
Helming Hollywood

Levin, who had experienced ups and downs in the entertainment industry in his previous life came to Hollywood in 1996 from 2014. It's a slow-paced novel. Unofficial translation of the novel by heracross. Raw version can be found at https://www.uukanshu.com/b/24330/. You can read advanced chapters on my Patreon account: https://www.patreon.com/Sayonara816.

Sayonara816 · Realistic
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342 Chs

New Movie

When Brad Pitt gave a slight greeting, then turned and left. Looking at the back of him leaving, Levi also had a playful look on the corner of his mouth. He didn't expect that he would meet Brad Pitt here, let alone that he would see him and Aniston together here.

Of course, Levi is not surprised to see them together: he may know more about his future love than Brad Pitt himself now. All in all, at this moment, he should only know Aniston, and he hasn't pursued her yet. It's just that this relationship will change soon.

The relationship between Brad Pitt and Gwyneth should have cracked during the recent period. In order to compete for the Oscar and create exposure, Gwyneth took on five movies in one year, and the whole year, if there is no rest time, naturally, there will be no love. And if Levi's memory is not wrong, after Gwyneth won the Oscar in 1998, she also dumped Pitt and began to come together with Ben Affleck, who has better exposure.

Of course, Pitt was Pitt, and other men who were dumped might feel sad and feel sorry for themselves, but when Pitt was dumped, within a few days, he had already started to start dating again.

After all, there is a difference between a man and a male god. For a male god, there is no failure; it is just going from one success to the next. For Pitt, how could there be no actress around him?

It's just a pity that Levi doesn't want him to capture this position. He knew what would happen if the two of them were together if he hadn't met by chance. He didn't bother to make a special trip to take care of it, but since he encountered it, he would intervene. It's not a big deal, either.

And his meddling really made Pitt resign immediately. He has yet to formally pursue Aniston. He and Gwyneth haven't broken up yet, and he knows very well that, as an actor, he can't offend the director. That being the case, he naturally left without hesitation. He is a very intelligent person, and he is a person who can afford to let go.

It is hard to say which is more important for Pitt, love or career. But Levi knew very well that even if he married Aniston, Aniston was not very important to him...

"What you said to him just now. Is it true?" Seeing that Brad Pitt was far away, Aniston looked away and then laughed, "You came to me. It can't be because you want to find me to shoot a movie."

Aniston smiled brightly. It also made Levi laugh: This girl is not stupid at all; she is not Rachel in the TV series; she has her own ability to distinguish.

Just after Levi came over, he immediately chatted with Pitt, which turned Pitt's attention to him, and he let Aniston see that when this man faced an opportunity, he was different from usual. And Levi immediately turned him down.

Aniston was also skeptical when he said he wanted to talk to herself. Did he really want to talk to herself, or did he just want to embarrass Pitt?

Aniston doesn't know why Levi is doing this: Does he have a feud with Pitt, or does he have an interest in herself? She wasn't sure about these things.

"Who said no? I really asked you to act in a movie." Levi denied her opinion, "You don't have confidence in your acting skills, do you?"

"You want me to act in your movie? Do you have a new movie? Can I have a look at the script?" Aniston was a little excited.

However, Levi noticed that her words were very interesting.

Logically speaking, Levi is not only a famous director but also a famous screenwriter. Theoretically speaking, both of his films were produced by him, so his scripts will naturally be very famous. However, Levi had just invited Aniston to make a film, and her answer was also very skillful. She didn't say that she wanted to act in Levi's movie but asked for the script. This also left a way out for herself: If you like, act; you can refuse if you don't like it.

This woman is not stupid at all - this is quite different from her image on the screen, and it also made Levi's original thoughts change a little, and he didn't say what he originally wanted to say.

"Oh, I think you've got something wrong - this movie wasn't directed by me, and I didn't write the screenplay. I asked you to act in a movie based on a novel. You know the novel 'The Notebook?' The right to adapt this novel is in my hands, and now I really want to turn it into a movie. Are you interested in starring in it?" Levi's words made Aniston forget her dissatisfaction and immediately became interested.

The novel The Notebook was also a bestseller when it was published. At that time, Alexander and the others bought a few copyrights according to the bestseller list, and they also purchased the copyright of this novel. In Levi's memory, this novel was also adapted into a movie in the future. It's just a pity that Levi was not very enthusiastic about the two actors in that play, so he also lacked interest in this movie.

In this life, the script is in his hands, but he has no idea of ​​shooting at all: he has to find something he likes to make a movie, and it is difficult for Levi to be interested in shooting purely romance movies like The Notebook.

However, even if you don't shoot yourself, you can always shoot with your own film company. The requirements for shooting such a movie are not high; as long as you can find enough handsome men and women, you can start shooting. It's just 98 now, and Levi can't find Rachel McAdams. However, if another Rachel, that is, Jennifer Aniston, should play the role, the effect should be good.

Anyway, a sweet sister like her can only shoot such a movie. Moreover, as a TV star, she now also wants to break into the film industry. It is difficult for her to muster up the courage to say no to a best-selling book adaptation or a movie in which she is the heroine.

This was a huge step for her.

For himself, this is also an experiment: his film company can't just make its own films; in fact, it should be good to let others make films.

"Is this kind of role just given to me so easily? No strings attached? Just give me the part of a leading role? Today must be my lucky day to have such good luck." Aniston was a little surprised by such an opportunity easily thrown by Levi. This is not an opportunity that can be encountered daily.

"You're a good fit for the movie. That's enough for me." Levi glanced at her, then spoke again. "Perhaps it would be better to change the hairstyle? This is my request?"

"Do you know my agent's phone number? I'll tell him when I get back and let him wait for the interview notice from Enigma Company." Anniston also laughed, "At that time, you can talk to me more carefully."

Levi nodded, watching her leave, and smiled a little playfully.


"Nick. It's really unexpected. Your interests are quite extensive. Are you interested in Jennifer Aniston?" At this time, behind Levi, a voice sounded, and Levi turned around to see Leslie, his old friend.

"Leslie. That doesn't seem like a big deal, does it?"

Indeed. It's no big deal. Levi wasn't married, and Aniston didn't have a boyfriend. What was his fault for doing this?

"I just don't get it; why?"

"I'm a fan of Friends," Levi replied. "Of course, my favorite character is not Rachel, but Chandler. He took the confusion and stress of that life and acted really well. It made me feel very realistic and immersive at one point. For a while, I felt like my own life was like that, and no one around me even cared what I did and lived. It is also a tragic life made up of fake smiles, jokes, and self-pity."

"First, why didn't I see that Chandler showed so much? Second, is your life a tragedy? Are you kidding me?"

Levi smiled; of course, he couldn't see it. It was in the later period that Chandler gradually became more and more involved and even became the protagonist. Moreover, the contagiousness of the actor's performance is also a matter after he took drugs. Of course, these things cannot be seen now. As for his own life... that was all Leslie saw.

Just like Aniston is actually very smart but always plays the silly character, isn't he also having reservations about others?

"However, Rachel's character is not good enough, but the wedding dress when she appeared on the stage was really amazing." After thinking about it, Levi added another sentence.

"You don't want to harass her, do you? You should know that she has a pretty good background in Hollywood. If you mess around, you will be in quite a lot of trouble."

"You think of me as such a person?"

"It doesn't have to be a good feeling, but you will get into trouble."

This is really true... Levi shook his head with a wry smile.

However, he has no plans for Aniston; he just likes this TV series very much, so he decides to help Aniston.

If Levi didn't care, maybe Aniston would fall in love with Pitt, get married, and then Pitt cheated after marriage, and it was a matter of course. He was confident in terms of facts. Pitt handled this matter quite a bit with the demeanor of a top-notch scumbag like Eastwood, Day-Lewis.

[A/N: Pitt is a very confident person. Even after divorcing Aniston for a few years, he heard that Aniston was renovating the house by herself and thought that Aniston was trying to get his attention. The self-confidence of this kind of star is very blind, and some are very brain-dead. Douglas even held a poll to ask fans to vote on which part of him was the most handsome.]

It's better not to have such a future. Now that he met her, let's mix it up and don't let the two of them get together so as not to delay them. This matter is dirty; whether Pitt wants to find Julie Levi doesn't even bother to look for someone else.

"When you talked to her just now, it seemed that you mentioned a new movie... Could it be that your next job is to produce a movie instead of directing a movie yourself? Are you tired after shooting two movies in a row?"

From last year September to September of this year, Levi shot two films. This kind of speed is not fast in other industries, but in the director world, it is the speed of a model worker.

"No, a producer's job is not heavy, and I can do it concurrently. I'm not unprepared to be a director of a movie." Levi said, "Leslie, I still have to let you do me a favor: Do you know Jim Carrey? I want him in my movie."

"Jim Carrey?" Leslie repeated. "What are you doing? What do you want to shoot?"

"A movie... Actually, you should know the screenplay written by Andrew Niccol. You know, right? I've been hoping to get it for a long time, and now I finally succeeded. This movie is called The Truman Show."

Speaking of real life, this movie's name is a reality show.

[A/N: The Truman World was released in June 1998. Due to the Butterfly effect, the movie was delayed and Levi bought the script before it could be started.]


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