
Helming Hollywood (Fanfic)

Levin, who had experienced ups and downs in the entertainment industry in his previous life came to Hollywood in 1996 from 2014. It's a slow-paced novel. Unofficial translation of the novel by heracross. Raw version can be found at https://www.uukanshu.com/b/24330/. You can read advanced chapters on my Patreon account: https://www.patreon.com/Sayonara816.

Sayonara816 · Celebrities
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342 Chs

Asian Actors

The filming of Lost in Translation is progressing rapidly. This was originally a small-budget movie, and there was almost no difficulty in shooting it. Whether it was for Levi or Theron, it was easy to shoot it.

"I hope my acting is not bad."

Since Levi said the movie was made for Theron, Theron also accepted his statement. However, since Levi's film is said to be for her, she also wants to know what Levi's evaluation is.

"You're good at acting. In this movie, the main thing you need to play is struggle and confusion. You play the role of a newly married young woman who is bored because her husband is too busy and doubts the confusion of her own life. Trust me. You acted very well."

There is no big problem with Theron's acting skills in playing this kind of character. For the role of this young woman, her age is just right, and the image is fine, so she can naturally do well. Her performance is satisfactory enough with this movie's scenes and shooting techniques.

However, Theron was still a little dissatisfied with Levi's answer.

"If I'm really good at acting, why don't you look satisfied when filming these days?" Theron asked.

The shooting in the past few days has not been as smooth as Levi said. For example, just now, during the filming, Levi also checked first before shouting, "Cut." Theron found that these days, when Levi was shooting movies, he always frowned, which also made Theron a little puzzled.

Levi shook his head and patted Theron on her hand, "Don't worry, it's not your problem; I'm worried about other things. You acted well. What I'm really worried about is the acting skills of the others."

Others? Theron looked around, not understanding Levi's words. But they are the supporting roles in this drama, with little to no importance, so why worry about them?

"There is nothing wrong with them in this movie, but you have also seen it. Their acting skills are really terrible. If they act in other movies, there may be a big problem."

Levi explained, which made Theron unhappy: he was thinking about other movies while making a movie for herself, which made Theron a little dissatisfied.

But Levi's question also made Theron guess his thoughts. She knew that Levi liked to think about the long term. When he said this, could it be that he would make some Asian movies?

If that's the case, Japanese actors really can't do it.

"If you want to make an Asian film, wouldn't it be enough to find people from other countries?" Theron thought for a while and said.

While filming this time, he encountered such a problem: The exaggerated acting skills of this group of people made Levi unable to complain. The entire Japanese entertainment industry seems to be filled with an air of exaggeration as a common thing.

Theron can find these things, let alone Levi. These days, Levi is frowning because of this.

In his previous life and current life, Levi got used to the use of good actors. Even when Levi was filming a TV series, the actors he recruited also knew how to prepare lines and prepare for performances.

But looking at these poor actors now, it was naturally difficult for him to accept such exaggerated acting skills.

The script this time is okay - Lost in Translation is only a small-scale movie, after all, and there are still some comedic colors, so there is no big problem in letting them act in this movie.

But if they are asked to act in other plays...

Levi is still a little worried because he has more ideas.

This movie is a very simple movie. When Levi was shooting, he didn't need to spend too much energy. Therefore, he was also thinking about other issues when he was shooting.

He has never let go of sci-fi movies; several aspects cannot be forgotten if he shoots a big-budget film.

The first is that movies need to have robust technical equipment and have enough excellent special effects production. In this regard, Levi is not worried. He has his own special effects company, and now, after continuous investment, it is also developing well. It has always been at the forefront of Hollywood.

Levi does not require them to have the development of futuristic technology; as long as they can be at the forefront of the times, that is enough.

And then there is money. In this regard, Levi is not worried. Just in January of this year, it was announced that AOL would merge with Time Warner, and the stock in Levi's hands has almost risen to the highest value.

Now, as long as they operate immediately after their merger is successful next year, Levi's assets are estimated to exceed 6 billion. The Internet bubble is troublesome for others, but it is a good thing for Levi.

With so much money, it is good time again to take out part of it to buy some Apple stocks or make some other Internet investments and then wait for the appreciation.

The rest of the money... he can do whatever he wants.

For people with 6 billion, spending 200 to 300 million to make movies is not difficult. If money comes easily, you don't feel bad about it when you spend it.

In addition to these, the most important thing about movies is naturally the problem of people. If he wants to shoot a big film, he must use all the races. However, looking at these actors, he can only sigh.

The development of film and television in Asia is different from that in Europe and the United States. In Asia, the income of TV series is much higher than that of movies, and TV series actors are also paid more attention, especially in Japan and South Korea.

Their acting skills are exaggerated and artificial. No matter how you look at it, this kind of acting is okay to play a sweet and greasy love student, but to play anything else is difficult.

Levi often complained in his previous life that many actors have never improved their acting skills since they started their careers. Japan is still a bit better. Although pretentious, it is still as expected, no matter what. As for South Korea, under the influence of cool and handsome Korean dramas, Levi didn't expect much in acting skills.

Theron was right. If he really wants to make movies in the future, he still has to find cooperation from other countries.

"If I remember correctly, haven't you and the Hong Kong people already had some cooperation? I heard that your last film script was found in Hong Kong."

This question made Levi laugh.

He knows the reaction of the Hong Kong people. After Levi finished filming the film, the response from Hong Kong was very fierce.

Although Hong Kong film was once very prosperous, and many Hong Kong directors and stars came to Hollywood and achieved good development, the Hong Kong film industry has been in decline in recent years.

They are also very excited to have an excellent script that Hollywood directors have favored amidst the recession.

Not long after the filming of the film was finished, they approached Levi, saying that the script for the film's sequel had been written, and asked Levi if he would continue to make a second film. In their opinion, since The Departed can earn 300 million box office worldwide, it is also appropriate to shoot another sequel.

It's just that Levi didn't immediately express his opinion on these thoughts. He didn't want to discourage the enthusiasm of those people in Hong Kong, and it was not easy to talk to. However, he had nothing to worry about when facing Theron.

"Do you know how long was the gap between The Godfather and The Godfather 2? Is it so easy to make a sequel to a classic movie? Of course, my movie cannot compare with The Godfather, but no matter what, a sequel written in a few months cannot qualify. One of the biggest problems of these Hong Kong people is their mentality of eager for quick success."

For the sake of fame, some people can use foreigners' money to film things that discredit their own country. For the sake of fame, they began to shoot some big productions frantically in order to make foreigners like them.

But they all seem to have forgotten that big-budget movies are built on the level of technology and financial resources. Without these, it is better to make down-to-earth movies that suit their own situation.

And precisely at this time, he needs to cooperate with them.

But maybe this is also an opportunity?

But how should he cooperate? In this regard, Levi also has to think of a way.

"Maybe you're right." Sighing, Levi nodded, "Maybe, after the Oscars, I should really visit Asia again."

[E/N: I had to remove a lot of text discriminating against the Japanese.]


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