
Her Revenge Plan

'Revenge is a dish best served cold.' Malia, a steel hearted woman is out to seek vengeance from those who betrayed her and hurt her, but specifically, she is after one person; her younger sister. Whether her sister by blood or not, she is willing to see her downfall until she is sated. However, this woman who is always distant from others, suddenly falters her cold stance towards people when she meets him. Him; a cold hearted man looking for comfort and love. A rich tycoon who is willing to part the seas just for her sake and helps her back to her feet when everything in her life goes haywire. These two had history together though. However, due to an accident that caused some of her memories to fade, they are forced to separate. When he finally gets the courage to appear in front of her again, will she remember him? Will their love be rekindled? Will these two who seek comfort, love and peace, fair well with each other or will it end up like all her previous relationships? With betrayal and pain? ****Book cover does not belong to me and credit goes to the owner.**** ****Also, the book is for WSA, please support me .****

jenna_j · Urban
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31 Chs


"W...what?" Tyra queried to no one specifically as she looked back at the mirror.

"Guess what Tyra? I am back and this time, just..for.. you." The woman in the mirror said, as she laughed like a maniac. Tyra fearfully turned around but again, there was no one.

She instantaneously moved away from the mirror and slid down to the floor, clutching her chest where her heart rate had spiked up to an alarming rate.

"No,no, no, no. It's not real. Yes, it's just a figment of my imagination. You are dead." She panicked. " She is dead. Malia is dead. I saw her corpse." Tyra repeated to herself as she pulled her hair in frustration.

After a while of silence, she assured herself again."Yes, it's all imagination, Tyra. It's all in your head. She is not coming back."

After about twenty minutes of calming down, Tyra stood up, washed her face and re-applying her make up, not daring to look at the mirror and finally left the bathroom. Since she was the host of the ball, she couldn't leave early like some other guests.

As she was about to head back to the hall, she spotted Aryan and his companion from the corner of her eye, alighting the elevator. But this time, she had no mask on. However,the woman had her back on her so Tyra couldn't see her face.

She rushed to them in a bid to see the woman's face well and to confirm her suspicions, but someone suddenly stopped her. "Hello, President Tyra."

Since she couldn't ignore him because he was a very important guest, she was forced to avert her gaze and greet him. "H..Hello, Sir." She answered as she stretched out her hand for a shake.

" You look flustered. Are you okay?" He asked, worriedly, when he noticed her look of trepidation.

"Y..Yeah am fine. It's just that I thought I saw... Chad." She stated, suddenly remembering the plan to break up with him. That is how the minds of the devious worked; one moment they are in a state of a frantic emotion and in a split of a second, they are in a serpentine mood.

"Oh.. I think I saw him being escorted by a waiter to the elevator earlier. He isn't back yet?" The man asked, concerned, as they walked back to the hall.

" Yes... I will go check if he is upstairs." She said, hoping that people around would be enticed by the 'invitation'.

As expected, the man offered to accompany her for the search and called some of his friends. " Hey, we are going to look for Chad, come join us."

"Try calling him by phone." One of them deadpanned.

"I already did, almost a hundred times but he isn't picking up." Tyra answered as she showed them the call history which had multiple unanswered calls.

"Maybe he is stuck somewhere or in danger." Another one stated.

"That's why I am asking for your help to find him." Tyra responded.

"And what about the staff members? They can also search for him." Another man said as he placed a piece of steak in his mouth.

"Unfortunately, they can't go to other floors above the hall. Please just help me to find him. Am worried." Tyra said as she faked a sad face.

Some of them sighed and finally stood up. "Fine, let's go."

They headed to the elevator, boarded it and just then Leo walked out of the other one. When he saw the crowd, he was again surprised by the sheer influence, that Janus-faced and fraudulent woman had.

He simpered as he headed back to his table and downed a glass of champagne. He couldn't wait to see the look on Tyra's face when she realized that her plan had failed... frightfully failed.

"What is it, Leo?" A lady next to him suddenly asked when she noticed his smirk. She was the woman who he truly loved, his wife of five years and an agent too, Dana. Leo took her hand in his, under the table and clenched it softly.

"We are almost capturing that leader of the gang thanks to Mister Chase and Miss Malia. After all this is over, we will finally have our vacation. We have worked hard on this mission, love." He said as he bent down he kissed her knuckles. " We will avenge our baby's death." He added, a melancholic look on his face.

"Yeah, we will." Dana answered as a sad smile plastered her face and she placed a hand on her belly.

"What's up with you two?" A voice suddenly spoke from behind them. The two glimpsed behind and saw a tall, muscular masked man standing behind them.

"Lee? When did you get here?" Leo asked his twin brother in astonishment, when he noticed the voice of the man.

"After getting things heated with Tyra the other day, I headed to the organization. The chief had called for me."

"Sometimes I thank God that you have a twin to do the dirty deeds for you, Leo. Otherwise, I would have divorced you a long time ago." Dana stated.

"Geez, sister in law, it's not 'dirty deeds' , it's just pleasure." Lee argued as he sat on the empty seat, next to his brother.

"As you continue indulging in your pleasure with Tyra, don't forget what we are after, Lee." Dana said as she picked up a grape and placed it in her mouth.

Lee nodded his head and looked around. "Where is my bed warmer anyway?" He asked referring to Tyra.

" She is upstairs, getting her drama thing on." Leo answered.

"Were it not for the fact that she is the key to us finding that gang leader, I would have shot that woman in her head for her stupidity." Dana stated.

"Tell me about it." Leo responded.