
Rest Assured Son

At that moment, Jin, who didn't expect himself to feel this extreme anxiety just by thinking that his wife might marry another man, breathed deeply.

Well, he never once thought about something like this before, he never thought this would ever happen that even thinking about it was already close to doomsday for him.

Gladly, Jin still managed to calm himself. He held his son's shoulders and looked at him with strong conviction.

"Little Yoon, I swear to you that I will never let that happen. Never. " He assured and when Little Yoon saw the terrifying and absolute look in his father's eyes, his fighting spirit also blazed in flame.

The two of them stared at each other, allying, as their eyes seemed to tell the words, "over our dead bodies".

"I already have a plan but I need your cooperation. " Jin continued and Little Yoon looked at his father with 100% trust as he agreed with no hesitation.

"I will do my best to cooperate with you, dad. So please tell me what I should do. I will do everything to ensure that mommy's with being ours forever. "

He swore with an intense determination and Jin looked back at his son, proudly. The words 'as expected with my son were proudly reflected in his eyes.

"Good. " Jin said as he gently ruffled his son's hair.

"The biggest reason why your mother returned to us last night was because of you. " Jin continued and Little Yoon's eyes sparkled. However, what Jin said in the next seconds extinguished the sparks in his eyes.

"But... that's not enough. We have to make her our legal family again to make her stay with us forever. "

"So you're going to marry her again?"

"Yes, but for me to make her say yes, I need to woo her. "

Jin said and Little Yoon tilted his head as he looked at his dad with a puzzled face.

"Dad, does mom don't like you anymore?" The little guy asked and Jin fell silent.

'It's not like that son, it's just that I felt that her heart wasn't exclusively mine anymore. And you are the one who took more than half of her heart away from me. '

Jin answered his son in his mind. Well, the reason why Jin was telling these things to his son was to make the little guy understand and be willing to give them space and time to be together.

Jin wanted to monopolize Y/n so he can finally start his move. Of course, Little Yoon was a part of some of those ploys so Jin will no longer hesitate to do everything to get Little Yoon's backing and participation for the sake of his plan to succeed as soon as possible.

Jin's silence made Little Yoon worry. It was because this father of his will fall silent like this whenever he was unsure of his answer.

Thus, Little Yoon could only deduce that what he said might be true. And of course, he was troubled because he knew that it was bad news.

"I think it's because we were separated for too long that her love for me cooled down. "

Jin finally replied as he stared at the window and little Yoon went a bit restless. However, after the little guy spent some moments thinking about a solution, he suddenly spoke.

"So, if you will spend more time with her, her love for you will return, right?!"

The little guy exclaimed and Jin secretly smiled, as though he finally heard the words he was waiting for all this time.

'As expected with my son, you are our dear son after all. '

Jin whispered within him as his paternal pride was exuding like never before.

"Mm. I guess I needed time to make her love me again like before so she will agree to marry me again. "

Jin said and Little Yoon looked at his father with a gaze filled with fighting spirit. And as Jin looked at those eyes of his, he couldn't help but remember how Y/n used to stare at him like this back in those days when she was trying to make him want her.

"Dad, rest assured, I will help you spend more time with her. I will give her to you for now but promise me, once the wedding is over, it's my turn to spend time with her. "

The little guy compromised with a serious gaze and Jin reached out his fist in front of him.

"I promise. " He replied and little Yoon raised his small fist and bumped it into his father's.

In an instant, the atmosphere between the father and son drastically changed. It was as if the cold war was over and the two were now formidable partners in crime.

"Dad, do your best. " Little Yoon cheered his father up and Jin smiled.

"I definitely will. Just don't forget to back me up when needed. " Jin replied and the two smiled at each other meaningfully.

"Mm. I promise. I will be dad's very useful backup " Little Yoon stated firmly and Jin quietly heaved a sigh of relief.

He looked as though he was in extreme bliss because he finally conquered the greatest ally in the world.

"Mm. Don't worry son, I won't disappoint you. " Jin said as he ruffled his head again when the little guy suddenly signaled him to move his ear closer to him.

"Dad, I have some advice. " Little Yoon whispered and Jin raised a brow.

"Mommy told me she prefers cute over handsome. I'm afraid one of the reasons why she doesn't like you anymore was that you're too handsome. Why don't you try becoming cute in front of her?" The little guy continued and Jin was speechless.


"Sis, I'll be back immediately. I promise. After my performance, I will go home right away. " Haru said as he looked at Y/n with saddened eyes.

As one of the top idols, he was scheduled to perform on stage for a live audience music show so he was not allowed to miss it. That was why he must attend and wrap it up quickly.

"It's fine okay? I won't disappear so you don't have to worry. You have the responsibility to please your fans so you must enjoy your show, make your fans happy, and don't be in a hurry, understand?"

Y/n replied and Haru was about to speak when he saw the father and son holding hands as they walked down the stairs. Their faces show determination about something which both Haru and Y/n didn't know but the seriousness shows as they were going to perform any S-level mission.

Upon seeing them, Haru realized that he didn't need to return immediately so that he can give them their most awaited family time.

"Mm. I understand sis. " He said and hugged his sister before he bid farewell to the other two.

Haru then left in haste as Y/n waved at him.

Little Yoon then ran towards her and Y/n lifted him and carried him in her arms when a butler called the three of them for breakfast.

Time went by and as they were about to finish their breakfast, Little Yoon sidled toward his mom.

"Mom, today is Saturday so can the three of us go out?" He asked and Jin who was across them just remained quiet like he was just an observer on the sideline.

"Of course. The commander surprisingly gave me a day off so I'm free today. " She replied and little Yoon yelled a cheerful "yay" before he briefly glanced at his father meaningfully.

"And where would you want to go?" Jin finally spoke.

"Amusement park. " Little Yoon immediately replied to his father before he returned his gaze towards his mother.

"Mom, is it okay with you?" he asked and Y/n agreed without any hesitation.

She just wanted her son to be happy so there's no way she could ever reject such a request from her son. And besides, she thought that maybe, going out like this and spending more time in a lively place with her two beloveds might be a big help to her condition.

"Mm. Let's go. " She said and Jin smiled.

After their breakfast, Little Yoon and Y/n were left in the kitchen while Jin went away to receive a call.

The mother and son were having a blissful conversation about the amusement park when little Yoon asked a seemingly oof topic question

"Mom, how could you say that a person is cute?" he asked.

"Hmm... when a person is adorably pleasing. Just like you, you're the cutest in the world because everything about you is adorable. Especially when you smile, pout and puff your cheeks. "

She answered but Little Yoon just tilted his head.

"Is there any way to become even cuter?" He asked again and Y/n just answered him.

"Hmm... if I'd like to turn you cuter, I would love to dress you up with a super cute costume. " She replied as she gently pinched his cheeks when Jin came back.

"We will leave after an hour. " He said and the mother and son excitedly stood up.

The three left the dining room and Y/n immediately went upstairs to read the things little Yoon might need, leaving the two standing on the stairs.

"Dad..." Little Yoon called his father's attention and signaled him to bend so he could whisper to him.

"I asked mom about what makes a person cute and she said she finds it cute when a person smiles, so you have to smile a lot from now on dad. " The little guy said and Jin's lips could only curve up.

He could see that his son was trying his best so even though he wanted to tell him there was no need for him to act cute or anything, he still listened to him.

"Also, she said she found it cute when I pout and puff my cheeks... but I never saw you pout or puff your cheeks before so I think this might be a challenge for you because you're an adult. But still, for the sake of mom, how about you try, dad? It's pretty easy to pout. " He continued as he started demonstrating how to pout so seriously that Jin could only fall speechless.

"Dad, how about you practice with me? You can pout like this. " Little Yoon said as he pouted.


jin couldn't even speak as he watched his son intently showing him how to pout, like a little teacher.

"C'mon dad, didn't you say you would do your best?" The little one said and Jin could only rub the back of his neck.

"Little Yoon, your father is an adult. It's weird for a big man to do that. " He replied and the little guy puffed his cheeks with disappointment.

Looking at his disappointed face, Jin landed his hand on his head and ruffled his hair.

"You don't have to worry. Your father has a weapon much more lethal than cuteness. " He continued and Little Yoon's eyes fluttered with excitement.

"Just don't forget about our plan for today, understand?"

"Yes, dad. Rest assured. "