
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 65

The Chambord Islands, the tenth island, an illegal place.

Barrett stood in front of Huo Shao Shan and the others, facing more than a thousand celebrity traffickers alone.

"Barrett, come back!" Doyle shouted.

Barrett is a rare genius, no matter how strong he is, he can't stand up to more than a thousand enemies.

"Sir Doyle, I have decided, no one can stop me." Barrett said firmly.

Seeing that Doyle couldn't persuade Barrett anymore, he had no choice but to step forward and resist the enemy together.

Barrett has a great future, but he can't just fall away like this. It is definitely a huge loss for the Navy.

And Doyle will also have corresponding responsibilities.

Doyle regrets now. Why did he agree to Barrett? The lawless place is not a simple place.

But now that I have come here, what else can I do, do my best, and obey the fate.

"No, you all retreat. The farther you go, the better. I may not be able to take care of you anymore. Protect yourself and the girl." Barrett said.

"You want it?" Doyle wondered.

He suddenly remembered, Barrett said, what new tricks are to be experimented, but will the power be so powerful?

"Yes, go back quickly, the farther the better!" Barrett shouted.

He just wants to experiment with new moves, but it's not the original one. It turns out that Barrett just wants to combine with a little giant and try'shave'.

But obviously, the little giant with'shaved' can't cope with the current situation, so let's change his move for so long.

When everyone heard it, they were skeptical, but they followed Huo Shao Shan and Doyle and quickly retreated. Now they can only pin their hopes on Barrett.

When the trafficker saw that the enemy was about to flee, he acted immediately and wanted to catch up.

At this time, Barrett started, and the crystals in his body flowed out like money without money.

A large number of mesocrystals covered it, and a radius of 80 meters around Barrett, including houses and ground.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this.

Liujing separated the traffickers from Huoshaoshan, with Barrett in the middle.

The traffickers hesitated, they didn't know what the flow crystal was.

The assimilation soon ended, the amount of liquid crystals doubled several times, and they began to flow back, wrapping Barrett like a pupa.

It's just that this chrysalis is a bit too tall. It's 80 meters long, and the entire island 10 can be seen, this huge monster.

Even on other islands, people walked out of the house one after another, staring at the giant with fear in their eyes.

Then, the deformation began, and the flow crystals interlaced each other, assumed various postures, and joined together.

At this time everyone was already staring at it, even if they reacted, they couldn't do anything.

After a while, the integration was completed, and an 80-meter-high giant appeared in front of everyone.

A full 80 meters, almost four giants, the height of each other.

The giant lowered his head and stared at the more than 1,000 celebrity traffickers in front of him. Only then did the traffickers react. The giant in front of him is their enemy.

This is really a fart, how could it be done, everyone scattered and fled, even Huoshaoshan and others flee desperately.

What kind of attack power this scale will cause, no wonder Barrett said before that he couldn't use it, so it's weird that it can be used.

The giant began to punch, and the target was the trafficker in front of him.

Although Barrett's speed is not as good as before, but the area where he can't hold his fist is large.

Human traffickers ran desperately, and there were still people who didn't run out. Even if they ran out, it was useless. The huge shock wave overturned all the people around.

And the person under the fist is naturally dead.

After the fist fell, the entire No. 10 island trembled, which was comparable to a magnitude 5 earthquake.

But this is not Barrett's full strength.

The dust settled, and there was a mess around, more than a thousand people, and less than a hundred people would pant.

"Damn, is this the fucking human doing?" Huo Shaoshan cursed.

Everyone at this time, including Huo Shao Shan, Doyle and the girl, were all humiliated, and they couldn't hate two legs.

After the shock, people walked out of the house one after another. There were slave owners and slaves.

There was a general expression of relief in the eyes of slaves, while the slave owner was angry.

Barrett saw liberation in the eyes of most slaves, but liberation was not complete yet.

The anger in the eyes of the slave owner did not turn into fear or regret.

Barrett knew it was not enough.

"Fire Mountain! Keep running! Don't stop!" Barrett shouted.

Here is a scar in the hearts of the victims. They can no longer see the future. Perhaps destruction is a relief for them.

I don't know how many people will survive, but there is no need for it anymore.

Life and death have fate and wealth in heaven, this may be the result the slaves want.

It doesn't matter to him, Barrett has taken the weight of his heart anyway.

"What's this, you have to run?" Huo Shaoshan said silently.

Hearing what Barrett meant, there was a more violent punch for a while, this little heart really couldn't stand it, and I couldn't speak without seeing Doyle.

Watching Huoshaoshan continue to run desperately, the giant moved.

The giant's legs bent, stood firmly on the chassis, and then jumped up.

That's right, the giant jumped up. Barrett's original intention was to use the shave to move fast and generate huge inertia.

Obviously, Barrett can't do this yet, he has to be prepared even for the jump, how can he achieve continuous kicks.

So Barrett could only jump up.

And everyone looked at the giant in the sky with dementia, and then ran away desperately.

"Damn, brother Barrett is playing a bit big this time!" Huo Shaoshan complained as he ran.

"Save your strength and run quickly!" Doyle shouted.

Had it not been for the trembling of his legs, Doyle would have shaved and ran away desperately.

Barrett struggled to control the direction of the giant in the air, flattened his body, and his huge fist was ready to go.

Then the giant began to fall.

The giant's fist was facing the ground, and when it was an arm from the ground, the giant punched.

The ultimate cannon!

It's just a low-end version of the ultimate cannon. It's almost the same if you hit such a small island.

As the fist bombarded the ground, the whole island was trembling constantly, which is no longer a few magnitude earthquakes.

Then came the giant, and the giant began to collapse. The huge impact caused the combined material to be unable to support it.

Starting from the fist, it collapsed one after another and spread to the whole body, and the giant collapsed completely.

This was also expected by Barrett.

No way, Barrett doesn't know how to be armed, the materials that fit together don't have much metal, and it's still in the air. All the counter-impact force spreads from bottom to top to the whole body.

It's normal for the giant to collapse, but Barrett suffered serious injuries.

But the No. 10 island is even more miserable. The entire island was beaten into eight petals, and the fist's landing point was sunken in, and the surroundings turned up like a trumpet flower.

The sea began to flow back, and Barrett dragged his severely injured body and escaped from Island 10 before the water came.

This punch broke a small island...