
Heir of Unknown

Earth, once home to a world of magical wonder now reduced to a mere shadow of its past. All due to the invasion of the universe by another.

Piggythatsleeps · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Sudden Threat

Understanding the advice given to him by the voice, he decided to quickly leave the area covered in blood. Without his bike he had to rely on running, luckily with the new increase in his stats his body could move much faster.

'The campus is sure to have many aberrations, I need to leave it quickly,' Kana quickly devised a plan based on his memories of the campus.

He ran towards an exit of the campus hoping to try and find a more isolated area, however as he neared the exit he noticed a translucent membrane surrounding the entire campus as if a bubble keeping everyone within.

Kana knew he had to change his plans, he decided to set camp up in the cafeteria for he knew not how long the wall would last.

As he neared the cafeteria, a glowing blue arrow flew directly at him, leaping to the side he dodged out of the way. A small crater was left where he had stood only moments earlier. He looked at the direction of the shooter and saw a group of people rushing towards the cafeteria as well. 

Kana chased after them, he couldn't lose the food and shelter the cafeteria could provide. He quickly caught up, waving his hands high in the air signifying his lack of murderous intent.

Entering the cafeteria along with the group, he noticed some familiar faces, such as the archer club leader Leonel who had won gold medals after gold medals in competitions. He must've been the one who shot at me, however Kana felt no resentment as he understood that it was for self defense.

The leader of the group had a small frame and a thick pair of glasses, he introduced himself as Illiad. Kana had never heard of him but he assumed that Illiad must have unlocked some powerful ability if he was the leader.

As the group began settling down the voice in the sky descended once again, the main quest of the scenario had begun. The goal was to hunt at least one beast and any extra would give bonus points. 

[Duration] [1 HOUR]

[Failure Penalty] [DEATH]

Kana immediately changed his mind and abandoned the cafeteria, the voice in his head had told him in one hour he would no longer be on the surface of the planet.

Many of the people who had hid in the shelter began clamoring and demanding someone help them kill a beast. Their entitlement disgusted Kana, he quickly left the area.

Leaving the cafeteria he heard a loud noise as the wall of the building opposite of him caved in, a girl stood atop a mammoth like beast with a massive bone in hand. Kana leaped in shock, he hadn't expected anyone else to have gotten so strong already.

He needed to speed up, he turned left and sprinted straight in search of other beasts. But the girl from earlier followed him, he decided to slow down and see what she had to say. 


O SHI-, it was his childhood friend and classmate Serena, ;-;, he hadn't recognized her earlier in the fray of the moment. 

He quickly turned around screaming, "SERENA IM SO SORRY PLEASE SPARE ME AHHHHHH"

With a flying kick kana got knocked to the floor, sprawled on the floor serena sat on his back scolding him for leaving her behind. After giving Kana a short scolding she let him get up and they agreed to hunt some beasts together. 

They ran together towards the park area as there was sure to be plenty of beasts there. Reaching the park the heard an alert that they had entered a dungeon, looking back a transparent membrane blocked them from exiting. 




Wolf-like beasts quickly surrounded them from all sides as the two brandished their weapons.