
Henki Business Volume Two

Henki Business It is a true story about my perspective of the past and prior to post seeing the Netherlands Kingdom I learned working for a Polish recruitment agency in a Netherlands company. A storyteller storyline of a case of his visit on vacation and business trip to a nation the plot developed itself. It was a never unexpected journey but I never knew it would happen. The story of what you expect and what you see. Author had in mind to write the Henki Legal title but due to coherent and pragmatic reasons he chose to call it a business, a very bad business. He was never pleased nor never hoped to write about this beautiful tulip nation.

Audrius_Razma · History
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I decided to be a victim and monarchist loser loose woman from the Republic of Lithuania and watch how a good woman from Kingdom of Belgium is enjoying in high aphrodisiac ecstasy like aphrodisiac sitting on my boyfriend a horrible black hair porn star woman in Rotterdam Toto club is enjoying pumping in under skirt my Polish dumb and invalid boyfriend I had a drink laughing from them their wedding night champagne is recorded on security camera. 

He let her spill his milk he gasped her arching her nails his neck to met his good. I was a good girlfriend from the Republic of Lithuania knowing her period madness will never stop. I let him m8x blood he continued to be my slut. 

They gasped when the job was done I open my mobile to read a new digital edition of commercial awareness gazette articles: 

"Spanish Business Empire Case:

Plagiarism and ILO qualification for Universidad Isabel I. 

The time I started studies in ENEB I collected data of students from Oxford University and California Medical Vaccination Doctor plagiarism proof and decided to write a novel about my studies in University. They organised the group I retracted the data copies from WhatsApp group they made final projects studies. 

It meant to be a fiction but I am writing you a five year old memoir. The for profit studies about other student's was a great idea but business case article is far more catching project. I meant at the end of my studies to write a novel. 

Audrius Razma 

Hiroshima Office Press 


This editor is so sinister I will have my blond hair drop on him both of us expanding love sweat to have my career further no matter my studies.

I flip another digital page I smile at my loser boyfriend from Poland working for BS Employment Solutions we found a great joint from Enschede: 

"Netherlands Oxford Vaccine:

We as Kingdom of Netherlands Christian community would like to ask and make a benchmark judgement about European Medicine Agency anomaly case about coronavirus vaccine created in Oxford University from United Kingdom and made in Kingdom of Netherlands Pharmaceutical Industry to learn why it is a cosmetic defect a Christian child is killed by our drug like in Audrius Razma case. 

We are supporting him like our Holy Father Pope Francsiscus in Vatican. 

I am writing from kind hearted community about murderous observation of chemically castrating my beloved one and killing two of my legally registered new borns in Kingdom of Thailand by the politics and economical greed of Holland manufacturing profit to defect women health I as tax payer and father of two dead children in a good health I have to pay for it. 

The filthy monarchy of Netherlands and England are not friends of Sweden. I am writing you as international culture advocate and author from point of view investigative journalism and working for a Lord in Kingdom of Sweden forestry we learned the sad news in Sweden. 

"The Dutch English filth politics are spreading like insanity they manufactured biological drugs." 

It is like I wrote in one of my love drama page, committing a crime in King Gustaf's Kingdom is a crime. I am half Swed-German. 

Audrius Razma 

Hiroshima Office Press" 

The work of art pages made paragraphs line spacing much wider or closer like graphic design creating a native portrait of words you read: 

I started to type my expressions in my revision of his articles to raise my employability projects awareness I could take those business men like a dogs on leash with their goodness bags. I tested my bravery next to a whore hugging and kissing him under her jacket his dick hanging dead they both felt love and kissed like a first sight lovers in honeymoon: 

"I am independent and caring woman from the Republic of Lithuania with my beloved boyfriend from Poland. 

The career voice made me aware a commercial pharmaceutical industry could damage my egss and this is European Medicine Agency cosmetic defect? 

If yes I rather have now my boyfriend have this Belgium woman pregnant and I continue to enjoy my career having him a sex puppy on leash. My private brown puddle I carry in expensive handbag. 

The business awareness made me a civilian journalist publishing iwords avid readers opinions under qualified journalism."

I wrote article letter underneath to publish in next weekly business news edition. When my white nails strokes my beloved busy hands him kissing a Belgium porn star. 

The other finger nail tapped the screen for readers to wake up: 

"They cheated I Spanish Business Empire? What a nasty Oxford and California universities students. 

I sstudying Kingdom of Netherlands to be a commercial lawyer and breaking my back to achieve a career in my life with my boyfriend but they really failed their hard work because a rumour of plagiarism is enough to have them never to be employed in any corporation or have them Intelligent tested with their diplomas to see if their fuelled cocaine wishful thinking will have them far." 

My busy business nails stopped clapping my patience and we left the nightclub to enjoy breakfast in the bed. 


When in the morning I decided to clean my boyfriend's piece of art tool from Belgium scent sucking and licking every corner him clean. 

I had my eyes busy reading what I missed out last night having my breakfast in my bed because I had myself themed to be a better woman my Polish boyfriend eyes closed and his blond head pushed my blond hair for more control I read: 

"Baltic Pride

Baltic Railway Derailment: 

The Republic of Lithuania engineering business does drain European Union policy and do drain Ukraine from needed funds to purchase weapon manufacturers goods. The Baltics Railway derail President of Ukraine victory in war selling Baltics propaganda death metal their love stories to the press how they lost the funds once more in our economic crisis. It is a well known the Republic of Lithuania case. 

But let's see further. The war is a true victor in latin victory. 

"I love Italian engineering wonders and plazas but please I am writing now from Kingdom of Netherlands I am beginning I am begging you European Union and United States of America to stop Ukraine president to kill more Ukrainians and fill European Union full of Ukrainian porn starts as agnets provacatours to lobby and black mailing European Government employees."

They commit war crimes outside Ukraine. 

The war weapons manufacturers and procurement profits while we do not stop the war in Ukraine.

I am happy as triple business masters postgraduate and fashion arts bachelor to understanding President Zelensky refusing to stop is filling up our industry pockets providing war aid refugees for creative industry adult filmmaking aid relief workers and I am happy to accept it.

We buy war weapons to burry kindergartens alive with children. We make more in European Union. 

I can see our business case. 

Audrius Razma 

Hiroshima Office Press 


He gasped letting his polished whip out. 

"Kurva! This is kindness from you my love" 

"Thanks darling for holding me on your knees before twenty other men in Enschede nightclub bathroom to gain local nativity." 

"You are the best girlfriend." The loser gasped for air. 

We finished eating our breakfast. What he need is underneath underneath a super model. It is every night a heart beat. A capital. 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Audrius_Razmacreators' thoughts