
HER RETURN: Justice Severed hot

Eva Green, a young and ambitious girl known for her healing skills until she was accused of killing the Old Beta. She was Jailed and tortured under the command of Alpha Wang. Thinking that things would get better after she found out that she was Mated to the Alpha but she was wrong. She was raped and sentenced but escaped death with the help of her maid who got killed on her behalf. But the devil cared less making her shattered as she watched her maid being killed and the cruel smile of her mate as she ran........ Then she met him...... THE DEVIL...... 8years later, with his help she raised her son and became the Luna of the most dreaded and feared Pack in the world. He helped her get her confidence back and now she's back for REVENGE...... HOW WILL SHE TREAT THOSE WHO HURT HER DEEPLY IN THE PAST???? WILL THE TRUTH ABOUT THE DEATH OF OLD BETA EVER BE REVEALED???? WILL SHE SAVE THE PACK FROM ITS LOOMING DANGER???

Egbuna_Favour_7145 · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 2

" Eva..." Jade called the fifth time. I jacked back to reality, at this point I don't know if I am ready to face this people after what they did to me.

" Let's go inside" I motioned her walking inside to avoid any questions in which I wasn't ready to answer. Jade stared at her unbelievably.

" Seriously???"

The once noisy hall fell silent the instant I step in, people began to murmur while staring at me disgustingly, wishing they could kill me with eyes but they can't. This is just the beginning of their horror.

👥 Isn't she the one that killed Old Beta??

👥 She looks rich

👥 It seems like she has entraped some rich man with her body. Only if they know that she's a murderer

I walked straight to the Alpha and his supposed wife Selena, with the gift I bought. 

" Congratulations and....." 

* Short lived* she whispered the last part. The horrifying look on their faces said it all. They all believe I was dead but here I am looking them in the face with the cruelest smile ever.

" Guards!!!!!! Throw this wretch out of this place" Wang growled angrily, better still guilty.

" I don't think you should do that because it will affect the pack well. Am an influencial person you don't want to mess with" I said calmly.

" You're nothing but filitty thing that longs for acceptance but a murderer like you will never be accepted back into this place. How did you manage to survive because I was there when you where hung to death?" Selena asked glaring at me with so much hatred.

" I don't understand the sudden hatred but have we met before? Do I have any encounter that will bried such hatred Luna?" I asked innocently, faking tears.

" Don't you dare act innocent with me..." Wang's words were cut by a cold voice from the audience.

" DON'T YOU DARE RAISE YOUR VOICE TO MY WIFE" Derrick said boiling with so much anger. The fact that they made her cry after everything they have done to her only made his hatred for worsen.

" What??!!!!!!!" Selena muttered with her mouth wide open.

Derrick walked up to me and cleaned my tears. Now they understand the meaning of me being an influencial person. 

" Wife???... No she's Eva Green and she's from our pack. She murderer our Old Beta and we just found out that she escaped being hanged to death. My question is who did we hang on her behalf??" Alpha Wang asked confused.

" Am innocent of the accusations levelled against me" I defended, hiding behind Derrick.

" You" Alpha Wang spat, he's eyes blazing with hatred and more anger. " How dare you deceive such a man?" 

Derrick raised hands stopping him from insulting me any further. He's face was masked with fury as he looked at Wang, his eyes narrowed as his jaw hardened. " I see you all no longer respect me right? On the contrary, she's not Eva Green but Xanthe de Winton. She's from our pack and her family died in fire outbreak. She's my mate and the mother to my son" 

Everyone gasped, their widened with disbelief. " It's not possible" Alpha Wang said, his voice thick with skepticism. " How a person have same face but a different identity?" 

But I just smiled knowing that they would never believe the lies because I already made it obvious that I was Eva Green. " I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. But the party can continue as I and my family make our way back home" I smirked darkly, giving Selena a death stare which didn't go unnoticed by my mom. This is what I want, to make them scared of me, to make sleep with their one eyes opened, to make them know that am back for revenge. Back to clear my name: I looked through the crowed I know that the killer is here hiding somewhere looking at me and I will fish him or her out and clear my name. 

As I turned, everyone was shocked, from my mother to my friends, the silence was deafening, and I could see the disbelief on everyone's faces. But I didn't falter, because the worst was yet to come, I only marked my entry. As I walked past the crowd, I felt a sense of calmness wash over me maybe because part of the plan is done, we're going over to part two.

In a dark corner, a figure stood glaring at Xanthe with so hatred and shock. " It seems like I will finish what I started before am being exposed by her because she's not the same person from before anymore" it mumbled walking further into darkness.


The leader of the Coven of Shadows sat in her high-backed chair, gazing out of the window at the mist-shrouded mountains. Her face was a mask of impassivity, but her dark eyes gleamed with a secret knowledge. As she watched, a vision appeared before her, a vision of what just happened in the Pack, her eyes filled with of determination and concept. She smiled, a cold and devilish smile, and spoke in a low, husky voice 

"So, the savior of the park has arrived. Will she be able to save it from the darkness that threatens it? Only time will tell" as she waved her hand clearing the wind. She summoned one of her subordinate. A dark-robed figure emerged from the shadows, approaching her.

 "My lady, you summoned me" he whispered. 

"Indeed," she replied. She stood up and strode toward a wall of stone, which suddenly shifted and melted away to reveal a hidden passageway. The leader and her guard followed the passageway until they reached a door, which opened at the leader's touch. They stepped inside, and the door closed behind them. The room was shrouded in mist, and there, in the center, was a girl, bound and gagged. Her eyes were wide with fear, but the leader could see a hint of defiance behind the terror. The leader approached the girl and removed her gag, her dark eyes fixed on the girl's face.

"Your savior has arrived, hope you know that?" the leader asked, her voice cold and sharp.

The girl swallowed, her throat dry and her voice hoarse. "Yes," 

she croaked. "I know. I felt her presence the instant she stepped her foot here"

The leader smiled reveling her sharp and predatory teeth. "So, the savior has come, but will she save you and this kingdom from my dark magic?" she said, vanishing into air.


★★★★ ALPHA'S SUITE ★★★★

Alpha Wang laid down unable to sleep due the incident that took place earlier today. Selena came in in normal night robes and laird beside the him just staring into the space with an awkward silence between them.

" Don't you think that she's decieving the entire Starlight Pack member by lying about her identity?" She asked breaking the silence between them.

" I don't know because at this point am as confused as can be. So please don't add to it by asking me unnecessary questions" he barked at her. She instantly went shut as she turned her to him. For the past eight years of marriage to the Alpha, he has never for once touched her nor gotten close to her when they alone. But portrays to be the best husband outside the roomand to his pack member's. Some years back, he made her fake a miscarriage, telling the people that she's unhealthy to carry a child for now. 

She was hurt but couldn't do anything because she killed her fated mate to be the Luna after Eva dead but that seems to be worst decision of her life. She has Wang with several girls in the motel but each time she confronts him he would hit and make her cover it with makeups. She closed sadly remembering when she killed her mate when he came to help her out of danger she staged by herself.

★★★★ FLASHBACK~~~ 8 YEARS AGO ★★★★★


Selena was out hunting with Henna, Moonlight, Starlight and Twilight. They all became friends after Eva's death and has a more stronger bond than the one she had with Eva. They were all in the form after they had there first shift. They all went for hunting trying to bond with wolves and learns new skills in hunting. Selena's fur is silvery-grey. Her eyes were bright and intelligent, her ears sharp. Her body was sleek and agile, her tail long and bushy. She was built for speed, for hunting, for survival. As she was about to catch her prey, her hind leg got stocked in a hole behind a tree. Forcing out of the hole she broke a leg. She let out a low growl, a sound that was filled with pain and desperation. But her cry was swallowed up by the thick foliage of the forest, and none of her friends heard her distress. She lay on the forest floor, a leg broken and bleeding, her breath coming in shallow gasps. She was alone, injured, and afraid. She closed her eyes, praying for someone to find her, someone to help her. But the forest remained silent, and she was left to her fate.

As she lay on the forest floor, she felt a faint stirring in the air. Someone was approaching, a faint noise of footsteps breaking the silence. Then, a human came into view, his eyes wide with concern as he took in the sight of the injured wolf. Carefully, he bent down and gently picked her up, cradling her in his arms. The wolf's growl subsided, and she began to sniff the air, picking up the scent of another wolf, this one younger and healthier. The human's scent was familiar, comforting, and safe. As the guy carried the injured wolf out of the forest, he began to think about the best way to help her. He decided to take her to her house knowing that she was related to Beta Knight, where he could clean and bandage her wounds. As he walked, the wolf was silent, her eyes closed as she rested in his arms. When they reached the cabin, the human gently laid the wolf down on a soft bed of hay. Then, he gathered his supplies and began to clean and bandage her wounds. As he worked, her friends came back because Henna had sensed something was wrong and used Selena's scent to find her, their eyes full of worry and concern. 

" Will she be okay?" Henna asked as soon as he was done. 

" Yes, just give some more time to rest and she would be able to shift back into her human form" he said, giving them some privacy. But as he left Selena's wolf 'Girlie' kept howling' MATE' and made it unable for her to rest.


Three months had passed, and everything was going well for Selena. She had settled into her new life, with Lucas by her side. Their relationship had deepened, and their wolves were growing closer and closer. But one day, Selena had a premonition that something terrible was about to happen. She called Lucas through a maid, desperate for him to come to her, but he never arrived. When Lucas didn't answer his calls, nor write her a message. Selena knew something was wrong. She raced to his home, only to find him lying on the floor, a knife in his chest. She was overcome with happiness and excitment but had make it up with pain and tears of losing her mate. She sent the thugs that assassinated him because he was stopping her from her goal and that he's gone, she will use to her advantage. She cried mourned his death to the extent of trying to commit suicide because she pretended to believe that no one will ever be interested in her or you she have a second chance Mate. Seeing his childhood friends sister in so much pain the Alpha decided to marry her to prove to her that she can still be someone's wife even though she lost her mate cause he lost his too. 

Everything went according to her plan, but little did you know that it was the worst decision she has ever made in her lifetime. 


" I regret it alot. Please forgive me Lucas, if am given a second chance I would never let it happen to you again" she muttered, crying silently.