
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 64

Chambord Islands, No. 29 illegal place.

Barrett and Doyle waited for a long time, and finally waited for Huoshaoshan and others.

Everyone has gathered together, and the next step is to officially enter the lawless land.

The navy is in a lawless place, there is almost no majesty, the navy will not take care of things here.

Because things here are really difficult to handle, even the Tianlong people are buying and selling people, what can the navy say, then you can't break the Tianlong people's place.

Therefore, the navy is blind and will not take care of things here. As long as the Tianlong people do not have any trouble, no one wants to care about this mess.

Therefore, the unscrupulous merchants and pirates here are also unscrupulous.

They are not afraid of the navy at all. Everyone goes their own way, which leads to the navy's lack of authority here.

Barrett and his group walked on the street, not in awe, but provocation, which made the group of recruits very upset.

They are all young and frivolous, and they are still the elite of the recruits, when have they suffered such aggrievedness.

But fortunately, even if Doyle stopped it, otherwise, Huoshaoshan would definitely have done it long ago.

"Huoshaoshan, calm down, I can't get any benefits now," Barrett persuaded.

Just because of other people's provocation, hitting people will cause public outrage, and then it will evolve into a large-scale armed conflict.

Besides, everyone is still not sure whether anyone here will cooperate with the Tianlong people.

After all, this group of them are dispensable in the eyes of the Tianlong people, so be careful.

"But, I can't get angry." Huo Shao Shan gritted his teeth.

"Be patient, let's go inside, and when we get there, we can start." Barrett said.

The impossible places are also divided into depths and shallows, and the Tianlong people also move in the most superficial areas, and will not really go deep.

Otherwise, once you encounter a second stunner like Sauron in the depths and accidentally killed by someone else, you will lose more than the gain.

The rich are afraid of being horizontal, the horizontal are afraid of being stunned, the stunned are afraid of death, the ghost knows who will be in that mixed place.

Therefore, in the depths of the lawless land, even the Tianlongren dare not get involved easily. There, a group of people can let go of their hands and feet.

No matter how damaged, it will not affect the interests of the Tianlong people.

Of course, the premise is that you have the strength, and the lawless place is not a rookie and can survive.

In the cold eyes of the people around, a group of people passed through the surface of the lawless land and went deep into the lawless land.

Here, those people are honest a lot, because they also know that no one will act as their umbrella here.

Here, if you don't have the strength, you should keep a low profile.

Although there is no longer a challenge from passers-by, the scene here is even more unsightly.

Even Barrett was extremely disgusted.

What comes into view is chaos and filth. The illegal place at this time cannot be compared with the future. It is filthy.

There are drunks everywhere on the roadside, and there are women who are scratching their heads in the street, and women who are disheveled and in a trance.

Even the scattered corpses, some of them smelled like corpses, and had begun to rot.

But there are still some people who rummaged through the corpses, trying to make money. There were even children inside.

This is the status quo deep in the lawless land.

It seems that after the navy became stronger, it was cleaned up.

"How could this happen, isn't it no one cares?" Huo Shao Shan red eyes.

"Without that energy, it takes a lot of manpower to clear out the lawless places, and a thorough'renovation', but unfortunately the navy can't spare manpower." Barrett explained.

"Yes, this is the status quo of the lawless land. Even if you save one, you can't change the status quo." Doyle said.

He has long been used to seeing the scenes before him, and his heart is numb.

Huoshaoshan has collapsed. Yes, you saved one. So what, here is the same as before, and it will not change.


"No! Help me!"

A girl less than ten years old was hunted down by three strong men in front of a group of people.

She ran towards Barrett's group, crying and begging as she ran.

Suddenly, the girl did not notice the stone under her feet because she was crying loudly, and she tripped.

Three strong men caught up with the girl, one with sacks in his hand, and one squatted down to tie the girl into the sacks.

The last person watched the group warily.

"Hey, you guys are not looking for trouble, we just sold her to the trafficker." The man said at last.

After a while, dozens of people rushed over.

"Boss, it has been caught." The man reported to a boss just now.

"Put it in a bag," the leader ordered.

"Hey, the navy in front, this girl was paid to me by her family. If someone else I give you back, let it go."

"But this girl looks good and can sell for a good price, so just don't care. Let's go our own way. You can't do anything with those of you. Let's go away." The boss said.

The girl was pressed down to the ground with tears on her face, and the tears mixed with the soil. She raised her head and looked at Barrett and his group, crying silently, her eyes full of demanding.

The thirst for life and the thirst for freedom, Barrett and others are her last hope.

She extremely hoped that the person in front of her could save him, until the sack was about to be put on her head, the look in her eyes remained unchanged.

"Hey, Huo Shao Shan, did you see that look?" Barrett asked in a deep voice.

"I saw it." Huo Shaoshan gritted his teeth, holding back tears.

"Do you have the heart to look at that eyes, full of despair?" Barrett asked.

"No!" Huoshaoshan roared.

"Hey, what do you two want to do? You can't do anything. You can save a few people. You can't change this at all." Doyle said.

"No matter how many people we can save, it's better than not saving one, and whoever says we have no strength to overthrow this lawless place."

"Fire Mountain! Let's start here!" Barrett shouted.

"No problem!" Huo Shao Shan shouted.

Then Huo Shaoshan took the lead and rushed to the group of human traffickers, accompanied by all the recruits.

And Barrett went to rescue the girl.

The girl saw this scene, her eager eyes were full of hope, and her big eyes were exceptionally beautiful.

"Give it to me! You call me again." The leader ordered.

The boss saw that they were no longer able to negotiate, so let's start a fight. If I have too many people, I will be afraid of anyone. If these are not enough, I will call people again until I convince you.

The recruits led by Huoshaoshan quickly defeated the group of traffickers.

"What are you going to do? I tell you, your chief is right. Today, none of you can save, and you have to get yourself in." The boss became angry.

As soon as the boss's voice fell, a large number of people appeared around him.

"Haha, this one, I have the final say, you just can fight again, can you beat my more than 1,000 brothers?" The boss said triumphantly.

In the face of more than a thousand people, even if they are not the navy of the headquarters, they should not be underestimated.

"Huoshaoshan, step back, I'll come." Barrett said.

Hand the girl to Huoshaoshan.

Barrett came forward...