
Helming Hollywood (Fanfic)

Levin, who had experienced ups and downs in the entertainment industry in his previous life came to Hollywood in 1996 from 2014. It's a slow-paced novel. Unofficial translation of the novel by heracross. Raw version can be found at https://www.uukanshu.com/b/24330/. You can read advanced chapters on my Patreon account: https://www.patreon.com/Sayonara816.

Sayonara816 · Celebrities
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342 Chs


It's a pity that Levi didn't have a chance to see Gwyneth's expression. Is it really as sad as Winona said? After the Golden Globes, Gwyneth didn't go to the post-Golden Globe party and just left.

Levi understood her approach very well: Gwyneth took away Winona's role, and it would be fine if Winona forgave her after losing, but Winona's words carried a lot of emotion; as the winner, She taunted Gwyneth, and when it hit the papers tomorrow, it could easily lead to controversy. Gwyneth needs to do some public relations. Otherwise, this will have a very negative impact on her.

In fact, Winona's words like this are tantamount to losing both sides - many Hollywood artists cooperate with each other, but not many are in a hostile relationship. When such blatant words are spoken, it will not be good for the image of the two people.

The public is not in the mood to analyze who is right and who is wrong and will not have a good impression of both parties in the dispute.

Gwyneth's flattering words are actually intended to reconcile and help the two people more. However, Winona's current image and momentum are the peak moments of her life, and she doesn't care about some losses. Trying to damage her image but also to make Gwyneth unlucky, Winona's revenge cannot be said to be cruel.

However, Levi can understand her revenge: her good friend betrayed her friendship, and no one can be calm about it. It's a pity that Gwyneth has already lost, and even admitted defeat, and will be ridiculed.

Levi also lamented for her in his heart. She was supposed to win the Best Actress, but now she is ridiculed and may feel very uncomfortable.

But that's okay; if Gwyneth really didn't win the Oscar, she would definitely not be passive and maybe even work harder in her career. After all, her acting skills are still solid; she could become a better actor if she honed her skills.

Levi knew that these thoughts were just comforting thoughts, that everything had two sides, but he was not Gwyneth's friend. It is enough to find an excuse for yourself.

Gwyneth's departure did not affect the progress of the party. At such a party, one more or one less person would not attract too many people's attention.

The Golden Globe party is still going on at this time; after all, Gwyneth is not the heroine of tonight; Cate Blanchett and Winona are the focus of attention.

Of the two, Winona is the one that attracts the most attention. Everyone knows the unspoken rules of the Oscars, and Blanchett won the Golden Globe, which is all she has gained this year. It is very difficult for a foreign actor to win an award in the American film industry. It is even more difficult for an actor like Blanchett, who has just debuted.

Therefore, it is Winona that is sought after by people now. Playing the role of Emily has won her many things: the reputation of an angel, the love and admiration of the American public, especially women, the high praise of the critics, the unanimous praise of the media, and the contracts, status, money, and now another award, and she arguably won it all.

At this party, Winona has always been surrounded by everyone, and tonight, she is destined to be the focus here.

Looking at her, Levi was also a little happy: anyway, what I am doing now is still good. After all, Winona Ryder won this award, and the stress of work is gone. The movie Emily also changed her attitude towards life. Made her mentally better.

If things go on like this, it is estimated that she will not take medicine for a long time because of insomnia and stress, and she will not be so confused that she will not pay the bill for shopping and destroy herself. It can be said that this movie truly has changed her destiny.

What could be more pleasing than this?

Moreover, this is also a good thing for him. Last year, Spacey won the best actor for his film, and this year Winona won the best actress. His reputation as good at cultivating actors has been officially established.

Levi believes that there will be more actors willing to cooperate with him from now on. Even at this banquet, many people are courting him.

Isn't it the case that many people envy Winona now that she's famous and wealthy?

Levi was very satisfied with this treatment and chatted with them until Winona found him, interrupting his happy time.

"Are you going to stay here and say hello to more girls? If not, how about coming home with me? The Golden Globe party is too official and boring. I invited some friends to celebrate the party at home; they are all very excited to see you."

There was some dissatisfaction in Winona's tone. Apparently, Levi chatted with other girls on her happiest day, making her feel slightly aggrieved.

"The people you mentioned are all from the film industry, right?" Levi asked back.

Over the past few days, many of Winona's friends have spoken out to support her and let Levi know she knows many top actors. Levi naturally became suspicious when hearing that someone wanted to see him now.

"Don't you want to see them? I saw Angelina just now, and she said she wanted to meet you. The last time you got along very well, don't you plan to celebrate this time? Perhaps, you can continue the discussion on the topic of sexy?"

The slight jealousy in Winona's words made Levi smile a little, but he knew that some words could not be wrong, "Stop talking nonsense. You know very well she just wanted to cooperate with me."

"But I don't think she will care about paying extra work." Winona shrugged.

"She wants to pay, and I have to have something to sell." Levi laughed.

Levi knew that Winona was mainly joking, so he just dealt with it casually. However, while joking, Levi was also thinking secretly in his heart: Indeed, people now regard him as a genius, but to become a genius, one must look like a genius.

There will be actors like Angelina now and in the future. They all hope to get my scripts tailored for them, but where does he have so many good scripts?

Having a more comprehensive network of contacts is good, but if others need to find him, he must find a way.

"Isn't it easy for you to write a script? Besides, you don't have a new script recently? It's been more than half a year since Emily finished filming."

After hearing what Levi said, Winona also asked a question.

"There is no script. Why do you and Clark think I'm a script production machine? In fact, after this movie's post-production is over, I'm going to take a break - maybe a year, maybe half a year."

Levi saw suspicion in Winona's eyes and could only smile, "Of course, I just said that as a director. Maybe, writing scripts these days? Or being a producer to make some plays? This is also possible."

Levi also has been thinking about his own plan - the time has come to 1999, and the stocks he bought, which should be sold, should be disposed of. Compared to the money movies make, those are the real big bucks.

And, in 1999, other things are waiting for him to do.

Leaving aside other things, the copyright of The X-Men is about to expire, and Levi has to get someone to make one. Although he is not willing to make such a commercial film, as a producer, it is still possible.

With the money earned from stocks, the company can expand its scale. Moreover, during this period of time, he should also do some other things: for example, buy movie scripts, make another TV series or TV show, or dig for some talents or something.

It that is not so much a rest as an adjustment. Apart from filming, he must take care of his affairs for his future.

"I knew you couldn't rest so easily." Winona nodded, and it was obvious that her expression was a little relaxed, "Alright if you don't rest, people like Angelina will keep pestering you. I don't think you have enough resistance..."

"We agree..."

Winona turned her head and gave Levi a resentful look, but after a look, she chuckled, "I'm happy today, and I don't care about you. But now, send me home immediately. I'm going home to the party. Don't worry; there are not only people in the film industry but also many people in the music industry."

"People in the music industry? How did you know each other?"

Levi was a little surprised by this sentence: he never knew that so many people in the film industry supported Winona, but now, she told Levi that she had friends in the music industry.

"What's so difficult about getting to know them? Go backstage, and chat for a few minutes. Won't you get to know them?" Winona seemed to be talking about a very common thing. Getting to know singers at the backstage of the concert is obviously already a habit, "My name Ryder comes from the music industry, and I am quite familiar with the music industry."

Winona actually has such contacts... Levi was a little surprised but had no idea about listening to music.

"To be honest, I'm not that interested in music..." Levi said and suddenly remembered something.

After the filming of 'The Truman Show,' he is going to rest, but he can do other things if he doesn't make movies. He has always been cooperating with CBS, but they have been contacting hoping that he can produce a TV program for them.

This may be an opportunity.

He is unfamiliar with the music industry and doesn't know how to make songs, but he knows how to make stars by creating TV programs!

It would be great to let Disney do this...

'Why do you want to go to work again?' Levi suddenly found himself distracted again. This really shouldn't be. Today is Winona's celebration. It's not too late to think about these things in the future.


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Cherif Doghri

Scott DePaepe

MMMCMXCIX, or 3,999


Sandra Torres

Mandy G

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