
HER RETURN: Justice Severed hot

Eva Green, a young and ambitious girl known for her healing skills until she was accused of killing the Old Beta. She was Jailed and tortured under the command of Alpha Wang. Thinking that things would get better after she found out that she was Mated to the Alpha but she was wrong. She was raped and sentenced but escaped death with the help of her maid who got killed on her behalf. But the devil cared less making her shattered as she watched her maid being killed and the cruel smile of her mate as she ran........ Then she met him...... THE DEVIL...... 8years later, with his help she raised her son and became the Luna of the most dreaded and feared Pack in the world. He helped her get her confidence back and now she's back for REVENGE...... HOW WILL SHE TREAT THOSE WHO HURT HER DEEPLY IN THE PAST???? WILL THE TRUTH ABOUT THE DEATH OF OLD BETA EVER BE REVEALED???? WILL SHE SAVE THE PACK FROM ITS LOOMING DANGER???

Egbuna_Favour_7145 · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 10

Suddenly, an invisible dark fog left Selena's body. She pushed Carl off her, staring at him in confusion. She didn't even remember what had just happened, but Carl did.

"Your Highness, are you okay? Why did you do that?" Carl asked, his voice calm but anger simmering beneath the surface.

"Do what?" she asked, clueless.

"Nothing, Your Highness," he decided not to pursue the matter further. She was already acting as if she didn't know what had just transpired.

Selena stared at him strangely before finally walking into her chambers. Since Wang had decided not to sleep in his chambers tonight, it meant Henna might not have succeeded in pleading with him. Selena would have to take matters into her own hands. She closed her eyes, trying to get some sleep, but strangely, she saw herself kissing a strange man. Her eyes snapped open.

"Gosh," she mumbled, trying to get some sleep, eventually succeeding, though a pair of red eyes watched her from the wall.



Hecate had been seething ever since her mission failed. She couldn't understand why she couldn't get hold of Eva or manipulate her like she did with others. She knew that soon, Eva would figure out that she had sent two witches to the palace to spy on them. She couldn't afford another failure. The anger boiling within her needed an outlet.

She appeared in her torture zone, finding the girl still lying weakly on the floor, having not eaten for days.

Hecate's eyes glinted with malice. She summoned dark magic and deadly weapons, each designed to inflict maximum pain without granting the mercy of death. Chains of dark energy wrapped around the girl's wrists and ankles, lifting her off the ground and suspending her in mid-air.

The girl whimpered, her voice barely more than a whisper. "Please... no more..."

Hecate ignored her. She produced a small, twisted dagger from the folds of her cloak. The blade shimmered with a dark aura, pulsating with every beat of Hecate's heart. She approached the girl, her steps slow and deliberate.

"This is for your insolence," Hecate hissed. She pressed the blade against the girl's skin, and dark energy surged through the dagger, sending waves of excruciating pain through her body.

The girl screamed, her cries echoing off the stone walls. Hecate's lips curled into a cruel smile. She relished the sound of suffering, finding a perverse pleasure in the power she held over her victim.


## In the Village

Meanwhile, in a nearby village, terror was taking a new form. The ground began to tremble, and cracks appeared in the earth. Villagers stopped in their tracks, staring in horror as the cracks widened and something began to emerge.

From the depths of the earth, horrible creatures clawed their way to the surface. Their skin was a sickly gray, stretched tight over bones that seemed too large for their bodies. Their eyes were empty pits of darkness, and their mouths were filled with rows of sharp, jagged teeth.

The creatures moved with unnatural speed, pouncing on the nearest villagers. Screams filled the air as the creatures tore into their victims, feeding on their flesh and drawing blood. The village, once a place of peace and safety, had become a nightmare.

A young boy, no more than twelve years old, watched in horror from the doorway of his home. He saw his mother fall to the ground, one of the creatures ripping into her neck. Tears streamed down his face, but he couldn't move. Fear had paralyzed him.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed his shoulder and yanked him inside. It was his father, eyes wide with terror but determined to protect his son.

"We have to hide," his father whispered, pulling him towards the cellar.

They descended into the darkness, the sounds of carnage above muffled by the thick walls. The boy clung to his father, trembling.

"What are those things, Papa?" he asked, his voice shaking.

"I don't know, son," his father replied, his own voice barely more than a whisper. "But we have to stay quiet. They can't find us here."


## Back at the Palace

Selena's sleep was troubled. Images of the strange man haunted her dreams, his face obscured by shadows. She felt a pull towards him, a connection she couldn't explain. She awoke with a start, her heart pounding.

She sat up in bed, her mind racing. Who was that man? And why did she feel as though she knew him? She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. There were more pressing matters to attend to.

She got out of bed and dressed quickly. She needed to find Wang and speak with him. If Henna hadn't succeeded, then she had to.

As she made her way through the palace, she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. The hallways seemed darker than usual, the shadows deeper. She quickened her pace, eager to find Wang.

She found him in the courtyard, practicing his swordsmanship. His movements were fluid and precise, a testament to his years of training. He didn't notice her approach until she was almost upon him.

"Wang," she called out softly.

He turned to face her, lowering his sword. His expression was unreadable. "Selena. What brings you here?"

"I need to talk to you," she said, stepping closer. "About what happened earlier..."

Wang's eyes darkened. "I don't think there's anything to discuss. You were... not yourself."

"I don't remember what happened," Selena admitted. "But I need to understand. Please, Wang."

He studied her for a moment before nodding. "Alright. Let's talk."


## In the Village

Back in the village, the creatures continued their rampage. Blood soaked the ground, and the air was thick with the stench of death. Those who could run had fled, but many had been caught in the chaos, unable to escape the nightmare that had descended upon them.

In a small house at the edge of the village, an elderly woman sat by the window, watching the horror unfold. She muttered under her breath, a prayer for protection. Her hands shook, but her resolve was firm. She had faced darkness before, and she would face it again.

She reached for the staff that leaned against the wall. It was old and worn, but it still held power. She stepped outside, chanting softly. The creatures turned towards her, drawn by the sound of her voice.

The woman raised her staff, and a barrier of light formed around her. The creatures hissed, recoiling from the brightness. She advanced, her voice growing stronger. The light expanded, pushing the creatures back.

In the cellar, the boy and his father heard the chanting. The boy looked up at his father, hope in his eyes.

"Is it a witch, Papa?"

"Maybe," his father replied, "but a good one, I think."


## Hecate's Lair

Back in her lair, Hecate's torture continued. The girl's screams had faded to whimpers, her strength nearly gone. But Hecate wasn't done yet.

She summoned more dark energy, shaping it into a whip that crackled with malevolent power. She lashed the girl, each strike sending waves of agony through her body.

"Tell me," Hecate demanded, her voice cold. "Why can't I control you?"

The girl gasped for breath, her voice barely audible. "I... don't know..."

"Liar!" Hecate snarled, striking her again. "You know something. Tell me, or your suffering will never end."

The girl closed her eyes, tears streaming down her face. "Please... I don't know..."

Hecate's fury grew. She raised the whip again, but a sudden noise made her pause. She turned, her eyes narrowing.

"Who dares to enter my domain?" she hissed.

From the shadows, a figure emerged. It was Eva, her expression calm but her eyes blazing with anger.

"Enough, Hecate," Eva said. "Release her."

Hecate laughed, a harsh, bitter sound. "Why should I? She belongs to me."

"She belongs to no one," Eva replied. "And you will release her, or face my wrath."

Hecate hesitated. She knew Eva's power, knew that a confrontation could be costly. But her pride wouldn't let her back down easily.

"This isn't over," Hecate warned, but she lowered the whip.

Eva stepped forward, her presence radiating authority. "It is over, Hecate. For now."

But as Hecate turned, Eva had disappeared, clearly her imagination, angrily she pushed the girl to ground and walked out using the door for the first time. 

" Why can't she just leave please goddess? Eva find me please, am dieing silently" she cried loudly.