
Hells Angel:The man who conquered death.

James_Marcus_Jones · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 1 Prologue: Looking Back.

"That day...hmph it seems so distant now. How much time has passed since those days?Before I was given new life.

I can still see it so clearly.I was just a typical dude having your typical shitty Week in Harlem New York.Honestly back then I was a bit of a loser.I couldn't even hold down a job,and everybody I knew would always call me that stupid nickname Johnny!They new I hated it but called me it anyways. The only one who was kind to me was an old buddy of mine Nick.He had lost his family so we would just be each others family.Anyhow I would just bounce around from one job to the next.Even did some things a man shouldn't admit to to get by when things got real desperate.

Things just kept going like that until eventually I found myself working for some not so pleasant people.Needless to say I was unaware of this at the time.The guys would just agree me to pay me to do some as they put it "renovations" to different properties they owned.The money was good so I never asked any questions and they never bothered me.Unfortunately things didn't stay that way.I was informed early that week that that I would have a job around 1:30 in the afternoon that Friday reflooring a second floor apartment in a building they owned.Usually they would call suddenly and I'd have to rush over to do the job.Needles to say I liked knowing when the job was, because it would give me time to get ready in advance,and since I had done so much for these guys I decided I'd come by the place earlier and finally ask why they needed to have me do the renovations for them.However there answer wasn't what I expected.I expected them to say something like "your trust worthy" ,or "do you know how hard it is to find somebody that will come out on call like you",but what they really said was " your disposable.",They then acted like they didn't say anything and so I pushed further and asked what they meant.They then said the words that sealed my fate "Nobody cares enough about you to look into how you died."The moment he stoped talking I felt my nail gun press up against my head and the last sound I heard was a the man behind me saying "good bye Johnny."

"Next thing I knew I was in darkness surrounded by nothing but my thoughts.I was there god knows how long and all I could think was am I dead.No I can't be!But I can't move.How did this happen.Where am I!All I could do is lay in the darkness wallowing in my regret;drowning in the questions I had left about the reason behind why I was there and how long would I be there weeks,months,years.It didn't mater how long I was there though because the pain I endured within the few seconds it took for me to think about all those things was worse than anything I had or could have felt in my life time.And it stayed like that for an incomparable amount of time until the moment I heard that voice as equally menacing and monstrous as it was beautiful and majestic saying "do you wish to overcome death knowing that by doing this you may never receive relief from life"could only say one thing at the time and I screened it with all of my might.IF THAT MEANS I CAN LEAVE THIS LIVING HELL THEN YES!!!The voice then said that I could stop fighting then ,and that now I have now conquered!"