
Another choice

Y/n's question took Jin off guard. He was nervous while thinking about the answer.

As he was going to say something his phone vibrated, showing the notification related to his computers in a study he left working on hours ago.

The moment he looked at it, darkness instantly began to envelop his entire being.


Y/n waited for him but Jin didn't step out of his study room.

She went and knocked on his room at lunch but Shawn told her that there was an emergency and that he was busy.

Y/n of course understood the situation, she was already aware that Jin was fighting against the world.

She already knew just what kind of war he was into and it was making her heart aches every time she thinks about it.

The sun was already setting when Namjoon finally arrived home.

But the first thing that he noticed was the gloomy vibe coming from the grandfather and the granddaughter-in-law who were both sitting across from each other in the dining room.

"Er... what happened here?"

Namjoon asked when Y/n lifted her head.

"Ah, Mr . Min! You're already home?!"

she exclaimed and her gloomy look disappeared.

"Yep, I'm home."

He said and Y/n walked closer to him.

"So? How's your fiancée's birthday?"

she asked as though she was waiting for good news when Namjoon just scratched the back of his neck.

"The party was canceled because her grandfather was suddenly rushed to the hospital."

Namjoon replied and y/n's excitement slowly faded.

Well, the unexpected event that happened before Diya's party could even start was such a disaster.

Namjoon didn't even see her until he visited her grandfather in the hospital.

And by the time he was there, Diya was already sleeping beside the sick old man.

Namjoon didn't wake her up, so he just stayed for a couple of hours watching them sleeping before he left, leaving the gifts behind.

"I-is that so? I hope her grandfather and your fiancée are alright."

Y/n said and Namjoon smiled as he replied.

"Don't worry, they're alright. Anyway, where is Jin?"

"He's inside his study room. Shawn said he was busy. He never step outside either so I couldn't use the thing you gave me."

Y/n said as she pouted and Namjooni could only wonder.

"Well then, I'll go see what he is doing. "

Namjoon said and Y/n nodded.

That moment, as soon as Namjoon left, the old man beside her suddenly talked.

"May I know what is the thing he gave you?"

the old man curiously asked and Y/n didn't hesitate to answer him.

She sidled towards him and whispered what it was and for some reason, a certain light of hope glittered across the old man's eyes

"Young miss, can you lend it to me?"

he asked and Y/n nodded.

"Of course, Mr. Min is already here so I can't use it anymore. Wait gramps, I'll go get it "

She replied before she hastily left.

Leaving the old man started grinning mischievously as though he finally found something that will redeem him from all those tragic losses he suffered from his hard-headed grandson

Namjoon who just entered the quiet room leaned towards the door as his gaze fell straight towards the serious man in front of the computers.

Shawn also walked toward him and he began to talk softly not to distract the serious man.

"I was surprised at how obedient he became."

Shawn said and Namjoon smirked as he replied.

"Obedient, huh. Not really, he just doesn't want to worry his dear wife. "

"So that's the reason why. Well, it's still a great thing that he listens well now. "

"Hmm. That's because he can't afford to act recklessly now. We're having a hard time protecting him in the past because he just doesn't care whether he gets killed or not, but now, it's different. He found a reason to live. "

Namjoon replied and shawn's eyes widened with surprise.

Well, Shawn realized that what Namjoon said is the only acceptable explanation considering just how much Jin has changed.

And to him, there's nothing better than that.

"So? What's with him?"

Namjoon asked and Shawn sighed

"I don't know, he went berserk this morning, I think there's a fat fatal bad news hurt this hand, and he hit the wall to vent his rage. "

Shawn replied and Namjoon's eyes widened in disbelief.

His brows immediately creased and he immediately took strides towards him.

The moment Jin noticed Namjoon's presence, he glanced at him.

Upon seeing the dangerous calmness in his eyes, Namjoon breathed deep to calm himself.

"What are you doing?"

He asked as he looked at his wounded knuckles when the man didn't answer him.

Namjoon then lifted his gaze towards the computer's screen.

Jin was already viewing the footage taken in the police station And what surprised him was the fact that the woman the police showed her wasn't Jin's mother.

"Who is that woman?"

Namjoon uttered and Jin remained quiet.

"You didn't dig information about her yet?"

Namjoon continued asking but Jin just quietly averted his gaze Looking at his expression, NamJoon could already tell that he didn't. Causing him to look at Jin suspiciously.

"My wife. They're still investigating her. "

Jin suddenly uttered, his voice was cold and filled with suppressed anger.

Hearing him, Namjoon could only crease his brows hard. He immediately browsed the files Jin obtained and Namjoon's eyes slowly narrowed.

The IB and XIA were working together and they already found out that Y/n was also in that remote town on the border of Country J where Jin and Namjoon take refuge during their escape ten years ago.

And the most surprising thing was that, according to their investigation, Y/n also disappeared in that place that same night they left, making her even more suspicious

"They are using her as the major lead to track me. "

Jin continued with his same cold as ice voice and Namjoon could only clench his fist tight. It was because at that moment, that Namjoon realized that the situation is slowly getting out of control

Looking at the dangerous sparks glimmering across jin's eyes, Namjoon couldn't help but already feel the beginning of a catastrophic disaster.

He realized that sooner or later, as long as she stays with him, the enemy will soon find out that she is living with a suspicious unknown person. And the moment that happens, Namjoon could already see what was waiting ahead of her.

"It's been ten years and these idiots were still so damn determined to hunt you. They even suspect her as our ally now?!"

Namjoon simpered with disbelief. The agents already theorized that the young girl, Y/n, was with them that night and the three of them escaped.

So once they find out that she's indeed connected with them now, they will surely consider her as one of them, a criminal.

"Jin, what are you planning to do now?"

Namjoon asked as he gazed at him seriously. Namjoon realized that the two of them finally reached the point where it was no longer safe for both of them to stay by each other's side.

"Jin, you have to make a choice now. "

He continued and Jin just stood. He quietly walked towards the window and leaned his head on the window frame.

He remained there quiet for a long while before he uttered a word.

"If I keep her by my side, they will hunt her just like us. Her life will be turned upside down. And even if I can always protect her, I can't give her freedom I will take her with me, she will be treated as a criminal like us. "

Jin uttered monotonously as though he was whispering to the wind. The pain was being reflected in his eyes as he clenched his fists tight the next moment, Jin's lips curved and a beautiful yet painful smile carved on his face as he finally turned his gaze towards Namjoon.

"Do I even have any other choice here?"

he asked and his eyes glimmered with intense indescribable emotions.