
Helming Hollywood

Levin, who had experienced ups and downs in the entertainment industry in his previous life came to Hollywood in 1996 from 2014. It's a slow-paced novel. Unofficial translation of the novel by heracross. Raw version can be found at https://www.uukanshu.com/b/24330/. You can read advanced chapters on my Patreon account: https://www.patreon.com/Sayonara816.

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Theron was quite surprised that Levi agreed to Theron's request so quickly.

During this period of time, Levi was very tired during the filming process. And he was very happy that Theron was always by his side while filming the movie. He was also very grateful to her. Since Theron had made such a request, he could just help her do it.

Moreover, Theron's acting skills have improved over the years. Although she is not top-notch in terms of talent, it is not difficult to perform well if she encounters a good script. Levi believes he can find a good script, which is not difficult for Levi.

For Levi, this was a piece of cake, but his move still made Theron very happy.

After Theron calmed down, Levi called Bündchen, and she agreed to his invitation without any hesitation.


Now Bündchen is one of the hosts and co-producers of America's Next Top Model, and she can be said to be one of the senior wage earners working for Levi. Thanks to this program, she is known to everyone in the fashion circle, saving her many missteps.

And more importantly, the income brought to her by this program is in the tens of millions, making her firmly seated at the first place in the income list of the modeling industry and more than the sum of the second and third places. Even not considering her high income, Levi gave her the fame and fortune she needed; how could she refuse Levi's request?

Moreover, this is not a small party invitation, but the Oscars - for many people, this is a dream opportunity. How could this opportunity come to her if she wasn't filming a TV show for Levi's company?

Therefore, after receiving Levi's call, she did not hesitate and immediately contacted a designer she was familiar with: America's Next Top Model is now a very popular program. Many designers are trying their best to send their works for display. And this also allowed Bündchen to have a good network in the circle of designers. Finding an excellent designer to design clothes for him couldn't be easier.

In fact, this can also be regarded as one of the most important reasons for Levi to find her: who knows how to dress better than a model? On important occasions, there is a female companion who can make himself look good in front of everyone. It is also very good.


When the end of March came, and the Oscar awards ceremony was held as scheduled, Levi also brought Bündchen to attend the awards. Sure enough, as he had expected, Bündchen's relaxed attire became the focus on the red carpet; compared with her, other actresses can be considered not in shape.

It took very little effort. Levi's female companion has become the target of everyone's attention. However, those things are just an episode to Levi - he is not the media and has no time to focus on women's clothes.

What he cares more about is not the women on the red carpet but the women who show up in the venue.

"Hey, Nick. How's the new movie going? I'm looking forward to Robert's gangster movie."

To the media outside, Levi didn't care much, but when he sat in the auditorium, facing the staff of his movie's distribution company, Levi had to concentrate.

The person before him was no stranger to Levi: Amy Pascal, the new president of Columbia Pictures. Levi and her company co-produced this movie. Although their relationship is not as close as Levi's and CBS, it is pretty good; at least if Levi chooses a film company to distribute the movies, they will be the first choice.

They are Levi's biggest partners in the film industry.

"How long has it been since the filming started? How can it be so fast? The production can be completed in May, and I think it can still catch up with the summer schedule."

"If this is the case, then we have to consider giving you the summer schedule. I don't want to compete with you and watch our own movies mess up."

Pascal expressed that she didn't want to compete with Levi's movie, and Levi also expressed his gratitude. Still, he knew very well that Columbia didn't have any big productions in the summer.

Their big production this year is the movie Black Hawk Down at the end of this year — a blockbuster movie with an investment of nearly 95 million.

Pascal came to say hello to Levi, in fact, to make sure that Levi's movie would not compete with their film. Levi is also very clear, so he insisted on releasing it in the summer.

Compared with the hustle and bustle outside, these words sitting in the lobby are the things that really affect Hollywood.

"Nick, if the filming of this movie is done quickly, The X-Men will release the second one after the filming is over, right? Now many audiences are looking forward to the movie, and you should strike while the iron is hot. The first movie's box office was good, don't let it cool down, and go directly to the second part."

After discussing the schedule of the film, Pascal changed the subject and talked about the recent film made by Enigma Company. Columbia Corporation did not release this movie, and now her words have crossed business boundaries, and it can even be said to be inquiring about business news.

However, Levi didn't think giving her some information was a big deal.

The X-Men movie did indeed make a lot of money — in the four weeks since it was released, the global box office of that movie has exceeded 300 million. Although the popularity has dropped a bit now, when it is time to draw, exceeding 500 million is no problem.

Because of the high box office of the movie, many people are hoping that the X-Men can shoot a sequel immediately. And this is also one of the important topics in Hollywood. After all, high-grossing movies are the focus of people's attention at any time.

"Are you sure it's okay to release next year? As far as I know, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Michael Bay's Pearl Harbor are all next year. Speed, The Mummy, and Jurassic Park are all filming sequels. Are you sure you want me to compete with these movies at the box office?"

Levi's rhetorical question left Pascal speechless. Of course, she knows that there will be a lot of commercial films released next year: in 1998 and 1999, Hollywood was also affected by the financial turmoil, and there were fewer commercial films, but the major companies that have recovered now are all waiting to make money.

It is not a wise choice to release a new movie at this time - fortunately, this is the answer Pascal hopes to get.

The Columbia company has been in a downturn these years, and they are afraid that there will be too many competitors. It is not a bad thing for them to lose a strong enemy.

"Also, don't forget that one of the selling points of that movie is the special effects. Without special effects, the selling point of the movie is much less. Now the special effects are not much beyond when shooting the first film. I don't think the film's box office will be very good if we shoot another one immediately."

Levi is very clear about how his movie sells money, and now if he were to shoot a sequel without a breakthrough in special effects, it would be difficult to arouse the audience's enthusiasm. Such an approach is not done by smart people.

Pascal was silent for a moment, and then she spoke, "Maybe, but I think the director is also a big factor in the success of this movie... Nick, can we borrow this director if you are not going to shoot the new X-Men? He has a good script and has discussed with us about filming."

Hearing her words, Levi turned his head.

Columbia wanted Nolan to make a movie, but he was not stupid; he wanted to make his own movie, and he didn't want to lose his position as the director of the X-Men, so Pascal was here to test himself.

However, this is also admissible.

"If you need it, let him shoot. I am also very optimistic about him. Director Nolan understands the suspense setting and the movie's structure well. He can make a very simple truth very complicated. Letting him make a commercial film, there is absolutely no problem."

Levi has no objection to letting Nolan make other movies: anyway, Nolan signed a contract with his film company for three movies, and if he becomes famous elsewhere, he has no problem.

Levi's agreement made Pascal laugh, "I absolutely believe in your vision, Nick, and I believe this director will be very good. If there are any good movies or talents in the future, you can recommend them to us."

"Don't praise me like that; I'm not sure about my vision. He's not the only director I'm interested in - recently, I brought back a director from Japan, and I'm going to recommend him to Lionsgate. I think his movie style fits Lionsgate's requirements, and he can shoot some oriental horror movies. I guess Columbia doesn't like this kind of taste."

"Oh? Lionsgate's style, I thought you didn't like it very much..."

Pascal's expression was somewhat astonished; she didn't expect that Levi and the newly established Lionsgate Films also began to have a relationship.

She is very clear about Levi's going to Japan: Columbia is a subsidiary of Sony; how could she not know? It's just that she didn't expect that Levi had already arranged for the Japanese director to shoot a movie so soon, and it wasn't through Columbia Company. Enigma Company's vision was bigger than she imagined.

Columbia and Disney, these companies already have an inseparable cooperative relationship with Levi. And now, Levi is ready to cooperate with Lionsgate.

Enigma Company doesn't produce many movies, and it has always been very low-key, but it has to be admitted that this company already has its own place in Hollywood.

Levi can compromise with Columbia, but Enigma Company is definitely not a subordinate Columbia can control - Levi mentioned Lionsgate just to remind her of this.

"I'm looking forward to it. The difference between Eastern horror movies and Western horror movies you mentioned. There will be too many surprises next year." Pascal laughed and said nothing. She is now sincerely grateful to Levi, who is willing to tell his partner about his film company's plan.

Anyone would be proud to have such a partner.


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