
HER RETURN: Justice Severed hot

Eva Green, a young and ambitious girl known for her healing skills until she was accused of killing the Old Beta. She was Jailed and tortured under the command of Alpha Wang. Thinking that things would get better after she found out that she was Mated to the Alpha but she was wrong. She was raped and sentenced but escaped death with the help of her maid who got killed on her behalf. But the devil cared less making her shattered as she watched her maid being killed and the cruel smile of her mate as she ran........ Then she met him...... THE DEVIL...... 8years later, with his help she raised her son and became the Luna of the most dreaded and feared Pack in the world. He helped her get her confidence back and now she's back for REVENGE...... HOW WILL SHE TREAT THOSE WHO HURT HER DEEPLY IN THE PAST???? WILL THE TRUTH ABOUT THE DEATH OF OLD BETA EVER BE REVEALED???? WILL SHE SAVE THE PACK FROM ITS LOOMING DANGER???

Egbuna_Favour_7145 · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 11

I jumped up from the bed but used the duvet to cover my body. I looked around and found nothing suspicious. Derrick was sleeping soundly beside me, but I knew I felt someone call out to me—or should I say I heard a desperate cry for help. Who could be calling me?

Soon Derrick turned and saw that I wasn't sleeping. He stood and asked, " what the matter?"

" I think I felt someone calling out to me" I told him what I felt, but he just coaxed me back to bed.

" Come on, let's sleep, I know you've been through a lot lately" he muffled, kissing my forehead. I laid beside him, trying to get some sleep. 



I was getting ready to bid Derrick goodbye because the royal carriage had come to take him back to the Pack. Soon a guard told me that Derrick and Wang needed my attention.

When I got to the meeting hall, I found Derrick seated with some elders and Alpha Wang on his throne. The atmosphere was tense, the air thick with unspoken worries.

"Luna Xanthe" Wang greeted me with a nod. "We have an urgent matter to discuss."

"What's happened?" I asked, looking around the room. The elders' faces were grim, worry etched into their features.

Wang gestured for me to sit. "Creatures attacked a nearby village last night. Many humans were killed."

My heart sank. "What kind of creatures?"

"We're not entirely sure," Derrick said, leaning forward. "They were monstrous, unlike anything we've seen before."

"Do we know where they came from?" I asked, feeling a chill run down my spine.

"We suspect dark magic is involved," Wang said. "That's why we need to consult the Pack's witch. She might be able to identify the source of this evil."

"Agreed," I said. "But we need to act quickly. If these creatures attack again, more lives will be lost."

Wang nodded. "I've already sent word to the witch. She should arrive shortly."

An elder spoke up, his voice trembling slightly. "These attacks are unprecedented. We need to consider all possibilities, even the involvement of our enemies."

Derrick shook his head. "Our enemies wouldn't summon creatures like these. They have no control over such dark forces."

"But what if they're allied with someone who does?" another elder countered. "We can't dismiss the possibility."

"We need more information before we jump to conclusions," I interjected. "Once the witch arrives, we can determine our next steps."

Just then, the doors opened, and the Pack's witch, Marla, entered the room. She was a tall, imposing figure, with long, silver hair and eyes that seemed to see right through you. She bowed slightly to Wang before addressing the room.

"I came as quickly as I could," Marla said, her voice calm but urgent. "What have you discovered so far?"

Wang explained the situation to her, describing the creatures and the devastation they had caused. Marla listened intently, her expression growing more serious with each detail.

"I will need to visit the village," she said finally. "I need to see the site of the attack to understand what we're dealing with."

"I'll accompany you," I offered. "We need to ensure your safety as well."

Marla nodded. "Very well. We should leave immediately."



The ride to the village was somber. As we approached, the destruction became evident. Homes were reduced to rubble, and the stench of death hung heavy in the air. Villagers who had survived were tending to the wounded and mourning the dead.

Marla stepped out of the carriage, her eyes scanning the area. She knelt beside a patch of scorched earth, touching it gently with her fingertips. A faint glow emanated from her hands as she closed her eyes in concentration.

"It's as I feared," Marla said, standing up. "This is dark magic, ancient and powerful. Someone has summoned these creatures intentionally."

"But why?" I asked, trying to understand the motive behind such a horrific act.

"To spread fear and chaos," Marla replied. "To weaken us before a larger attack."

"We need to find the one responsible and stop them," I said. "Do you have any idea where we should start?"

Marla nodded. "I can perform a tracking spell, but it will take time. We need to gather some items from the site of the attack."

Derrick, who had insisted on accompanying us, looked around. "What do you need? We can help gather them."

"I need something from the creatures themselves," Marla said. "Blood, bone, or any remains we can find."

The villagers hesitated, but eventually, a group of them began to search the area, collecting whatever fragments they could find. It was gruesome work, but necessary.

As they worked, I noticed a young girl standing nearby, her eyes wide with fear. She clutched a small, tattered doll to her chest. I approached her gently.

"Are you alright?" I asked softly.

She nodded but didn't speak. Her eyes flicked to the ruins of her home and back to me.

"Did you see what happened?" I asked, crouching down to her level.

The girl nodded again. "Monsters," she whispered. "They came from the ground."

"Do you know where they went?" I asked, hoping she might have seen something that could help us.

She shook her head. "They just disappeared. Like shadows."

I thanked her and stood up, my mind racing. Shadows... The description felt familiar, but I couldn't place it.


By the time we returned to the palace, Marla had everything she needed to perform the tracking spell. She set up her materials in the great hall, creating a circle of protection with herbs and candles.

"This will take some time," Marla said as she began to chant in an ancient language. The air around her seemed to hum with energy.

We watched in silence, the tension palpable. After what felt like hours, Marla's eyes snapped open. She looked exhausted but determined.

"I've found them," she said. "They're hiding in the forest, in an old, abandoned fortress."

"Then we need to move quickly," Wang said, standing up. "We can't let them prepare another attack."

"We'll need a strong force," Derrick added. "These creatures are dangerous, and whoever controls them is even more so."

"We'll gather our best warriors," I said. "But we must be cautious. This could be a trap."


The palace was a flurry of activity as preparations were made. Warriors armed themselves, and supplies were gathered. The sense of urgency was clear; we couldn't afford to delay, and we need to attack today since Derrick was by my side. 

Derrick and I stood together, watching the preparations. "Do you think we'll be able to stop them?" I asked quietly.

"We have to," Derrick replied, his expression turning deadly serious , as he took my hands and kissed them slightly. "If we don't, more innocent lives will be lost."

"We'll succeed," I said, trying to sound confident. "We have to believe that."

As we rode towards the fortress, the tension in the air was palpable. The forest loomed ahead, dark and foreboding. We knew we were heading into danger, but there was no turning back.

We approached the fortress cautiously, spreading out to surround it. Marla led the way, her senses alert for any signs of magic.

"Be ready for anything," she warned. "This place is steeped in dark energy."

We moved forward, our weapons at the ready. The silence was oppressive, broken only by the sound of our footsteps.

Suddenly, the ground beneath us began to tremble. Cracks appeared, and dark creatures started to emerge, just as they had in the village. But this time, we were prepared.

"Attack!" Wang shouted, and our warriors surged forward.

The battle was fierce. The creatures were relentless, their strength fueled by dark magic. But our warriors fought bravely, their determination unwavering.

Marla stood in the center of the chaos, chanting spells to weaken the creatures. Derrick and I fought side by side, our movements synchronized.

The creatures fell one by one, but the true enemy was still inside the fortress. We pushed forward, determined to find the source of the darkness.


Inside the fortress, the air was thick with malevolent energy. We found ourselves in a large chamber, where a figure cloaked in shadows stood waiting.

"Welcome," the figure said, their voice echoing off the stone walls. "I've been expecting you."

"Who are you?" I demanded, stepping forward.

"I am the one who will bring darkness to this land," the figure replied. "And you cannot stop me."

"We will stop you," Derrick said, his voice firm. "Your creatures have killed innocent people. You will pay for your crimes."

The figure laughed, a chilling sound. "You think you can defeat me? I am more powerful than you can imagine."

Marla stepped forward, her eyes blazing. "Your power is nothing compared to ours. We will banish you and your darkness from this world."

The battle that followed was unlike any we had faced. The sorcerer wielded dark magic with terrifying skill, but Marla's light magic countered it. Derrick and I fought the remaining creatures, our determination unwavering.

" Who is backing you up? Your magic is very weak to pull such creatures from hell" Marla asked, forging a light ball, using it to cage the sorcerer from moving. 

" Malachar sent me, and left as soon as the work was done" she vomited a thick amount of blood. 

Finally, with a final, desperate surge of energy, Marla's magic overcame the sorcerer's. The dark figure screamed, their form disintegrating into nothingness.

The silence that followed was deafening. We stood there, breathing heavily, the reality of our victory slowly sinking in.