
HER RETURN: Justice Severed hot

Eva Green, a young and ambitious girl known for her healing skills until she was accused of killing the Old Beta. She was Jailed and tortured under the command of Alpha Wang. Thinking that things would get better after she found out that she was Mated to the Alpha but she was wrong. She was raped and sentenced but escaped death with the help of her maid who got killed on her behalf. But the devil cared less making her shattered as she watched her maid being killed and the cruel smile of her mate as she ran........ Then she met him...... THE DEVIL...... 8years later, with his help she raised her son and became the Luna of the most dreaded and feared Pack in the world. He helped her get her confidence back and now she's back for REVENGE...... HOW WILL SHE TREAT THOSE WHO HURT HER DEEPLY IN THE PAST???? WILL THE TRUTH ABOUT THE DEATH OF OLD BETA EVER BE REVEALED???? WILL SHE SAVE THE PACK FROM ITS LOOMING DANGER???

Egbuna_Favour_7145 · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 12

Marla turned to me and smiled. "Follow your instincts, Eva. They will lead you to greater heights, but first, you need to know your origin."

Knowing she wanted to talk about my family in front of Wang, I quickly stopped her. "Marla, we'll talk more at the divine temple soon," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

Marla nodded understandingly. "Of course, Luna. I'll be waiting."

We entered the carriage and headed back, but Derrick's carriage stopped at the division of the road. I smiled sadly and bid him farewell, promising to write him many letters. "And bring my son to me, Derrick. I know he must have missed me a lot."

Derrick nodded, his eyes filled with emotion. "I will, Eva. Take care of yourself."

I watched as his carriage disappeared down the road. I entered my carriage and we parted ways, leaving me alone in a place where I was once tortured and killed to save the people. Sometimes, the Moon Goddess plays with our destiny.



As soon as Derrick entered the Pack, he was greeted by many villagers. He smiled and waved, but his mind was elsewhere. He couldn't wait to see his family.

Upon entering the palace, Jade, Old Luna, and Liam ran to him. The information had gotten to them just as he entered the Pack.

"Daddy!" Liam shouted, running into his arms.

Derrick scooped him up, hugging him tightly. "I've missed you so much, Liam," he said, his voice choked with emotion.

"I missed you too, Daddy," Liam said, clinging to his father. "Did you see Mommy?"

Derrick nodded. "Yes, I did. She misses you very much and asked me to bring you to her soon."

"Can we go now?" Liam asked eagerly.

"Soon, Liam," Derrick said, smiling. "But first, we need to catch up on everything that's happened here."

Jade and Old Luna approached, their faces filled with relief and curiosity.

"How was it?" Old Luna asked, her voice tinged with concern.

"It was difficult," Derrick admitted. "But we managed to defeat the dark creatures. Eva is safe, but there are still many challenges ahead."

Jade looked at her brother, her eyes searching his. "And how are you, Derrick?"

"I'm holding up," he said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "But it's not easy. There's so much at stake."

Old Luna sighed, her gaze softening. "We'll get through this together. Family is our strength."

Derrick nodded. "I know. And I appreciate your support. We need to stay united."

Liam tugged at Derrick's sleeve. "Daddy, tell me about the creatures. Were they scary?"

Derrick smiled, ruffling his son's hair. "They were very scary, but we had brave warriors who fought them. And Marla, the witch, helped us a lot."

"Wow," Liam said, eyes wide with wonder. "I want to be brave like you, Daddy."

"You will be, Liam," Derrick said. "One day, you'll be a great warrior."


 Later in the Evening

After settling in, Derrick sat with Liam in the courtyard. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the palace grounds.

"Daddy, why did Mommy have to stay back?" Liam asked, his young mind trying to understand the complexities of their world.

"Mommy is helping to protect us all," Derrick explained gently. "She has a special role, and she's very brave."

"Will she come back?" Liam's voice was small, filled with hope.

"Yes, she will," Derrick assured him. "And until then, we'll write letters to her. She loves hearing from you."

"Can I write one now?" Liam asked excitedly.

"Of course," Derrick said, smiling. "Let's go inside and get some paper."


As Derrick and Liam entered the palace, they found Jade and Old Luna preparing dinner. The smell of delicious food filled the air, and Derrick's stomach growled in response.

"Do you need any help?" Derrick asked, setting Liam down.

"We're almost done," Jade said, smiling. "But you can set the table."

Derrick nodded and began setting the table, feeling a sense of normalcy in the routine. Despite the chaos outside, here, in the palace, he felt a semblance of peace.

Liam ran to get paper and a quill, eager to write to his mother. Derrick watched him with a soft smile, his heart swelling with love.

Old Luna approached Derrick, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You did well, my son," she said quietly. "We're proud of you."

"Thank you, Mother," Derrick said, his voice thick with emotion. "I just want to keep our family safe."

"We all do," Old Luna said, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "And we'll do it together."


After dinner, Derrick and Liam sat at a small table, writing a letter to Eva. Liam's handwriting was shaky, but filled with love and innocence.

"Dear Mommy," he wrote. "I miss you very much. Daddy told me you are very brave, and I want to be brave like you. Please come back soon. I love you. Love, Liam."

Derrick added his own message, reassuring Eva of their safety and expressing his longing for her return. He sealed the letter with care, knowing it would bring comfort to her.

"Daddy, can we send it now?" Liam asked, holding the letter tightly.

"Yes, we'll send it first thing in the morning," Derrick said, smiling.

Liam yawned, rubbing his eyes. "Can you tell me a story before bed?"

"Of course," Derrick said, picking him up and carrying him to his room. He settled Liam into bed and began telling a story about brave warriors and magical adventures, his voice soothing and gentle.

As Liam drifted off to sleep, Derrick watched him, feeling a deep sense of gratitude. Despite the challenges they faced, they had each other. And that was enough to keep him going.


## The Next Day

The next morning, Derrick made sure the letter was sent to Eva. He spent the day with his family, appreciating the moments of peace they had. The threat of dark magic still loomed, but together, they were strong.

Days later, the Pack worked tirelessly to rebuild and strengthen their defenses. Derrick lead his Pack with determination. 

Eva's letters arrived regularly, filled with love and updates on her progress. She was determined to uncover her origins and understand the full extent of her powers.

One evening, as Derrick sat with Jade and Old Luna, he shared Eva's latest letter.

"She's making progress," he said, his voice filled with pride. "She's uncovering more about her past and her connection to the divine."

"That's wonderful," Jade said, smiling. "Eva is strong. She'll find her way."

Old Luna nodded. "And we'll be here to support her when she returns."

Derrick looked around at his family, feeling a deep sense of hope. They had face

d many trials, but their love and unity had carried them through. No matter what the future held, they would face it together.