
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 95 Goal! Liku Clan

The New World, Dressrosa, Grimmbit, the Kingdom of Tata Tower.

"Well, it seems that our basic goal has reached a consensus. By the way, do you want to help you build this island?" Barrett asked.

"Don't change it here. This is the ancestral land of the villains for generations. This is what we want." Gan Qiao replied.

The little human race is company with plants, so this densely forested island is suitable for the little human race.

"That's it." Barrett suddenly realized.

"In this way, the young people who want to go out and work hard in the future, please come to you." Gan Qiao asked.

"No problem, when they want to come back, we will send them back." Barrett comforted.

"Well, that's okay, Falling Leaves return to their roots. By the way, if there are new-born villains, please let them end their childhood in the ancestral land."

"The little human race has many things that must be taught from an early age, and they are all like this." Gan Qiao pointed to the surrounding little human races.

"No problem, let his parents take charge when the time comes, and we will help." Mitchell replied.

"Finally, I want to ask about affiliation." Gan Qiao asked.

I don't know why, Gan Qiao seems to be very persistent on this issue.

"As for the affiliation, we have not determined yet." Barrett replied.

"If your power is strong enough, our little human race is willing to become a subsidiary." Gan Qiao said astonishing.

For other forces, Barrett will directly make them surrender, but for this group of simple guys, Barrett really doesn't know what to do.

But I didn't expect that from Gan Qiao's mouth, he said this sentence.

"Why? How strong is it strong enough?" Barrett asked repeatedly.

"That's it, Rolando once said that the world will undergo earth-shaking changes in the future, and we must be attached to a powerful force, otherwise we will be annihilated and not left." Leo replied.

With Leo's words, Barrett was shocked for a while.

If the prediction is correct, the little human race should be attached to Luffy's group, and Luffy's purpose is to turn the world upside down.

Now, by all odds, Barrett has seized the opportunity. As for how Rolando knew it, it was unknown.

"I understand. When my power spreads to the new world, I will provide shelter for the little human race." Barrett agreed.

"That's great!" Gan Qiao felt relieved.

It's just that he was too sloppy. Any force chose to surrender. Fortunately, it was Barrett. Otherwise, any force could call the villain.

Brubru, Brubru.

Another Barrett phone worm rang, which was used internally by the Navy.

"Let's do it, you can complete the details of the negotiation with Mitchell. She can represent me with full authority. I have an urgent matter here."

"Mitchell, you are introducing our specific situation to Gan Qiao." Barrett said.



The two groups replied.

Afterwards, Barrett left the underground and connected to the phone worm.

"Moses, what's the matter?" Barrett asked.

"Barrett, why did you answer the phone? The Dragon was found!" Dalmatian said anxiously.

Barrett was under the ground for only five or six hours. The man was found before it got dark? Doesn't it mean that rewards have no relationship with oneself.

"What's the matter, who found it?" Barrett also asked anxiously.

"It's Sakarski, that guy tortured the guard of the palace, and only then learned that the Draco was in the palace of Dresrosa and may be related to the Liku family." Dalmatian replied.

"I'll be right there, you go directly to the palace, we will gather there." Barrett ordered.

"Understood." Dalmatian replied.

'This Sakaski, this is so special, why is it so fast?' Barrett scolded inwardly.

Then, Yuebu Shaved, flashed in the air, and went straight to the palace.


When Barrett came to the Highlands of Kings, he happened to ran into Sakarski.

"You guy is very fast," Sakarski said, looking at Barrett.

When Sarkarski delivered the news, he was already close to the Highlands of Kings, and Barrett caught up.

"Cut, I won't take your credit." Barrett said unhappy.

Sakaski must have found the person, after all, he provided the most important clue.

"How do you know to torture the palace guards?" Barrett wondered.

Up to now, Barrett didn't understand where he lost, and let the fellow Sakarski find the Draco first.

"Who said that I went straight to the palace guard? He is just one of my torturing people, a coincidence." Sakarski said with an air.

Barrett really wanted to smoke him, co-authoring is a coincidence, no way, luck is also a kind of strength, and there are lucky fruits.

No, this ability is too perverted, and the more Barrett thinks about it, the more upset it gets.

After a while, Polusalino and Zefa arrived, everyone gathered, and there were even CP people.

After everyone gathered together, they headed towards King Heights together.

At this time, the people in the palace also found an abnormality and were waiting outside the door.

"My naval headquarters, General Zefa, let your Liku King come out." Zefa shouted.

Here, Judge Ze has the highest rank, so let Zefa call people.

Hearing the general's name, the guard really panicked and hurried in to report.

After a while, King Liku came out, and there were some people around him, two of them were among them, as well as two little girls.

Upon seeing this, the CP people suddenly shot, the two went straight to the two Tianlongren, and the other three attacked the others.

When the CP team shot, three people from the Navy also shot at the same time.

They are Barrett, Zefa, and Sakaski.

Barrett stood in front of a pink-haired girl, blocking the fatal blow of CP, Zefa stood in front of King Liku, and Sakaski stood in front of the black-haired girl.

And Polusalino raised his hand, and three yellow lights flickered at his fingertips, pointing to the three CP people respectively, and the match was seamless.

"What does your navy want to do?" the CP leader asked.

At this time, the two Dragonites had been rescued among the cp crowd and were protected by Tuantuan.

"This sentence should be our question to you, who made you act arbitrarily, don't you see that the lives of the Tianlong people are not threatened?" Zefa asked back.

"A group of waste, even the Tianlong people are not well protected." Barrett cursed.

"Yes, we also need to wipe your ass." Sakarski made up the knife.

"Ah la la, it's terrifying." Although Polusalino didn't say anything, but in this tone, he almost didn't make the leader of CP angry.

The four people cooperated tacitly again.

"Well, fortunately the navy stopped you, otherwise you will get into trouble!" The male Tianlong reacted and shouted at the CP person.

This time, the horse hoof was slapped, and the whole one mile away was not a person, and both sides were offended all the time, but it was three sides, and the Liku family.

CP is going to be miserable this time...