
Heir of Unknown

Earth, once home to a world of magical wonder now reduced to a mere shadow of its past. All due to the invasion of the universe by another.

Piggythatsleeps · Fantasy
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4 Chs

New World

The world froze, the beasts became rigid and the people stood still, as seven floating phantoms appeared in the sky.

"We are the seven gods of this universe", they said standing in regal outfits, "Earth is the origin of all life in this universe, although magic has long been lost in this world we have created a series of trials for you all to face."

"May the odds ever be in your favor"

With that the world returned to its chaos as screams once again permeated the world.

A certain lucky few of the billions of humans on the planet awakened a system.

[Kana Valade]


[18 years old]

Latent Talent[Descendant of Origin]







Unused Stats[0]

Kana felt as if he had fell into a world of fiction like those he had only ever seen in games. He felt a weird power rise from the core of his stomach and spread across his body.


*All stats have increased by 10*

*Every level up gives 4 times as many stats*

His blood boiled as his excitement reached a peak.

Breaking Kana out of his daze, a feral beast rushed at him. He jumped out of the way, receiving only a slight graze on the side of his chest.

He ran towards his bike as the beast tailed closely behind him. The moment he reached the bike Kana grabbed it and swung at the beast with all his might.


The sound of its skull cracking shocked Kana, as he hadn't known he was so strong.

"Well done child, I had no hope of revenge against "him" but you my descendant are very promising"

Kana jerked in shock looking for the source of the voice.

"At ease child, I am your ancestor, the great Akoni.",the voice said, "I am in your soul sea, you can't see me now but as you grow strong one day you will."

Kana didn't quite understand but he chose to believe the voice for now. He decided to check the body of the beast and noticed a glowing orb inside the crack skull of the beast.

The voice again sounded in his head, "grab the orb and eat it", the voice said.

Kana slowly grabbed the orb and placed it in his mouth, a smile spread on his face, it oddly tasted sweet like a piece of candy.

[You have leveled up]

[8 unassigned stats granted]

"You can increase your strength by ingesting the soul power of these beasts, it seems my seve& &$)@*#%#, arghh", the voice suddenly groaned in pain as if something had stopped him from continuing.

'It seems the artifact has placed some restrictions on me that can only be removed as, my descendant Kana improves in strength'

Kana, confused by the voice questioned what had happened but all he received in response was a cold silence. As if the voice had never existed he didn't receive a response.

Guys, I'm new to this writing thing, if yall could give any sort of guidance or tips it would be absolutely amazing.

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