Henki Business It is a true story about my perspective of the past and prior to post seeing the Netherlands Kingdom I learned working for a Polish recruitment agency in a Netherlands company. A storyteller storyline of a case of his visit on vacation and business trip to a nation the plot developed itself. It was a never unexpected journey but I never knew it would happen. The story of what you expect and what you see. Author had in mind to write the Henki Legal title but due to coherent and pragmatic reasons he chose to call it a business, a very bad business. He was never pleased nor never hoped to write about this beautiful tulip nation.
"Kingdom of Sweden Military:
How about Brazil Army versus NATO business cases is to arm Brazil in case of emergency?
The Kingdom has needed metal resources and not enough soldiers to guard Sweden in case of war the NATO would force United States facilities structures in Sweden.
This makes during world war Sweden unarmed and our King Gustav without a guard.
We would make a mutual arms deal avoiding world war three case arming Brazil as ally of Sweden. One of the largest army in America and Russian Federation and/or People's Republic of China ally uncapable to have a condition to hold a war.
Kingdom of Sweden would make a great business case of Japan arming amd sharing their economy gross domestic product to profit and hold ready naval maritime army.
This is what I observed researching and analysing literature projects arc and characters plot learning from my novel literature projects and completing Harvard Business Review Managers Mentor certificates from Universidad Isabel I affiliate faculty.
Audrius Razma
Hiroshima Office Press
When I opened my in-between the Republic of Lithuania vocabulary to my loser Polish boyfriend holding only iwords business gazette I let him know our true military might.
The sexual aid we were born for soldiers in Lithuania. This is why our diplomacy and consultancy are called pedagogy sluts.
This is what should represent our ambassador's house. Our pure war victims nature and our satanic powers to lure and delusion Polish men.
"Kurva! I love you reading."
"You light that joint sweetheart. I will show you the true powers if you will not fuuuccck me." I moved to the new issue gazette about procurement. His eyeballs can see a light goosebumps skin with shaved tan and brown splits he will cut to flowers.
The working man's Polish hands do not stop overturning the grinder looking for his dinner, not one man seen before him.
He knew he must first lick it clean because he never knew if I paid for my taxi yesterday.
"You know how I like to share you with others." He licks his lips.
"You know, be a good blond Polish boyfriend and come to your mother."
He starts his dessert early. "You are what a bad Polish kurva boy." I start to laugh in a maniac hyphe spreading my red lipstick laugh and force this pig face to his job.
He never knew I only wanted him today. Therefore our Romania neighbours were lucky we did not enjoy ourselves showing a sex theatre display with our curtain open.
"What really losers neighbours. They are really missing out." I arch my neck gasping for air suppressing my words.
The iwords magazine on the floor. I come back later.
"Rheinmetall Lithuania Manufacturing:
Rheinmetall Baltics v IKEA Russia Business Case.
I learned in university seminar about corruption and we kept my lecture record about corruption case of the Republic of Lithuania for future students to learn:
Rheinmetall, a German Federation company in the Republic of Lithuania, created a monopoly business case for Ukraine arms trading.
The United States manufacturing minus and United States taxpayers loses manufacturing United States goods in foreign nations creating surplus capital per annum in an economy not a stable nation like Republic of Lithuania creating European Union Central Bank they are repaying through war in Ukraine enjoying a financial victory withholding funds from the United States crippled economy.
We invest in the Japanese economy seeing US Arms dealers and their families sell their last underwear to the Republic of Lithuania.
With the whole respect,
Audrius Razma
Hiroshima Office Press
I closed yesterday iwords business read while pushing my trolley and blinking my boyfriend from Poland.
We knew he would get excited if I got a couple Spanish guys near the bathroom. But it was not the day.
A heavy metal trolley and Order track record kept me fit. It was not only his friends at work. We enjoyed our relationship. He was a great support for my law masters study.
"I had a long day yesterday eating my cake. It was nice and delicious in vocational Dutch." I press my finger to his neck with my white nail.
"You keep it to yourself or I will stay a nice Dutch girlfriend and will have to share with your friends." He swallows our juicy details with anticipation knowing what will happen next.
I take my dress up walking up the stairs and he knows he will work for two while I study my business magazine in one hour.
My white nails opens our tomorrow future:
"Religion Convention: The Primary Research Methods
How about Roman Catholic and the head of Vatican State making all religions congregate to avoid death of newborns post coronavirus pandemic and their agreement was broken in the name of all religions?
We are now allowed to kill newborns in the name of religion?
I watched their convention while researching the philosophy of religion. When I had the silver crucifix from Pope Franciscus. Now I am not religious. My life is easier.
Therefore, I observed while writing a Christianity Budo literature projects in novel fiction. The old German project post world war two.
Audrius Razma
Hiroshima Office Press
When I felt bored I let a few laps of our cycle count under the dress. I closed my eyes and gasped under my skirt.
While our supervisor and black jacket turned around ignoring his first warning walked away. He knew he will not explain his manager what he saw and how he felt or nor his beloved wife will understand:
I continue to read.
"Literature Sponsors:
The writing project business case marketing markets industries within literature to create a commercial awareness and finance project portfolios.
We create literature novel dreamscape advertisements in Hiroshima Office Press.
Audrius Razma
Hiroshima Office Press"
I decided to drug and rape this Swed Lithuania editor forcing him to have my child because it was the best extra long hour break in my life.
We now had a dream outside my lawful career.
His name was Audrius Razma. I will take him to the bathroom.