
Hells Angel:The man who conquered death.

James_Marcus_Jones · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3:Who am I ?

"The voice then took the form of a pin in the shape of a black cross.It spoke once more."Lord.I am Death your humble servant."I asked it why it was a pin? "" I chose to take a form that may allow me to stay by your side at all times."The pin then said something that startled me.It said"Master could you please get dressed so I may assume my role as your pin."I then realized I was standing outside in the open buck naked.I panicked and jumped in the hole where my grave used to be.Was I buried naked !!I asked embarrassed and fearful at same time.It said that as with my flesh my clothes had also been eaten away at.It then said that I could were the clothes of the previous lord if I was so inclined I said as long as it covers me up.I then saw a bright flash of light and bam I was in an all black suit with a white under shirt a blood red tie silver cuff links and dark oak brown leather shoes.The pin said" hmm interesting so this is your royal robe."I asked what it meant and it said that the clothes of the lord depending on the traits and characteristics of the lord as well as the current time period in which the lord is born.I then proceeded to question what the lord of death is and who I am now.It gave me one answer "The Lord of Death is you.And you are the Lord of Death.I asked about my old life and if the people that killed me where still of this world?It said "I think you no the answer to that."And truth be told I did the fear and hatred I felt towards them remained and something deep within me was screaming to get revenge!That was proof enough for me that they where still alive and so I decided right then and there I would quell this hatred by dealing them the hand the dealt me 100 times worse!I would make them feel unbearable agony until they no longer knew who they were! And instead could only know the pain I would give them!"