
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 85 Fleet!

the new World.

In the first battle, although most of them were soy sauce, they were also very happy, the entire pirate group was buried under the sea, and the evil anger in their hearts was finally vented.

It can be considered revenge for the innocent people on the island.

In fact, there are many such small islands in the New World, but unlike other places, in the New World these small islands are often protected by pirates.

That's right, it was protected by pirates, but now it's not so obvious.

In the future, the four emperors will be divided, and most of the new world will be divided among the four emperors. In the territory of the four emperors, such wanton killing of residents, even if it is a provocation, will be strangled by the four emperors.

Isn't it ridiculous that he is obviously a representative of evil, but exercises justice in the name of the navy, while the navy is away?

This is tardy justice, and that is why pirates are loved by the people.

To put it bluntly, the army and the world government do not have the ability to control the world, and they are not worthy of being called the world government.

For more than 800 years, I really don't know what they're doing.


The pirates appeared ahead again, this time a pirate fleet.

Such fleets are rare, but it cannot be said that there are not, there are still some pirates, because individual strength is not enough, there is no way, just rely on the number to compensate.

Over time, it grew into a fleet.

Do not underestimate such a fleet, the most typical case is that of the future Whitebeard Pirates.

Can you tell that the Whitebeard Pirate is not strong?

Therefore, such a fleet is not without merit, as long as there are powerful leaders, such as the captains of Whitebeard.

Then various offensive arrows can be formed, and the combat power cannot be underestimated.

Of course, except for the fleet in front of him.

This is a very common fleet, according to information, there are only three captains and deputy captains, it is reasonable to say that the rest are miscellaneous soldiers.

"Barrett, Sakaski, Polsalino, you three each destroyed a pirate ship, and the remaining two were handed over to the other students," Zefa ordered.

These three people are extremely destructive beings, let them act alone, after all, they can't use physical techniques now.

Once the three of them use the Devil Fruit skill, it's a ranged attack, and it's easy to accidentally hurt them, and with their combat power, it's not a big deal.

You should know that the two natural Devil Fruit elements used are stronger than Barrett.

"Understood, master."


"Ah la la, it's really troublesome."

All three agreed.

"What about the captain and officer?" Sakaski asked.

"First come, first served," Barrett replied.

After speaking, Barrett stepped on the moon step and flew out, the target was exactly that, the pirate ship where the captain was.

Facing the five pirate ships of the enemy, even if the firepower of each of them is not as good as that of the warships, together they are enough to compete with the warships.

So Barrett set off directly and had to destroy the fleet's firepower, otherwise the warship couldn't get close.

"Instructor, let Yuebu's troops advance," said Huoshaoshan anxiously.

The enemy's firepower system hasn't been destroyed, and Barrett will face all of the enemy's firepower when he passes through the air, which is very dangerous.

It's just that Huoshaoshan was also stunned, and the Moon Step troops among the students, if they rushed now, they were living targets, and I am afraid they would be eliminated.

"Hmph, Huoshaoshan, you're afraid you'll get carried away," Sakaski said sadly.

That Barrett guy is not so simple, Huoshaoshan is looking down on who.

"Don't worry, Barrett is more than just a moonwalk" Zefa consoled her.

In fact, Barrett in the air couldn't be targeted at all, and Barrett used the moon step all the way.

As soon as the pirates took aim, Barrett disappeared from sight, appeared elsewhere, and quickly attacked the fleet.

In fact, right now, it's best to cover firepower, but the pirates have panicked, and when they come to, Barrett has entered the fleet.

Long ago, Barrett had received a reward from the fleet.

Captain Curris, with a bounty of 102 million Baileys.

In fact, this does not represent how strong Kuris is, the reward represents the damage of this person.

And Kuris subverted the regime of a country in the first half of the previous grand route, which is why the reward is so high.

In fact, it can be said that the threat of the fleet is relatively high.

Now that you have reached the enemy fleet, there is nothing to say.

Barrett looked around at everyone on the warship and the corners of his mouth turned up.

Zefa, Sakaski, Polsalino, after seeing this smile, the whole person instantly turned bad and had a premonition that it was bad.

This Barrett boy might be holding on to some bad water.

As expected, Barrett did not go to the captain's ship, but to an ordinary pirate ship.

Then, Barrett merged, the entire pirate ship was instantly dismembered, and Barrett directly merged the entire pirate ship.

Barrett does this for a reason.

This sea area belongs to the shallow sea, and there are reefs at the bottom of the sea, which means that Barrett has a foothold, and the sea area above, because the enemy is just a ship, and the sea water is very deep.

So Barrett didn't fit right in before.

Now, a giant appeared in the sea, and the lower part of the body remained below the surface of the sea, and the upper part of the stomach was on the surface of the sea.

The devil fruit creation will not disappear due to the sea water, and Barrett is in the giant and cannot touch the sea water.

That way you won't be affected.

The next thing is even simpler, just four ordinary hits, and the battle is over.

Although the fist is not as big as the ship, the fist of this size is enough to break the pirate ship in half.

It is that simple, without difficulty.

After releasing the state of form, Barrett stepped on the moon step again and flew back to the warship from the sea, and everyone was speechless for a moment.

At this moment, there was only one thought in their hearts: "The fruit of the fusion is so powerful."

"I'm hungry, eat!" Barrett yelled.

The giant's fusion and control also consumed some of Barrett's stamina. Fortunately, the fusion state that Barrett released, the flux crystal wasn't destroyed, so it didn't consume much.

Later, the veterans of the ship began to cook, this is a hero and it must be served well.

But the other students on the ship didn't believe it and they all made faces, they weren't here on vacation.

But Barrett also has a reason. I am guilty and I want to run to the front.

What can you do.

Defenseless, only Zefa stepped forward.

"Barrett, the two pirates in front of you, all the credit is on your head. You will not be blamed in the future."

"Also, depending on your hard work, you can rest on the boat for your next action." Zefa said helplessly.

If it continues like this, other people will really come on vacation.

"Oh, I see," Barrett replied as he ate.

They all breathed a sigh of relief.

"General Zefa, do you want to keep increasing the difficulty?" Zefa's deputy asked.

It seems that they still underestimate the strength of Barrett, the strength of crushing the island in one blow, it seems that it is not covered, and only from personal experience can they know the horror.

"No, they are still those pirates" replied Zefa.

Zefa rejected his deputy's offer.

And those pirates keep flitting in the sea, leaving them to fend for themselves...