
Hells Angel:The man who conquered death.

James_Marcus_Jones · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2:The lord of Death is Born

"I rose from the darkness to find I was in a casket.I panicked at first ,but I soon calm down after my memory of what happened came back.I wondered how long I had been gone for in a spiritual/mental sense and then I heard it again but this time it was coming from above me on the surface.The voice was telling me about how I got here and how I could get out.As I thought I had been buried as a corpse and left to rot.I asked the voice how long I'd been down here it said that it had to have been at least 3 years.I sat in silence upon hearing this.Realizing that I must have died I asked if it brought me back and it simply said this "I have not brought you back as you."I then replied well who am I.She replied "You are not who you where, because you have conquered me death itself you are not John Diez anymore.Through your souls will and determination as well as some luck you have conquered death and become the one and only lord of death, and my master."I honestly should have been more surprised at the time but was actually just thankful I wasn't trapped in that awful place anymore.I then asked it if it could get me out.It replied by saying "With all do respect master with your souls power your should be able to easily escape this tomb."She then listed off my abilities and privileges as the lord of death.To name a few near immortality ,Regeneration,increased strength and speed,necromancy,soul splitting,astral manifestation(basically telekinesis but it uses soul energy instead of mental energy),deaths commands,knowledge of the dead,Divine punishment,Divine blessing,Salvation,retribution,Elemental decomposition,and deaths toll.It went into greater detail but you get the gist.So I asked how to use these abilities.it said that all I had to do was call out the name or think of the ability and issue an order that the ability will be able to carry out.so I called out astral manifestation and said free me from the coffin Im being kept in.A storm of souls then stormed around my decayed body and accelerated me upwards to the surface blowing a whole where my grave had been.

The pin then stated that most of those powers could only be used once without unlocking part of the seal on my abilities.The only ones I could truly use without to much restraint were astral manifestation,regeneration,Improved strength and speed,low stage spirt summoning and deaths command.

After I was out I decided to use a combination of astral manifestation and regeneration to give myself a fresh new body and face.

The voice then stated "Greetings master.,"