Henki Business It is a true story about my perspective of the past and prior to post seeing the Netherlands Kingdom I learned working for a Polish recruitment agency in a Netherlands company. A storyteller storyline of a case of his visit on vacation and business trip to a nation the plot developed itself. It was a never unexpected journey but I never knew it would happen. The story of what you expect and what you see. Author had in mind to write the Henki Legal title but due to coherent and pragmatic reasons he chose to call it a business, a very bad business. He was never pleased nor never hoped to write about this beautiful tulip nation.
The Dollors Montserrat Netherlands Enschede single woman outcasts Netherlands government Project.
It us written by Miss Venessa Sampolski about single mothers sent on government welfare extra budget to be a free sex meat to be shared by men I Enschede.
"You sluts should go out more." I sucked my Polish boyfriend's cock in Enschede.
"This is what I call Dutch Cheetah." He comes.
"I heard a new police case the Philippines Police is working with the Republic of Lithuania Police Department to have Philippines Prostitution ams Drug smugglers sentenced and retained in correctional ways of seeing the international females procurement to set females spies to Kingdom of Netherlands to monitor and espionage a drugs trade within Europe. They will sabotage a whole drug operation. I learned now to be a good commercial lawyer from industrial awareness reading law and order papers." I clench my Republic of Lithuania blond arsonist Jaws and go back to sucking my blond loser boyfriend from Poland dick.
It was a good morning but loser spilled his coffee bringing to my white duvet and I had to relax him.
He should learn a lesson and I will have a Swed him watching on side of our new white duvet for him to learn how hard is to take up the laundry working for logistics and learning to be a commercial lawyer.
It is like I am almost bringing bread back to home. "Kurva! That was goooood."
"Yes. It was my darling. Yes it was. I know it will always be. I feel great already and I can taste it on my lips." I kiss him a goodbye for his theatre show to learn how hard it is to be a woman and be civilised Dutch.
"Thanks!" His wet lips spoke with white cream of his own moist just to set the evening event.
"I am so tired tonight let's go out to meet some friends and have wine over." I smile not to giggle from Mr Poland. My boyfriend from Poland. Szymon Sampolski.
He wanted to change his name because of his father a truck driver seeing to many side road woman as a kill.
His tough mother whipped him too much he was to young to compensate for his father. Now I will do her job.
I fell in love with my loser boyfriend. We swapped passports.
"How about King of Thailand secret service Sarebro would follow me and use my every failed date to keep you my dear Dutch look alike meatball.
It is you.
They would force them to create international espionage free agents to use their data poll to control economy in Kingdom of Netherlands." I lick my sweet lips smiling to him.
"That's why you had twenty guys in the bathroom and still on living couch with me holding these popcorns to see Dutch mafia shooting them in news channel because dirty fockers from Kingdom of Thailand gone too far offering virtual hopes for a good night to create espionage." He picks up popcorn without looking to me to continue watching TV.
"I think their training session is over far away from home." I kiss him on the cheek and smile.
"Thank you my commercial lawyer to brighten my future at least I will not stay dead at the side of the road like those cheap Thai whip skins hoping to dip in others honey with promise to sabotage King of Netherlands."
We both laugh continue watching our TV session.