
Heir of Unknown

Earth, once home to a world of magical wonder now reduced to a mere shadow of its past. All due to the invasion of the universe by another.

Piggythatsleeps · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The First Trial

A siren began to sound in the sky, seemingly as if from the heavens.

The beasts shriveled in pain momentarily as the those who had not awakened a system began to cry in pain.

Although most of such people began to grow tumors across their body, turning into aberrations, not all fell to this horrific demise.

As the siren began to wane the aberrations roared with untold might towards the sky. They were humans no longer, but beasts acting solely based on instinct.

A new enemy had appeared for the humans on Earth.


All who hadn't fallen heard this melodic voice resonate within their heads.

The system that Kana had unlocked alerted him that the world had been split into 7 sectors based on the continent. These sectors would separate the world from interacting. It told him that killing beasts and aberrations would give points which could be used to exchange at certain times.

The sectors were named Sword, Spear, Martial, Magic, Elemental, Beastial, and Samsara trial grounds. Each governed by their respective god, each with their own series of trials.

"Children, you are under my care Martial Goddesses Serephina."

"Your first trial will be like those of other sectors, a fight against friends and foes a like"

'Although it pains me see you all suffer like this, it's the only way'

And with that the beasts and aberrations sprung into action once again.

Kana was determined to gain as many point as possible, he needed to survive, he needed to find his little brother and older sister.

He dug his hand into the wound of the beast he had slain and ripped the spinal cord out.

It would be his weapon in this so called "trial".

The foul stench of the beasts blood had attracted the attention of the aberrations and beasts nearby as they began surrounding Kana.

He used his new found weapon, swinging it with all his might. Lacerations appeared on his enemies while grazes covered his body.

From a group of ten, to a group of five and finally none, he had slain them all.

When the adrenaline in his body slowed, he noticed his shallow hasty breaths and his shaking body.

He quickly grabbed at the orbs within the skulls of his enemies.

Eating all ten in one go his body quickly recovered from its exhaustion.

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[24 unassigned stats granted]

Kana decided to put ten stats into strength, ten stats into agility, and twelve stats into health.




He felt as if his body had unlimited strength, to test his new found strength he punched at a nearby corpse.

The force from his fist blasted the corpse into several parts and covered his arm in blood.

The voice in his head sounded once again "Child do not let this strength get to your head, in the grand scheme of things you are still far too weak, to protect your family and those you love you must continue growing stronger"