
Begging to Father

"Let's go talk to the study," Jin said as he stood and Little Yoon could only crease his brows.

However, he still obediently followed his dad because he knew he can't be stubborn when his father of his was this serious.

At the same time, little Yoon was also curious about what his father wanted to tell him and that they even need to talk privately.


Inside a quiet and spacious study room, the father and son were staring at each other quietly as they sat across from each other.

"Dad, what is it?" This time Little Yoon broke the silence.

"How do you feel that your mother is living with us again?"

"Happy. Extremely happy. "

"Do you want her to stay with us forever?"

"Of course. Is that even a question?"

"Are you willing to do everything to make her stay?"

"Absolutely yes. "

"Are you willing to cooperate with me?"

"If that's what it takes for mommy to stay, then yes, I'm willing. "

The Q and A was extremely fast-paced and there was no single wasted second between asking and answering.

Little Yoon answered his father this way as he is accustomed to this kind of questioning. The little boy answered with no hesitation while the father also asked without beating around the bush.

"Good boy. "

Jin said as he ruffled his son's hair while the little guy looked at him with a puzzled face.

"Dad, is there a problem?" The little guy asked and Jin glanced at him before he answered.

"Mm. There's a huge problem. "

Jin uttered and little Yoon's brows knitted hard. He looked at his father intently as though he couldn't wait to hear what was the problem he was talking about, while Jin was scrutinizing every change of expression on his son's face.

After setting the right atmosphere to spill the beans, Jin continued talking.

"Little Yoon, your mom and I haven't legally married anymore. "

He said and the little boy blinked before his curious eyes dilated with shock and disbelief.

Truth be told, little Yoon knows almost everything about his mother. Since he was little, Jin already instilled in him that he has a loving mother that will soon come back to them. Jin also told him stories about her, telling his son just how lovely and sweet she was as he reminisced the past while his son was treating his father's narration as a heartwarming bedtime story. That was why Little Yoon grew up knowing lots of things about his mother and of course, one of the big contributors to the knowledge he had about her was his gossiping Uncle Namjoon.

Little Yoon also grew up treating all information about her as precious. Not only because his father was setting an example for him but also because when the father and son talk about her, it was filled with lots of loving memories and conversations are so blissful.

Little Yoon knows without a doubt that both of them love her. He also knew that his father loved her so much, and that was why it was such a shock for him to hear the news from him.

"W-why? How did that happen?" The little guy asked. His eyes look troubled.

"All documents about our marriage were destroyed. " Jin answered and the boy immediately asked again.

"Destroyed? Who destroyed them?!" he exclaimed and Jin glanced at the window for less than a second before he answered his son without hesitation.

"My formidable enemy. " He said and Little Yoon stood in front of him with a displeased face.

"Dad! How could you let your enemy do that? You're supposed to be the most powerful man and yet you failed to protect something very important?" Little Yoon exclaimed.

His eyes were still overflowing with disbelief when Jin landed his hand on his head.

"It's an inevitable accident. And I assure you, it will never happen again. Never. " He assured his son and Little Yoon seemed to calm down a little.

"Your mother doesn't know about this yet so you must keep it a secret. " He continued when little Yoon puffed his cheeks. He looked at his father with great disapproval.

"I don't want to hide anything from mommy. Besides, even if you're not her husband anymore, I will forever be her son. This is dad's fault anyway. " The little guy retorted but Jin wasn't fazed.

He just looked as though, he expected his son to answer him this way. He then bent and looked intently at his son's eyes.

"Well, that's true. But Little Yoon, if your mother will learn about this, she will leave the house because she does not legally belong to this family anymore. Yes, you will forever be her son but listen... if she leaves us and she will find another m..." Jin choked and paused.

Even though he was just saying this to coax his son to make him his formidable ally, he still just couldn't imagine his wife finding another man. He can't even make himself say it. However, for the sake of his plan, Jin swallowed atheism and continued explaining

"I-if your mother will marry s-someone else, what do you think will happen to us?" Jin asked and Little Yoon fell silent for a while until his brows slowly creased hard.

"Mommy will have a new f-f-family and..." For some reason, the father and son looked at each other with the same expression.

They remained there unmoving and speechless for a long while, looking as though just thinking about their beloved finding someone else made them feel like their world was about to fall apart.

"D-dad. Please do something. " Little Yoon was the first to speak.

He panicked and reached out his hand and tugged Jin's sleeves. He looked helpless as he begged his father for the first time seriously.