure, not caring or perhaps unaware of the sudden intrusion. Tyra blinked more than twice to ensure that whatever she was seeing was not real.

In conclusion, it was not Chad but her friends from the gang!

Some ladies in the group got out of the room while some gents remained as they tried to separate the three because there were doing it too...too roughly.

"Tyra...it's not Chad." One of the men looked at her as he said that.

"Yeah, I can see that." She answered, a bit annoyed but still confused. This was not what she had spent almost a week planning.

"But why didn't you just say that it was Chad." Another one chipped in.

"I...I probably thought it was him. Let me check the other room." Tyra escaped as she headed to the last room. When she entered, it was empty.

'Where is he?' She soliloquized as she sat down dejectedly on the bed.


When Malia and Aryan arrived home, they made a beeline for the kitchen. " I am so hungry." Malia complained as she looked in the fridge for anything edible.

She took out a cream cake, probably that a maid had made and passed some to Aryan. They sat down and Malia called for a chef.

" It's probably late but can you please make us a simple dinner. Am starving."

"Right away, ma'am." The chef answered as he headed to the kitchen.

Once he disappeared, Malia practically devoured the cake,that made Aryan to stop eating his and gaze at her. When she felt his stare, she slowed down and looked down in embarrassment.

"Are you embarrassed?" Aryan teased as a playful smirk settled on his face.

"Yes." She answered meekly.

"Don't be. It is actually a fascinating sight to see a lady eat like that. I consider it quite cute and real. And to add to the fact that we have been starving the whole night." He chuckled as he held her hand.

"Let's get changed first as we wait for our dinner." Aryan suggested as he stood up, their hands still intertwined as they made their way upstairs to their bedroom.

As Aryan was undoing his tie, Malia, on the other hand, struggled to undo the zip at the back of her dress. She turned to Aryan .

"A little help." She muttered and he closed in the distance and helped her to undo her zip. Thinking that he was done, Malia intended to walk to the closet but Aryan held her wrist, pulling her towards him and her back hit his strong, sturdy chest.

"You have been flaunting this swan like neck for all to see tonight and all I could think of was that I definitely wanted to bite into it." He whispered in a sultry voice that sent shivers down Malia's spine.

Aryan buried his face in her nape and nibbled her neck pressing small kisses here and there. He suddenly turned her around and their lips crashed in a fiery, hot kiss.

After a while, they separated to catch some much needed air. After a while, Aryan peppered kisses all over her face making her giggle a bit. Hearing that tinkling sweet sound escaping her lips, he swooped in again for another kiss. This one was slow, intoxicating and soothing, quite different from the one they had shared earlier.

When they broke the kiss, Aryan engulfed her in a bone crashing yet warm hug as he ran a hand on her bare back. "Gosh, I love you so damn much." He uttered as he pressed a kiss on her forehead.

Malia leaned comfortably in his warm embrace, enjoying the way his large hands rubbed her back.

"Let's have a bath together." Malia suddenly blurted out surprising the man, that he froze for a while.

"W...what?" He asked, to confirm if whatever he had just said was real.

"You heard me.Let's shower together." She said, enjoying the way his ears reddened.

"W..Well. I would love to but we won't be leaving the bathroom for the whole night, love."

Feigning innocence, Malia queried. "What do you mean by that?"

"What I mean is..." He paused. "Nevermind, just go have a shower." He said as he practically pushed her into the bathroom, closed the door and remained outside.

When they had both finished showering, they headed downstairs to the dining room where dinner had already been laid out.

They dug in and enjoyed their dinner as they talked about various topics. They washed the utensils even though it was the staff's job and retired to bed.

The next day,Aryan decided to take Malia to visit her family. Since they were in different cities, they had to fly. After breakfast, they left for the airport and boarded Aryan's private jet.

One and a half hours later, they stepped foot in City Y, where some of Aryan's bodyguards, who were stationed to provide security for Malia's family, were waiting at the airport.

The couple was guided to a black Rolls Royce Wraith and in about thirty minutes, they had arrived at the safe house, practically a mansion, where Malia's family was.

Sorry for not updating for too long. Something unexpected happened in my family :-/

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