
Heir of Unknown

Earth, once home to a world of magical wonder now reduced to a mere shadow of its past. All due to the invasion of the universe by another.

Piggythatsleeps · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The End Before the Beggining



A lone man stands before an army of a thousand. His seven disciples charge at him from all sides, surrounding him. Albeit disappointed, he understood the decision of his disciples. Under the invasion of a foreign universe, he could not defend his home.

"I'm sorry master, their is no choice left for us", said his first disciple Spear God Adonus.

"With our troops being reduced to merely a thousand we stand no chance of protecting our home", Martial God Serephina said, "We can't win this battle the only way is to surrender and beg for mercy"

Although the man understood the thoughts of his disciples, he could not simply stand by as his universe was taken over. He slowly raised his hand and simply said


And with that his seven disciples, Spear God Adonus, Sword God Sandoval, Martial Goddesses Serpehina, Mage Goddess Freya, Elemental God Julian, Beastial God Ezekiel, and Samsara God Winifred, charged forward with sadness evident in their eyes.

The fight lasted for a hundred days before the man could no longer move.

A crack in space was ripped open as a satanic being in regal attire stepped through.

"Claec", the lone man call out

"Hahahahaha", boisterous laughter disturbed the somber silence of the event.

"Akoni, the Human Ancestor they called you, supposedly an unbeatable existence but now you kneel before me," said Claec, "You should've fought to kill but you let these disciples of yours bring you to such a pitiful state."

"Claec, one day you will face the consequences of your vile actions", Akoni said as he summoned forth a mysterious silver chalice, "An artifact of legend, the €£%€{¥£# they cal-"

The head of Akoni blasted into pulp by a force of an unknown source.

"Hahahaha, Akoni your bluff truly scared me of course there is no possibility that the €£%€{¥£# truly exists."

With the end of the Human Ancestor, Claec forced the seven gods to take an oath under a magical death contract. With the universe conquered Claec moved on to another leaving the seven sullen gods to rule the universe that they had fought to protect.

A hundred thousand years later the name of the Human Ancestor was long forgotten on the small planet of Earth. Even the existence of magic had disappeared, leaving the world an industrial wasteland.

[YEAR 3472]


A teenage child awoke from his deep sleep shocked by his dream, grasping at his chest as he tried his best to catch his breath.

His name was Kana, Kana Valade. A regular Highschool senior, today was the day he would graduate.

He was late, he quickly got out of bed and prepared to go school.

He rode his bike to school as fast as he could.

Just barely arriving on time he rushed towards the theather where he would graduate.

But suddenly the ground shook, the sky tumbled and every person standing fell to their knees screaming in pain.

Mana had returned the planet of origin, Earth.

Cracks appeared in the sky and ground, as creatures poured out.

As the pain subsided, fear struck every person on the planet. Screams began permeating the world as beasts rampaged and destroyed all in their way.


I’m a Highschool student, I don’t know I guess I was just really bored. if this chapter is alright I might actually try writing some more.

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