
HER RETURN: Justice Severed hot

Eva Green, a young and ambitious girl known for her healing skills until she was accused of killing the Old Beta. She was Jailed and tortured under the command of Alpha Wang. Thinking that things would get better after she found out that she was Mated to the Alpha but she was wrong. She was raped and sentenced but escaped death with the help of her maid who got killed on her behalf. But the devil cared less making her shattered as she watched her maid being killed and the cruel smile of her mate as she ran........ Then she met him...... THE DEVIL...... 8years later, with his help she raised her son and became the Luna of the most dreaded and feared Pack in the world. He helped her get her confidence back and now she's back for REVENGE...... HOW WILL SHE TREAT THOSE WHO HURT HER DEEPLY IN THE PAST???? WILL THE TRUTH ABOUT THE DEATH OF OLD BETA EVER BE REVEALED???? WILL SHE SAVE THE PACK FROM ITS LOOMING DANGER???

Egbuna_Favour_7145 · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 3

Alpha Wang's POV

For some hours now, I felt a strange sensation around the prison yard, so I decided to check out the reason why.

I strolled into the prison with a sense of determination. As I got closer, the bond became stronger. I remembered what the Seer I encountered this morning, said that one of my prisoners is my fated mate and for some reason the news spread like wild fire. The only female prisoner I have in custody is Eva.

I hope it's not what am thinking....

As I entered the prison, my eyes scanned the area until they landed on her.

Eva was standing in the middle of the prison, her head held high despite the chains that bound her wrists. She was dressed in simple prison garb, but there was an aura of defiance around her that caught me off guard. My wolf, Alford, roared to life within me, causing me great discomfort.

*Mate * Alford's voice echoed in my head, causing me to wince. I had never experienced such a strong bond before, and it was unsettling.

I approached Eva slowly, my eyes never leaving hers.

I can't just have a murder as my mate, and there only one situation to the problem. Reject her!!!

" I, Alpha Wang Roman Drakonov, Alpha of Reavenwood Pack, reject you Eva....." I stared at her waiting for her to say her surname.

" My Alpha please don't reject me as your mate. I swear am innocent, I didn't kill the Old Beta" Eva cried. I felt hurt seeing her in tears but I can't let the lady who killed my father go unpunished.

" Your name!!" I scolded coldly.

" Eva Green Jeong" she murmured as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I, Alpha Wang Roman Drakonov, Alpha of Reavenwood Pack, reject you Eva Green Jeong as my Luna and fated mate," I said coldly. The words felt like a knife to my heart, but I couldn't ignore the fact that she was a murderer.

Eva's eyes widened in shock, and for a moment, she looked like she was about to protest. But then, she seemed to gather herself and nodded slowly. 

"I, Eva Green Jeong, accept your rejection" she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

The pain that shot through my heart was intense, but I refused to show any weakness. I turned on my heel and walked out of the room, leaving Eva alone with her thoughts. 

* WHY DID YOU DO THAT?* Alford questioned feeling hurt.

" I had to do it for our own good and the betterment of the Pack" I replied. Though my heart was in great pain, I concealed it behind a cold face.


It could be true but we have been this case for a long time now still all evidence points to her. I sighed and headed towards Selena's bed chamber for questioning. If I remember correctly, Eva said that they both met a mysterious wolf at the garden.

* AREN'T YOU GOING TO ANSWER ME? OR WILL KEEP ON THINKING ABOUT WHAT I DON'T KNOW?* Alford snapped angrily but I wasn't in mood to reply him so I just cut off the mind link. I needed to find answers to my question, though I don't like her for been an Omega but I can't just punish an innocent person.

As I approached Selena's bed chamber with a sense of urgency. The mystery surrounding the wolf that she and Eva had encountered was weighing heavily on my mind, and I needed answers. As I knocked on the door, I could hear movement inside, and a moment later, Selena opened it.

Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw me, and she quickly stepped aside to let me in. The room was decorated in soft pastels, with a canopy bed taking up most of the space. Selena closed the door behind us and turned to face me.

"Alpha, what can I do for you?" she asked, her voice shaking slightly.

I took a deep breath and decided to get straight to the point. 

"I need to know everything about the wolf you and Eva met while picking flowers," I said with a stern voice.

Selena's eyes filled with fear, but she nodded slowly. "Of course, Alpha," she replied, her voice trembling. She took a seat on the edge of her bed and began to tell her story.

"It was a months days ago," she started, "Eva and I were picking flowers in the Garden when we heard a strange howl. We followed the sound and came across a wolf, but it wasn't like any other wolf we'd ever seen. Its eyes were piecing yellow , and it seemed not to understand us."

She paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "The wolf had a strange scent around it. But when I demanded to it's identity it ran off which was strange but I didn't mind it."

I listened intently, my mind racing with possibilities. 

"Do you remember anything else about the wolf?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Selena shook her head. "No, Alpha, that's all I can remember. The wolf disappeared into the forest after I demanded to know it identity."

I nodded, thanking her for her honesty. As I turned to leave.

* Prepare an emergency meeting, I coming to the consulting room now* I mind linked my Beta.

* Yes my Alpha* 

As I stepped out of the room, I took one glance that direction of the prison before walking into my chamber completely.


I opened my eyes unable to sleep the memories hunted me every night. If I had known I wouldn't have done that, I turned to Selena but found her asleep. I gently came down from the bed leaving my chambers, I need to find the peace that I lost, I needed to find my self back.

* Are you asleep?* I mind linked Knight

* Not yet my Alpha, I need to finish up this files before going to bed but what's bothering you Alpha?* 

* Come to the Gardens, we will talk about it* I said cutting it off.

As I made my way to the gardens, my mind was filled with thoughts of the past. The memories of my actions haunted me, and I couldn't seem to find peace. I knew that I needed to talk to someone about it, and Knight was the only one who could understand what I was going through.

The gardens were beautiful as always, with the moonlight shining down on the flowers and trees. I found Knight sitting on a bench, his shoulders slumped and his eyes distant. I sat down beside him, feeling a sense of relief to finally be able to talk to someone about my troubles.

"I've been restless lately," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "The memories of my past actions are haunting me, and I can't seem to find peace." I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing thoughts. "I never thought I would be here, feeling this way."

Knight turned to me, his eyes filled with concern. "You know you can talk to me about anything, Alpha," he said softly. "We've been through so much together, and I'm here for you."

I looked out into the gardens, taking in the beauty around us. "I just wish I could find my way back to who I used to be," I murmured. "The memories are tearing me apart."

Knight placed a hand on my shoulder, offering what comfort he could. "You're not alone in this, Alpha," he reminded me. "We'll get through this together."

As we sat there in the quiet of the night, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. For once, I didn't feel like I had to carry my burdens alone. Knight was there for me, and together, we would find a way to heal.

" I expected this from you after seeing her face today at the party. I know it's not easy to let go of the memories you are trying so hard to bury within you. But I don't think she's the one cause she's married to Alpha Darrick" Knight uttered confused.

" Am very sure she's Eva, just that she must be hiding her identity from the Pack members finding that she was a murderer because there's no other explanation to this. Having same face, scent and different name, even Alford recognized her by her scent. It took me all my powers for me to act tough, cold and angry with her while my wolf wanted to kiss her and mate her right there and then" I explained.

" Even if she's the person, there's no way she would come back to you nor this Pack after everything that happened to her, not after you raped and excursted her. The real question is how did she survive? Cause I was there when her head was severed from her body, her body were fed to vultures. If she's not the one that was killed then who was killed on her behalf?. Her mom is still alive so is her friends and all the palace maids apart from Grace who left days before the excursion. I was utterly shocked when she stepped into that hall earlier today, she has totally change from the Eva we know to someone who's determined to average her self"

" I have asked myself this questions a thousand times but still can't come up with anything solution. I guess I need to consult the palace seer for correct direction" 

" I would call Grey so we all can go hunting to easy the pain you fell" Knight said standing while I nodded at his request. As Knight left to call Grey, I remained in the garden, lost in my thoughts. The weight of my actions pressed down on me, and I couldn't shake the feeling of regret that consumed me.

Minutes later, Grey joined us in the garden, his presence bringing a sense of calm to the atmosphere. He had always been the voice of reason among us, and I knew that his guidance would be invaluable in this situation.

"Alpha, Knight told me what's been troubling you," Grey said as he approached. "I'm here to offer whatever support you need."

I nodded, grateful for his understanding. "Thank you, Grey. I appreciate it," I replied, my voice heavy with emotion.

Together, the three of us walked deeper into the garden, the sounds of the night surrounding us. The moon cast a soft glow over the landscape, illuminating the path ahead.

As we walked, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over me. Surrounded by my trusted companions, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together.

"Let's focus on the task at hand," Grey suggested, breaking the silence. "We have a mystery to unravel, and I believe that together, we can find the answers we seek."

With renewed determination, we continued our walk, it us if each step bringing us closer to the truth. And as the night wore on, I found myself hopeful that we would soon uncover the secrets that had been haunting me. 

"What are we going to do about this issue? I don't know but Liam might be your son Wang" Grey said, turning to Wang who kept a straight face. 

I, Knight and Grey grew up together in same Pack and has been the best of friends even before my sister's were born. When I was made the Alpha I chose Knight as my Beta because Grey didn't want to associate himself with the Pack affairs. Grey has always been a womanizer from pup to adulthood and he hasn't stopped, he hasn't even found his mate because of his attitude.

" Though Grey might be stupid a times but what he said makes sense to me" Knight supported him.

" Let's not talk about this matter now and go to our chambers because we are leaving as early as possible to see the seer cause I have a bad feeling about something but I don't know what it is yet" I dismissed them before they could say something else. Thought of what Grey said kept lingering in my mind but even if it's true, how do I fight against Derrick who is known as the Devil. I can't think about what will happen if I decide to go back to her but that's what will happen. She's my fated mate even before Derrick came into the picture and I will have to find a way to get her back. 

I stepped in my chambers, took a long shower before going to bed. I slept the instant I laid on it.

 ★★★★★ KNOWN PLACE ★★★★★

A man was smoking heavily looking at the map on his table. A dark smile curled up his lips as he thought about the death of his sister. He was also accused of raped and banished from the Pack when he was still a Pup, he wasn't up to 18 when the allegation was levelled against him. He was locked up in an underground cell for years until he escaped and he's death was announced by the Alpha himself and now same was done to his sister causing her to lose her life but this time he won't keep calm like before. He would hit them where it hurts the most and he would start by seducing the Luna who hasn't experienced the love of her husband and if she doesn't agree to his request politely, he would have no choice than to use her past on her.

He was still in thoughts when a knock came from the door.

" Sir, your carriage has arrived" his servant announced. He bowed and left immediately.

His dark smirk was visible to light cause only his pink heart shaped lips could be seen as darkness shrouded the room. He dropped the smoke and stood up, heading towards the shower to prepare for his mission. This is gonna be a big bang.


Hecate appeared in front of the girl in the cell as she moved back in fear. 

" How have you been my love??" She asked smiling sinisterly.

" You have locked me up for 8 good years, don't you think it's enough? What have I done to deserve this punishment?" The girl cried.

Hecate smirked dangerously as she leaned close to the girl's face. There inches apart from each other. " I sent someone to impersonate you 8 years ago and now that person is very close to the Alpha and Luna but I my new agent will arrive at the Palace tomorrow morning, and guess what..... He's target is the Luna of your Pack. I know that the Packs savior has arrived so I have to act fast. Do you think she can save the Pack from me?" Her evil laughter echoed the mountains as she disappeared once again leaving the girl alone to her tears.

Two evil witches are in the Pack and the savior is till under Hecate's control. What sort of game is the moon goddess playing?

Two male characters are coming into the Luna's life, one for revenge and the other for destructions. Now the question is who should she avoid? And how do she overcome the temptations coming her way when the Alpha doesn't give her the time and attention she needs as a woman?.