
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 4

I was speechless overnight, and the training officially began the next day.

"I am your instructor, or I am your instructor, Barrett." Hutt stood in front of Barrett and Amy.

"Yes, instructor."

"Yes, instructor."

No one said anything, Amy understood that Hutt taught them personally, it was entirely up to Barrett's face, and he was dispensable.

This is the case without strength.

"Next, I want to teach you how to use firearms. It will become your most important partner, your other life."

Barrett doesn't bother to use guns, but he can't help it. He is still too weak and a bullet can still penetrate him. So simple learning is still necessary, but it is not the point. He needs to be strong.

The explanation of the gun was only two hours, and then Barrett and Amy had a morning gun shooting training.

No one supervises them, their fate is theirs, and it's all consciously.

Fortunately, the two were very self-conscious, but Barrett lost his interest after practicing for a whole morning. This kind of thing is really not suitable for him.

Amy also only trained for one day, obviously not very interested.

But it doesn't matter. Although the war they are about to face is mainly firearms, there is no shortage of close combat. Barrett only likes his fists, while Amy seems to like more swords.

"Maybe he will be a great swordsman in the future." Barrett still has high expectations for Amy. Although he is usually introverted, he is not at all unambiguous in training, which is a good idea.

In the following time, the two of them accepted Hutt's explanations on the battlefield from time to time, but most of the time they practiced independently. It is worth mentioning that the two have sparred training from time to time.

This kind of competition fully proved why the rebels paid so much attention to Barrett. It was said that it was a competition, but it was completely a unilateral crush.

It's hard to believe that it's not what you saw with your own eyes, the ghostly speed, the power to smash the ground with a punch, if it falls on a person, then...

That kind of speed and strength made Hutt understand why Barrett decisively gave up training on firearms, and Barrett's strength is still growing at an alarming rate.

Another surprise was Amy. Everyone looked down on this young man who couldn't get a fart on three legs. This kid was trained harder than Barrett.

Maybe it's because of training with Barrett.

One month passed quietly.

The front-line order was issued, and all recruits in the training camp were ready to go, and they were about to be assigned to their respective battlefields. These instructors would welcome the next batch of recruits here, and so on.

"Haha, I haven't seen you in 5 years. You have grown up like this. The frontline war is so tight that I can't spare time to take a look at you. What a dereliction of duty!"

It was Gray who came to meet Barrett and Amy.

Crossing has this benefit, Barrett clearly knows what kind of calculation this smiling face is playing.

First use yourself to accumulate military exploits, and when you find that your strength poses a threat to his status, betray yourself and eradicate yourself.

In this life, Barrett will not let his conspiracy succeed.

There are still five years left before his plan. After five years, everything in this country will be settled, and then he will leave by himself, so Barrett has a lot to do in these five years.

"Presumably you are the captain of Gray. You really admire your name for a long time. It's hard to remember your life-saving grace."

Barrett is a set of polite remarks, it's not a boast.

"Sure enough, it is said that although you are only 5 years old, your personality and strength are not simple, as I saw it today." Gray led Barrett into the barracks.

Amy was ignored. The instructors of the training camp only knew that Amy was training hard, and only Barrett knew how much Amy had improved this month.

Of course he wouldn't say that, after all, Amy is one of his hole cards.

"Take a good rest these days, there may be fighting in a few days."

Now the government forces and the rebel forces have entered a stage of confrontation with each other. Small battles continue. Today you capture a city of mine, and tomorrow I will retake a city of mine.

In the original book, it was because of Barrett's addition that the balance of victory tilted.

Fighting broke out in just two days. Gray's army has been exhausted from fighting continuously for several days, and the government army is now taking advantage of the void and wanting to expand the battle.

Gray's army was forced to defend, which was exactly what Barrett wanted. The defense didn't need to charge, and only waited for the enemy to rush up to conduct close combat. Barrett had been looking forward to this for a long time.

"Amy, follow me for a while, I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of you." Barrett told Amy, he didn't want the hard-won talent to die like this.

It's not that Barrett doesn't worry about Amy's strength, it's mainly that both of them have experienced war for the first time, and accidents will happen at some point.

"Don't worry, boss, I can't die yet." At some point, Amy changed her name to Barrett, perhaps after seeing Barrett's strength, he was completely convinced by Barret's characteristics.

Barrett also accepted this, and finally experienced the feeling of being the boss. You can't let the younger brother always call his name directly. What is the majesty.

The sound of artillery fire approached step by step, and Barrett could already see the enemy's hideous face.

Blood was splattered, and the lively lives fell in front of him. The struggling look in his eyes stimulated Barrett's mind. Weakness is the original sin.

Amy is extremely calm at this time. After all, he has experienced the scene of his relatives dying in front of him. This may not be a big deal to him. Amy's eyes are only indifference to life.

The rebel army is seriously short of manpower, and the enemy is getting closer and closer to the position. Once the enemy breaks through the position, the last advantage of the rebel army will no longer exist.

Barrett was indifferent. At this time, he rushed to the target. Barrett had no good impressions of the rebels around him.

The government forces were already less than 50 meters away from the position, and they could rush up in a single charge, but at this time the rebels went crazy.

This 50 meters will be the most difficult 50 meters on the offensive road.

Barrett clenched his fists and blasted a punch.

A rebel army by his side had his back bulged and his clothes burst.

After another punch, the rebel army flew out and hit a row of soldiers.

The gap opened.

Yes, the battlefield turned.

Amy reacted at this moment and drew her sword and swung it at the rebel army on the other side.

The gap is completely opened.

Government troops flooded in from the gap.

Barrett stepped out of the bunker, and the close combat began.

"Damn it, this white-eyed wolf!" Gray smashed the table angrily, and no one thought that a 5-year-old child would choose to turn to the side.

"Sure enough, you can't treat him with ordinary people's eyes." Gray regretted it too late, thinking that Barrett would be a new star on the battlefield, his own savior.

Now I can only use one word to describe Barrett,

"Kill the Quartet"

Barrett blushed...