
Grandpa's Treasure

Jin was sitting across Y/n and was quietly watching her.

Both of them were sitting on a white fluffy rug where a small round table was in between them.

The small pink box was in Jin's hand while y/n was focused on wrapping the bigger box.

When Y/n saw how focused Jin was she found herself imagining chibbi Jin wrapping the boxes.

She just pinched his cheeks.

"Ahh... you're so cute... I want to put you in a box, wrap you beautifully and gift you to myself. "

She said and Jin went a bit confused while Y/n was just smiling brightly as she moved her hand onto his hair and started ruffling it.

"D-do you want to do that to me?"

Jin asked with a curious and serious gaze and Y/n chuckled

"If I say yes, will you let me put you in a box?"

she asked playfully and without hesitation, Jin nodded.

Causing Y/n to just chuckle again because of the seriousness in his eyes

"Is it okay for you even if I wrap you?"

she continued asking playfully and the man just nodded again.

"Mm, if that's what you want, I don't mind But, can you tell me why you want to do that to me?"

he asked innocently with his confused gaze and Y/n gasped in surprise before she put her hand on his face and pinched both his cheeks gently.

"It's because you're so cute. "

She said and Jin's brows knitted.

Looking at him trying so hard to comprehend what she meant, Y/n just chuckled again.

"I have this dream one time that there's a huge box given to me on my birthday and when I opened it, I found you inside wrapped with red ribbons. "

She stated while chuckling as though she was having so much fun.

"I was so happy but then when I hugged you, you turned into a masked little bear and I cried, haha, funny right?"

She continued as she laughed.

Jin on the other hand felt an unending spark of warm feelings in his chest as he continued watching her chuckle and laugh wholeheartedly that he didn't notice himself already smiling along with her.

At that moment, Y/n saw him smile and she fell into a daze. She saw his perfect white teeth and the curves of his sexy lips and it left her awestricken.

But then, again, the moment Jin noticed her gaze locked onis face, his smile faded as he began to talk.

"As long as it makes you happy, you can do whatever you want with me. "

He said and Y/n snapped.

He's honest to the bones words lifted her into heaven and her poor heart was stabbed with soft gentle arrows and she couldn't talk for a while.

Due to her, remaining silent, Jin continued talking.

"But I'm afraid wrapping a huge box will give you a hard time. "

He uttered and this time, his voice was mixed with worry. Causing Y/n to immediately recover and she finally spoke.

"Haha, there's no need to worry about that okay? Because I won't put it in a box or anything for real. "

She said as she smiled and Jin's brows knitted one more with great confusion.

Noticing his confused look, Y/n tilted her head and rested her face on her palm as she looks at him.

"If I'll put you in the box, you will suffer inside, you might even have a hard time breathing so I will never do that. "

She said but Jin's expression didn't change.

"But I'm truly fine with it. I can easily handle it and it's not dangerous at all."

Jin replied with a determined look and Y/n chuckled. She moved and kneeled as she reached out her hand and wrapped it around his neck. She pulled him closer and Jin raised his face a bit to meet her gaze.

"It won't make me happy if I'll do that to you. And besides, I don't need to do that. I don't need to wrap you and gift you to myself because... because, you're already mine. . .right?"

She said and Jin's eyes slowly widened as his brain cells began to malfunction.

Her words kept repeating like a sweet song, invading his system with ease, turning everything into something fluffy and pinkish elements.

Jin felt inexplicable happiness within him and he was about to tell her that all of him, his everything was already hers when suddenly, his wife's lips landed gently on his forehead.

At that moment, everything disappeared from Jin's consciousness and he couldn't even begin to explain what he is feeling.

And as soon as her warm and soft lips left his skin, her eyes which were bright like stars in heaven met his and she spoke.

"Since you came into my life, I felt like you are a present that God gifted me. To me, you are the most precious gift I ever received and you will forever be."

Namjoon was walking down the stairs when he saw two old men in butler suits peeking quietly towards the lovey-dovey couple in the lounge.

A mischievous grin flashed across his face and he quietly walked towards them the moment he stood behind their backs, he cleared his throat softly and the old men slowly turned.

Namjoon was planning to gossip with them for him to at least have a gist other the idea of what was the old man planning to do when suddenly, his eyes widened with surprise the moment he saw the old men's faces.

Er...what the hell happened? Why are these two looking like this? What happened?!

Namjoon was completely bewildered, it was because the old men in front of him were tearing up as though they just watched a certain tragic and sad movie.

Well, he just couldn't believe that one day, he will see this stubbornly hard-headed old man r up like this again.

Due to that, Namjoon's gossiping stomach went wild and he too immediately peeked at the two couples anticipating an extremely dramatic scene.

However, to his dismay, he saw nothing unusual.

They're just right there frozen in place looking at each other without saying a word like usual.

"W-what happened? Why are both of you crying?"

Namjoon asked and the two old men just wiped their tears, ignoring his question

"Ah, old Gou, we're getting too old now."

Old Park said and the butler nodded

"That's right sir, we are getting too old."

He replied and the ignored Namjoon could only crease his forehead with curiosity.

"Hey, sire. Did something happen to them?"

Namjoon asked again and the old man finally looked at him.

"Young man, tell me. How come that those two didn't do it yet when they're already at this level of affection?"

the old man asked instead of answering him and his voice was filled with wonder.

"Wait, don't tell me you two are tearing up because of their sweetness."

Namjoon asked and when he confirmed that he was right from their expression, his shoulders fell in disappointment.

"It's not a mere sweetness you punk. The love between them is far beyond words to describe."

The old man replied and Namjoon let go a deep sigh.

"Sigh...they're like that every day though. You better watch out for your health sire, you can't tear up like this every time you see them show their deep affection for each other."

Namjoon said and he was about to walk away when the old man stopped him.

"Are you sure that Jin didn't touch her yet?"

the old man whispered and Namjoon could only scratch his head.

"Sire, I suggest you go and ask the man himself."

Namjoon answered before he excused himself and left towards the courtyard.

Meanwhile, Jin finally recovered from the lethal assault that his heart just experienced.

Y/n already let go of him and she was about to continue wrapping the gift when Jin suddenly stood and quietly hugged her from behind.

He slipped his hand around her waist and leaned his head on her shoulder.

Y/n was surprised but as soon as his soft hair brushed on her cheek, she lifted her hand and caressed his hair.

"If you're sleepy, you can sleep like this, I'll just finish this."

she said and Jin just replied with a soft "Mm."

Upon hearing him, Y/n smiled and she continued what she was doing.

Jin on the other hand wasn't sleepy or anything.

His mind was filled with thoughts. He was thinking deeply, his heart was beating wide.

It was because at that moment, that Jin has decided

By the time Y/n finally finished wrapping the gifts, they both gave them to Namjoon assured that her gift will reach her best friend."

Namjoon said with a smile and Y/n smiled back.

"Mm Thank you so much Mr . Min. Also best regards to your fiancée "

She replied and the man could only nod.

Hours later, Jin and Namjoon along with Shawn came out of the study room The two men followed Namjoon to send him off. They walked towards the entrance and Y/n who was with the old man joined them

"Hey, hey, you don't need to send me off, it's not like I'm leaving for a long time. "

Namjoon complained but no one seemed to be listening to him until all of them stopped beside the car

"Bye-bye, Mr . Min, please come back home safely. "

Y/n was the one who spoke and upon hearing her words, Namjoon smiled

"Thanks, Miss, I'll come back soon Also, young miss, please take care of that husband of yours, don't let him step outside the mansion until I return. "

Namjoon replied and Y/n's eyes slowly went wide

"Why? Is it dangerous for him to go out?"

Y/n exclaimed and Namjoon nodded. Y/n gasped with worry and Namjoon was about to talk again when Jin's sharp glares clamped his mouth.

Jin's cold aura blazed as he glared at Namjoon as though telling him the words 'how dare you to make my wife worry'.

"Er... well, as long as he won't go out, he'll be fine so you don't need to worry. "

Namjoon said with a forced smile when suddenly, Y/n walked closer to him.

"Don't worry Mr . Min, I will never let him go out."

She said and a great determination flashed across her eyes. Something that somehow made Namjoon amused again.

"Good girl, good girl. That's the spirit. I will leave him in your hands then."

Namjoon happily replied and the next second, the girl sidled toward him and signed to whisper something so Namjoon moved closer to her.

"Mr . Min, can I borrow your, I mean, that handcuff you used for him?"

She whispered and Namjoon's eyes widened.

Excitement and mischief glittered across Namjoon's eyes and he couldn't help but smile widely.

"You want to use it on him?"

he whispered back and Y/n nodded.

"Just in case he will not listen to me. "

Y/n replied and a mischievous smile curbed on  Namjoon's face.

"Come, follow me. I have something to give you . "

Namjoon said and Y/n hastily followed him towards a certain room in the basement.

On the other hand, the two men who were left behind just stood there watching their disappearing silhouette

Shawn was about to speak but he swallowed his words.

Well, it was because dark clouds suddenly gathered around the man beside him, and his aura instantly turned cold like a breeze of the Antarctic.

Meanwhile, inside a certain storage room, Y/n  and Namjoon were squatting on the floor while looking at a certain old-looking chest in between them.

Namjoon opened it and it was filled with different kinds of chains and cuffs.

And for some reason, y/n's eyes sparkled the moment she saw them

"Can I get one?"

she asked excitedly and Namjoon looked at her mischievously.

"Little miss, I brought you here for a reason, okay? All these, you can use them all if you want. "

Namjoon said and Y/n wowed.


She exclaimed and Namjoon replied with an absolute "Of course!"

"But, I can't bear using these chains on him. "

Y/n said as she put her hand on her chin, thinking which would she choose.

"You don't need to be too nice to him though His safety is more important. "

Namjoon uttered and Y/n looked at him, agreeing with his words

"You're right. Then, I'll pick this one. "

She said with a smile and Namjoon nodded with approval.

"Not bad. "

He said and the two had a high five before they left the storage room with a satisfied look in their eyes.

By the time Y/n and Namjoon returned, invisible sweat drops fell from Namjoon's forehead as soon as he felt the cold aura brewing around Jin.

Thankfully, Y/n hastily ran towards him with a bright smile, and Jin's cold gazes were slowly forced to go warm.

Taking advantage of the change of atmosphere, Namjoon then immediately bid farewell with his usual mischievous grin and he finally entered the car and left the Gray mansion.

Later that night, the old man was excited to open his treasure. He came up with many plans of making Jin lose control over himself.

He secretly put a drug in Jin's tea, however, as though Jin foresaw everything the moment the old man came to this house, he didn't drink his tea

He looked towards his grandfather with eyes that seemed to tell him the words, 'don't waste your time doing unnecessary things old man because I won't fall for the poured Kapoor with his partner in crime, Mr . Gou, could only sigh with great disappointment.

However, of course, their determination was still strong and they didn't waver.

Mr . Gou also told the old man that lately, Jin started leaving their room at night and that he even once slept on the sofa.

Hearing the shocking news, the old man then thought about locking their room to prevent Jin from leaving.

Thus, that night, before the couple entered their room, the old man ordered the maids to gather the keys and gave them all to him

And so, as soon as the couple entered, the old man locked the door.

However, the moment Y/n fell asleep, and before Jin's desire gets the better of him again, Jin carefully left the bed and took out the spare key in his pocket, and opened the door.

Disappointing the two old men watched secretly to comprehend they saw him stepping out of the room.

Morning came and nothing happened Jin never fell into any of the endless traps the old man had set

Y/n on the other hand also started feeling that Jin seemed to be putting distance between them every time they were in bed.

Jin was still being his usual self, however, for some reason, unlike before, he strangely becomes silent and stiff as a rock when they're in bed.

Since he arrived home, Y/n has always wakes up alone in She also realized that she was wrong thinking that Jin was just rising earlier than her.

She found out that he was not sleeping in their bed for two nights straight and it was making her feel curious, at the same time, she felt a certain unpleasant feeling that was starting to brew within her

However, as optimistic as she is, Y/n thought that there might be something that was occupying jin's mind at the moment, so she decided to stop thinking too much about it


Jin just stepped out of his study room when Y/n walked toward him holding his hand.

"Are your work done?"

She asked and when the man nodded.

"Hmm. Do you want something.?"

He asked and Y/n nodded. 

"I wanted to ask something."

"What is it ?"

"Jin . . . I felt like you were avoiding my gazes, am I just imagining things?"

she asked and her sad troubled voice made Jin's eye widen as he turn towards her.

At that moment, their eyes met and Jin realized that she was being troubled by their actions.

Seeing the worry and confusion in her eyes he suddenly felt quite nervous.