
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 94 Establishing Diplomatic Relations! Dongtata Kingdom

New World, north of Dressrosa, Greenbite.

When Barrett, who came to the Kingdom of Dongtata, proposed Rolando's name, he was dragged by the villains to the banquet.

After the banquet, Barrett found the patriarch of the villain, Gan Qiao.

"Patriarch Gan Qiao, I think we still need to discuss the issue of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries." Barrett said.

"Haha, we trust you, it's up to you to decide." Gan Qiao said easily.

Obviously, with the character of the villain, they did not take it to heart.

"Patriarch Gan Qiao, what do you think the establishment of diplomatic relations is? This is a matter of the two countries, and it is related to the lives of millions of people, and even the lives of them."

"Don't you care at all, even if you don't care, then don't you care about the lives of your Dongtata Kingdom, the little human race?" Barrett said angrily.

That is, Greenbite, isolated from the world, otherwise they would have to help count the money if someone else sold them with the character of the villain.

In the future, Doflamingo will do the same.

Barrett's soul comes from modern society. He doesn't want to use deception to use the little human race. That is not the world he wants.

It makes no sense to do that.

"It's not that serious, right?" Gan Qiao asked with palpitations.

"Do you know what my purpose is for establishing diplomatic relations with you? Do you know what I want you to do? Do you know what you can get?" Barrett asked.

After three consecutive questions, Gan Qiao had nothing to say, and the surrounding small human races were also lost in thought.

"Patriarch, Barrett is right, I have to say that many of our tribesmen were sold like this." Leo reminded.

Among these villains, although Leo's EQ is not good, he is still relatively wary.

"Hey, I see. Next, let's discuss the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries." After Gan Qiao was reminded by Leo, he also understood the stakes of the matter.

"No problem, wait a minute, I will introduce you to someone who is responsible for our country's position." Barrett said.

Then Barrett took out the phone bug and called Mitchell.

"Well, let's send representatives too, Leo and Man Shirley, you guys can also participate." Gan Qiao said.

Although it was said that Leo and Man Shirley attended the meeting, in fact, the other little human races were also in the audience, but they did not express their opinions.

They can see that now is a very serious moment.

"Boss, you finally called, I want to kill you!" Amy's voice came from the phone worm.

"Boss, Amy and they are here, is it convenient for you?" Then Mitchell snatched the phone worm back.

"Convenient, no problem, it just so happens that you are all there. I am going to establish diplomatic relations with the Little Human Kingdom this time. Everyone will take a look at the side. Any questions?" Barrett replied.

"Little humans?" Mitchell muttered.

"Yes, located in the New World, Greenbite, north of Dresrosa, an isolated island. This is the kingdom of the villains, the kingdom of Tata," Barrett replied.

"Understand the boss, what about the affiliation." Mitchell asked.

All the forces currently owned by Barrett are subordinate and subordinate, and Barrett used the term "establishment of diplomatic relations," then does it mean that the two sides are equal.

"Well..., let's try to achieve the same relationship with Jarzburg," Barrett replied.

"Understood, boss." Mitchell replied.

It can be said that Jarzburg is attached to Barrett, but the relationship between superiors and subordinates is not obvious. Although Jarzburg obeyed Barrett's instructions, it has not reached the relationship between superiors and superiors.

In other words, mutual benefit and win-win situation, but one's own side gains more benefits, and can order when necessary.

It can be understood as a subject country, not a direct subordinate, but retains a certain degree of autonomy.

"Mr. Barrett, did you just talk about affiliation?" Gan Qiao asked.

"In your hands, there is more than one force on Sky Island?" Leo then asked.

"Yes, there are still several forces, but they are not in the new world." Barrett replied.

Barrett only answered Leo's question, but Gancho's question was not answered, because this topic is a bit sensitive, so let's discuss it slowly at the negotiating table.

"Okay, let's start the negotiation." Barrett cut directly to the subject.

"Boss, please take the information of the villain." Mitchell's voice came from the phone worm.

Mitchell didn't know much about the information about the little human race. This is a taboo for negotiations. I don't know how Barrett was so hurried.

"No problem," Barrett replied.

Negotiating with the villain is not as serious as others.

"Mr. Barrett, what do we need to do?" Gan Qiao asked first.

"I need you to provide soldiers, volunteer to participate, we will provide resources for training, and in the future may need your planting technology." Barrett replied.

Needless to say the warrior, the speed and strength of the little humans are far beyond ordinary people, and the short stature is very suitable for detection and hiding.

The other is planting technology. The planting technology of the villains is very strong, and it can even feed artificial devil fruits.

It is likely to be used in the future.

"We can meet the two points you mentioned." Gan Qiao replied.

"Then what do you need?" Barrett asked.

This question seemed to baffle a lot of people. The little human races didn't know what they needed. They had lived here for so long.

It's really ridiculous. Negotiating with others, you can't offer your own terms. Isn't this a name sold by others?

"Boss?" Mitchell's puzzled voice came from the phone bug.

Mitchell is also a little stunned now, what kind of negotiation is this called.

"It's okay, they are like that." Barrett explained.

No wonder Barrett held negotiations so hurriedly. Such negotiations are not difficult at all.

"The patriarch of the villain, we can lead you to see a wider world, the outside world is very exciting, we will provide protection." Mitchell made a suggestion.

"Well, how beautiful is it?" Leo asked puzzled.

They have never left the range of Dresrosa and don't know what the outside world is like.

"Rolando should have told you, the outside world is very exciting, you can go out and see, the world Rolando has done, there are empty islands." Barrett replied.

Roland is a bug in the villain, so it works very well.

"Yes, Rolando said that the outside world is very exciting, and we need to go out and see." Man Shirley said happily.

"Unfortunately, we didn't dare to go out. The partners who went out were all deceived." Leo said lowly.

"So, we can provide you with protection!" Mitchell said excitedly.

Barrett is really a god assist, and Rolando is even related to the villain.

"Yes, that's great, patriarch, let's agree, I want to go out and have a look." Leo said excitedly.

Although I don't know how long Leo has lived, but it should not be less. After such a long time in Dresrosa, I have long been tired of it.

"Well, these kids, I'll leave it to you." Gan Qiao looked at the longing eyes around him and agreed.

They all want to take a look at the outside world...