
Helming Hollywood (Fanfic)

Levin, who had experienced ups and downs in the entertainment industry in his previous life came to Hollywood in 1996 from 2014. It's a slow-paced novel. Unofficial translation of the novel by heracross. Raw version can be found at https://www.uukanshu.com/b/24330/. You can read advanced chapters on my Patreon account: https://www.patreon.com/Sayonara816.

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When the film The Departed finally met the audience after more than half a year of filming, it immediately became the topic of conversation in Hollywood.

Levi's new movie can attract a lot of attention. After the movie's premiere, the entire Hollywood has already set its sights on it. Although there are two more movies released at the same time, both the media and the audience are all focusing on The Departed at this moment.

This is a very exciting blockbuster for the audience and for the media, this is a film worthy of discussion.


"It's a wonderful movie, and every twist and turn can't help but make people overwhelmed." The film critic of "The Chicago Post" highly evaluated the film.

For them, this is definitely a successful movie - the tension runs from the beginning to the end, and the struggle of the characters in the film is hidden in every line and every look.

The ruthless gangster, the outstanding police officer, the witty undercover agent, the excellent supporting roles, and the unpredictable story development made the film highly rated by the media.

After watching all kinds of commercial films with big explosions, gun battles, and one hero against a hundred, this kind of movie has a different flavor.

In contrast to those movies where the main characters don't get hurt even if they are hit by a nuclear bomb, and they don't forget to pick up girls even if they are bald, this movie is obviously more watchable in terms of plot.


"A top-notch feast - the performances of film actors, so that anyone who has seen it will have a hearty pleasure." The Los Angeles Times commented.

Alignment is the performance of the film. The performances of the four top actors are all memorable. The two undercover agents' struggles, entanglements, scheming, and wishes. The two bosses have their own domineering, courage, brains, and skills. And even with the return of the two small supporting roles who didn't show much at the critical moment, and even the two heroines' grasp of their respective roles - these actors have all done their best.

Generally speaking, as long as one actor can perform well in a movie, that's enough. How long has it been since anyone has seen such a scene where four big names compete on the same stage?


"A movie made with great care, the details in the movie are amazing."

The New York Times commented on another direction.

What they pay more attention to is the details of the movie. Although this movie is a commercial movie, the details in the film are impressive enough.

The setting of various details in the movie is still outstanding. Artistically speaking, the arrangement of the movie's background, lines, and detailed actions, and in terms of storytelling, the various shooting methods used to create the atmosphere during filming are all excellent.

Details such as wind chimes, bells, and muzzle smoke let the movie not lag behind anyone in the details.


"This movie tells us that the artistry and commerciality of a movie can coexist. The movie takes care of business while shooting wonderful artistic effects." San Francisco Post reviewed this movie.

The artistry was praised. If there's one way this film leaves no other gangster flick in reach, it's its artistry. With the exploration of human nature, the exploration of good and evil, the grasp of the emotions of each character, and the ridicule of religion, politics, and other things.

Such movies are amazing.


"The greatest thing about movies is that they show us that good movies can be made even if movies are not shot according to certain rules."

Professional magazines such as "Variety Show" don't evaluate movie standards or whether the story is exciting; they pay more attention to the shooting method of the movie.

It's not difficult to make a good movie, but surprisingly, a film that focuses on wits and the acting skills of the actors rather than fighting scenes can be such good-looking.

Inspired by the Titanic in the past two years, the investment scale of the film is getting bigger and bigger, and the more the film is made, the more magnificent it is.

However, most of these magnificent movies are quite traditional and old-fashioned stories. It is quite rare for Levi's movies to dare to break out of this routine.

From innovation to connotation, from story to characters, every aspect of this movie is thought-provoking. It is definitely a rare good film to be able to shoot to this extent.

In every way, this is a fantastic movie.


Of course, even so, the film is also not lacking in criticism.

"It's exciting enough, but it's still a bit divorced from reality."

Among the critics of the movie, the biggest problem is that the film is not real enough.

Some places in this movie are not all realistic: How did William stay in New York, for example? The police in the United States are randomly assigned across the country, and the possibility of staying in New York is relatively small.

Similarly, the ten years of each other's undercover seems too child's play. Such a long confrontation is really unrealistic. What's more, ten years later, both William and Colin became leaders in the opposing camp. After the death of the captain, William became the actual power controller of the police. After the death of the gangster boss, if Colin hadn't run away, he would be the next gangster boss.

Such an undercover agent is too omnipotent.


"There are too few gangsters in the movie and too many scenes in the police station. The standard of black and white for both the police and the robbers is not deep enough."

Another criticism is that the gangsters in the movie are too dark, and the police are too righteous. Since both black and white parties in the film have done many things, it is a bit dissatisfactory to just treat the gang's drug trade as a crime without discussing the crimes of the police station.


"As a gangster movie, I have to say that there are too few fighting scenes in the movie. There are only a few simple shots to kill people, the gunfight scene is only one scene, and the arrest scene is only one. It's just a one-shot; this kind of movie is not exciting enough."

In addition, some complained that the movie was not exciting enough. Many people originally heard that the script was written by Hong Kong people and thought Levi wanted to film some Hong Kong-style fights.

But who knew that there were so few fighting scenes in this movie.

Not to mention supporting roles, when the main character dies, he dies without hand-to-hand combat, gun battles, and explosions, so it is not exciting enough.


These questions are very important for some people who love gangster movies and think that gangsters are just, or those who have analysis addiction, or those who like movies full of fighting all the time, but for others, the film is still great.

For example, for a broad audience, there is nothing wrong with this movie. After the film was released, they poured into the theater one after another, watching the movie.

"I like watching this movie very much. The way the police handle cases is supposed to be like this. The brain is the key. At this age, it's unreal to single-handedly fight against gangsters."

Regarding the lack of fighting scenes in the movie, the audience wasn't offended: the film's original selling point wasn't preemption. Compared with gun battles, such a battle of wits is rare.

What's more, American audiences are not fools. There have been many crime TV dramas. How can they rely on the police to fight the case?


"The characters in the movie are well portrayed, and several characters are very charming. I like the character of Colin very much, and I also think William is quite sad."

The audience also has opinions about the two people in the movie. What is quite surprising is that although William is the last person alive, in most people's eyes, he is the sadder one.

Controversial stories will ruin a movie, but controversial characters can often make a movie. In the film, Colin is an outstanding and decent person in the media, and his fate can only make people feel sorry. However, what happened to William made people wonder whether to be happy or sad. After the film was completed, his controversial nature soon became the focus of discussion.


"I watched this movie for the second time. I didn't understand some details when I watched it the first time. After watching the later part, I felt there seemed to be clues in the front, but I couldn't remember it, so I watched it again."

These audiences are more serious.

When watching movies, they like to pay attention to details but can't see many details in the film. The date on the video store and the tombstone, the little girl's age, the performance of the two undercover agents in the previous conversations with the police, all kinds of small foreshadowing; if you don't dig deep, you can't see clearly.

And after digging deeper, these details that make people feel warm or chilly also make the movie more exciting.

If you want people to watch a movie a second time, you have to make people see something different. The depiction of details has such a role.

How could a movie with a story, characters, and details be unpopular? After the movie's premiere, almost all the tickets released across the United States were sold out.

If a movie is only well-received but not a blockbuster, the film cannot be considered a success.

If it was a blockbuster but not well-received, the movie couldn't be considered a success.

However, this movie's word-of-mouth and box office is very good, and the film is an undisputed success.

"The popularity of this movie is extraordinary. Director Levi really proved that his movies can be made even better. Among the questions that The Departed gave us, now there is only the biggest one: Among the movies this year, is this movie the number one of the year?"


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