
Helming Hollywood (Fanfic)

Levin, who had experienced ups and downs in the entertainment industry in his previous life came to Hollywood in 1996 from 2014. It's a slow-paced novel. Unofficial translation of the novel by heracross. Raw version can be found at https://www.uukanshu.com/b/24330/. You can read advanced chapters on my Patreon account: https://www.patreon.com/Sayonara816.

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During the period when The Three-Body Problem was released, the biggest topic of discussion among people was naturally how this movie was doing.

It is natural to say that this is a good movie. However, what people are discussing now is whether this movie will gain anything in this year's awards season.

It seems a little early to say this now, but if such questions were about Levi's movies, people would not find it strange at all. After all, it seems to be a rule that Levi's movies are always well-received, and everyone knows that the Oscars always favor his movies. Will Three-Body Problem 2 also be favored this time? This is also a problem for people.

This movie was released in the summer. Generally speaking, movies released during this time period have nothing to do with Oscars. However, since this movie belongs to Levi, it obviously cannot be analyzed by common sense. The other parts of this movie are especially good, so if we look at the shooting methods, can he challenge for an Oscar?

The media quickly came up with the answer to this question. After all, most people can see that many parts of this movie are indeed of award-winning quality.

Putting aside the ideological nature of the media that has yet to discuss the outcome, technological innovation alone is enough to make people look at the movie with admiration. The concept of 3D movies has made many filmmakers feel the changes of the times. This movie is enough to become an Oscar favorite from this point alone.

Moreover, apart from ideological and technological innovation, there are many other things worth learning from this movie.

For example, this movie's clever use of shooting techniques - in 3D movies, the Lilliputian effect and the problem of not being able to see clearly when the picture is too dark have always been regarded as technical shortcomings in 3D movies. But in this movie, these problems have been put to good use. The combination of the Lilliputian effect and God's perspective, the use of overly dark images, low music, and Shandong firelight create a gloomy atmosphere. These shooting techniques are used. All of them are irresistible.

In addition to the pictures, this movie's sound can also be considered extremely classic. Those noisy sounds clearly paid attention to the different problems of distance and nearness in 3D shooting, which is more layered than in 2D. Although the use of the soundtrack cannot be said to be unparalleled, it is still shocking - especially the space battle section, which combines the silence of the universe with the scene when the Earth fleet is destroyed. On the one hand, it is very realistically reproduced. On the other hand, the silence of the universe also highlights the desperate struggle of human beings. This kind of scene is not seen in other movies. But it has never happened before.

The quality of a film can be seen from the pictures and sounds of the film. In this field, 3D movies are a field that no one has ever touched. People don't have enough experience yet. However, people who have no shooting experience at least have the ability to understand other people's shooting techniques. There are definitely not a few people who can understand Levi's shooting techniques. And these people basically all praise his movies.

The pace of this movie. Plot, connotation. Actors, let's not talk about any of these aspects. Just talking about the film's shooting techniques and sound configuration is enough to show Levi's intentions for the film and his hidden ambitions.

Is this movie aiming for an Oscar? There is no need to think too much about this question.

"Ignoring everything else, it is just the beginning of the movie. It can already defeat all other movies. From the perspective of ants to the perspective of humans, this is the change from the two-dimensional world to the three-dimensional world. In the past, our movies were movies that could only be enjoyed on a flat surface, just like ants. We are creatures living in a three-dimensional world, but we can only perceive two-dimensional pictures. From the perspective of ants to the perspective of humans, this change can be said to be the perfect metaphor for 2D movies to 3D movies. Just from this one shot, the ambition of this movie can be clearly revealed."

Some careful media still used some things in the movie. I found an unusual place where the movie was shot. When I first saw a shot like this, I didn't think it was anything special, but seeing the booming market for 3D movies now and seeing this shot that symbolizes the transition from 2D to 3D, the media could also sense that Levi was filming this. There is so much ambition when taking the camera.

This shot can already be said to be a concrete manifestation of Levi's ambition.

It is precisely because of these scenes that when the movie was released, people also considered whether this movie might compete for the Oscars.

Logically speaking, it has not been uncommon for commercial blockbusters to win Oscars in the past two years. Be it Titanic or Lord of the Rings, they all won Oscars in this way. Compared with those two movies, the influence of The Three-Body Problem is not bad at all. Whether it is the technical aspect or the ideological nature of the movie, it is even better than those movies. If you just put it this way, it seems There is nothing wrong with it winning awards.

However, the only thing that makes people feel doubtful is that it is a summer movie. After all, most movies that want to compete for the Oscars will choose to be released around Christmas - even Big Ship and Lord of the Rings 3 chose this time period and did not choose to be released in the summer.

So, if The Three-Body Problem is released in the summer, will it be impacted by movies released in the winter? This has also become a big question for people. After all, it is a commercial film. Some literary and artistic films will always impact a commercial film. This is an indisputable fact.

However, for many people, this kind of doubt can be said to be eliminated as soon as it arises - will it really be affected? Judging from the standards of the Oscar-winning films in the past two years, is it really possible for those movies to have an impact on The Three-Body Problem?

Yes, the Oscar-winning movies in the past two years can all be said to be good movies to a certain extent when these directors are not making movies. He has a good grasp of the rhythm, the pictures, and the story. However, in these aspects, the shooting of the Three Body 2 is not bad at all. In terms of box office and influence, The Three-Body Problem has no problem completely surpassing movies like this on several levels. Not all of Levi's investment in Three-Body Problem 2 was spent on picture production. The level of his film shooting is quite high, and there are really good enough movies. Can I challenge him?

When it comes to shooting techniques, they are unlikely to beat Three-Body Problem; when it comes to actor performance, they are unlikely to win; even when it comes to the ideological aspect that is the most advantageous aspect of literary and artistic films, those movies seem to be different compared to Three-Body Problem. Can win.

If you look at it this way. It seems that no matter what, Levi will definitely win.

However, Levi has already won two Oscars; can he really win a third one? If he really gets it, his honor will definitely be the first in Hollywood. Is such a thing really possible?

The media has great doubts about this.

At this time, regarding these questions. Levi is very confident.

His movies are much better than what he remembered when 3D movies first appeared, which was beyond his expectations.

In Levi's memory, after the movie Avatar was released. The reviews received can be said to be very polarized. People who like it say that it is the first in film history to create a 3D craze and has the most outstanding special effects. This can be said to be the most perfect movie. As for the plot and stuff - there are special effects like this. As long as there are no major flaws in the plot, it's fine.

But there are people who don't like it. His plot is extremely poor, and he has always been criticized. Not to mention compared to Cameron's own classic Titanic. Even compared with another science fiction work, District 9, which is slightly later than his, his plot is much different. Although it is almost the uncontroversial king in terms of box office, it is quite disdainful when it comes to the connotation and standard of the movie.

In fact, this was also reflected in the subsequent Oscars: both big-budget movies, Titanic and Lord of the Rings 3, won as many as ten awards, but Avatar only won 3 awards. Cameron He also lost to his ex-wife.

Although it has the huge advantage of technological innovation, the filming of Avatar has no advantages other than technological innovation. Although The Hurt Locker that year wasn't a great movie, at least it was a decent enough movie to get bonus points.

Compared with the evaluation of leading the 3D trend, Avatar does not have much innovation in terms of film shooting technology and plot.

In comparison, Three Body 2 can be said to be much better.

When Levi was filming, if he absorbed the concept of Avatar in terms of shooting concept, then in terms of shooting technology, he absorbed more of the strengths and shooting techniques of movies such as Pi and Gravity. In terms of ideological expression, it did not completely follow Three-Body Problem 2 but explored the content of human nature. With these efforts, his movies have gained the momentum they have today.

The original Avatar did not have these things and could not have them: Cameron is also a mortal, after all. He could not have known the advantages and disadvantages of 3D movies before shooting 3D movies and had already summed up how to shoot 3D movies. These things should have advanced over time. First, there was Avatar, then there was the 3D movie boom, and then there was the innovation in gravity shooting.

But now, Levi has done it all in one step.

But now, what he wants to do is to use what people have condensed into 3D movie production experience in the next four to five years to compete with Hollywood movies.

His films lack technical innovation, pioneering shooting, and ideological profundity. How can other films compare with his?

Even if these are not competing but fighting for public relations and relationships, I am not afraid at all. When it comes to connections, my connections in Hollywood are not bad at all. And when it comes to public relations - can the public relations expenses of this movie really be compared with other movies?


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