
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 8 Perseverance to the Navy

The rear hospital.

Barrett and Amy came to this place again, and soon after, Herman also came.

The performance of Barrett and Amy on the battlefield is obvious to all, and the purpose of Herman's visit is to condolences and, in addition, to award military ranks.

With an outstanding performance like Barrett, an ordinary soldier no longer fits his identity.

"Barrett, the country is going to make an exception to grant you the rank of second lieutenant, Amy, the rank of sergeant, and I will call you Second Lieutenant Barrett, Sergeant Amy later." Herman was very happy, Barrett made Military exploits also have their own share.

I'm afraid the road to advancement will not be far.

A soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier.

Herman also has his own ambitions, who doesn't want to hold millions and occupy a high position.

But Herman is different from Gray. Herman knows Barrett's potential and can fight Thornton hard at the age of 5, even if he is at a disadvantage.

The future Barrett must be among the best.

Herman did not think about strangling Barrett in the cradle. Moreover, Herman was not sure about leaving Barrett under the joint hands of Barrett and Amy.

On the contrary, Herman believes that Barrett is the hope of this country. The future Barrett must be able to determine the future of this country.

Herman pinned his hopes on Barrett.

"Captain Hermann, I choose to give up my rank, Amy, you keep your rank."

Barrett speaks surprisingly.

Herman did not expect Barrett to refuse.

"Why? What do you want to do?" Herman wondered. Even if Barrett asked Amy to retain his military rank, Herman was afraid that Barrett would leave.

Herman didn't want to hope that it would just go by. He had had enough of the suffering of war.Herman has seen too many wives scattered, and he hopes that at least in his lifetime, the war will end.

"I am not fit to lead the battle. I will end this war. But Amy and I are going to the front line to fight. Don't worry, Amy will retain the rank."

Such an explanation was barely acceptable to Herman.

But you think Barrett really thinks so?

Barrett, who has relived two lives, is like a personal spirit.

First of all, what Barrett said is part of the reason. Herman is also happy to accept the result. Which general have you seen always rush to the forefront of the offensive team.

It is inevitable that Barrett's military exploits will accumulate to the general. Isn't Barrett going to the front line after he is promoted to the general?

I'm afraid Herman would not agree that Barrett wasted his fighting potential like that.

Secondly, Barrett doesn't want to be too dazzling, he needs Amy to cover himself.

In fact, he can ask the government army for a vacant position. Amy will probably do so in the future, but he will not. The purpose of this is to make people turn their attention to Amy.

Imagine that there are two people who have repeatedly made military exploits on the front line, and one of them is getting higher and higher ranks, while the other is unknown. The strength of news reports will definitely be transferred to the person with the higher rank.

Even if some people are confused, they will soon be informed of the news that "Amy...(rank) has made another battle." The joy dissipated and chose to ignore Barrett.

In this way, Barrett will slowly withdraw from people's field of vision, instead pushing Amy to the cusp of the storm.

As for why Barrett wanted to hide himself?

The reason is actually very simple.

The navy will not allow a country's heroes, or even leaders, to join the navy.

Some people might think that Barrett simply rules this country and will not be wanted by the world government. Why does he have such a dedication to the navy?

First of all, there is the issue of wanted. Barrett will meet Roger in the future and will be a challenger on Roger's ship for several years.

Even if Barrett is changing history, there is no guarantee that Barrett will not meet Roger, and Barrett also wants to fight against such an opponent.

Therefore, there is the question of identity. With any identity, the world government will not allow a person on Roger's ship with similar combat power to escape justice.

Then if you are like Karp, you have a well-known identity and come to confront Roger, it will make people excited to think about it!

As for whether Roger will "favor" Barrett, instead of hitting him to death, there should be no problem with Barrett's experience of getting on the ship in the original book.

As for the other point, it is equally important.

The identity of the navy and the powerful strength allowed Barrett to run wild in the era of the big pirates, so that the maneuverability was very high.

Otherwise, think about the original work, Tu Mo Ling is really hard to carry.

(Names restrain each other)

Of course, the inevitable reason is the regular and complete training mode of the Navy, especially the naval school led by General Zefa.

Barrett wanted to see how amazing his perverted potential, coupled with Zefa's teachings, would burst out.

After all, in the original book, Barrett continued to challenge Roger when he was 15 years old through his own play, and he was able to fight with Raleigh before he was 17.

This time, what height can Barrett reach through systematic training?

To sum up, it is Barrett, the reason for his persistence to the Navy.

"In this way, it's okay, you pay attention to rest, I will report this situation to it."

Herman didn't know Barrett's thoughts. In his opinion, as long as Barrett could stay, it was enough. Other things, let others have a headache.

Hermann left comfortably.

Barrett and Amy were left with big eyes and small eyes.

Amy didn't insert a word before, and was "arranged" by Barrett in a daze. In fact, Amy had no opinion on the matter itself, after all, he was his boss.

But Amy felt that she was bought by the child who was 7 years younger than herself.

This is very uncomfortable.

"An, an. You just bear with me." Barrett is indeed at a loss and can only comfort Amy in this way.

"Hey!" Amy had no choice but to give up.

The boss is chosen by himself, and he has to suffer with tears.

As for what Barrett was plotting, Amy didn't know. He never asked Barrett about it. This was the consciousness of being a little brother.

Amy just believes that the child in front of him will have a wonderful life with him.

Didn't he look like a person?

'Well, that's right.'

Amy thought to himself.

It's just that Amy didn't expect that Barrett had a big picture. The decision Amy made before will bring him to the top.

When Amy looks back one day and looks back at the path he has traveled, he will be grateful for the decision he made.

Send Barrett back to the ward.

Amy raised her head to look at the sky, the sun set to the west, but it made people feel extremely fulfilled.

I would like to use my whole life to help you reach the top of the world.

Ghost Lord "Amy", here, swear...

This chapter...spoiler.

But it doesn't matter, things will not be that simple.