
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 3 Amy Little

Barrett, who is only 5 years old, has a height of 160 cm. This symbolizes the growth of Barrett's strength in the past two years. After all, the size of the world is directly proportional to strength, and Barrett is only 5 years old, but at the same time. Risk.

Such a height and size are incompatible with the orphanage, and Barrett exists like a monster in the orphanage.

Obviously, Barrett can no longer be regarded as a 5-year-old child with a body shape that does not match his age, and a mind that does not match his age.

"Finally here!" A few soldiers came to the orphanage to take away those teenagers who met the requirements, and the destination was obvious, the "Juvenile Army".

This is just a youth army in name. In fact, it is a cannon fodder battalion composed of teenagers. The task is very simple: thunder and charge.

Barrett has long been accustomed to this. Barrett has seen too much of this scene in the past five years. It is worthy of being an endless war. The five-year war has not stopped. Too many "boys" have died on the front line. Up.

And this time, the list sent to the front line has an additional name "Douglas Barrett" that shouldn't be there.

"This is the order from above. The front line is too tight, and our manpower is getting less and less." Officer Fritz Hurt, who came to recruit this time, said to Diana Gregory.

"Although Barrett is higher, he is still only a 5-year-old kid!" Diana Gregory looked anxious.

"No need to be like Gregory, I just want to go to the front to see." Barrett blocked Gregory's complaint, these years the orphanage people come and go, only Gregory is still by Barrett's side, taking care of him. .

"But..." Gregory looked at Barrett's eyes firmly, but couldn't say what she said. She knew that she couldn't change this.

"Good enlightenment, I hope you can live longer, Douglas Barrett." Fritz Hurt is looking forward to Barrett's performance. After all, in terms of size, 5-year-old Barrett is a monster.

The juvenile army is not always the juvenile army. Based on the merits and performance on the battlefield, these rookies will be promoted to the veterans. Now there are many officers from the juvenile army.

It's always good to get acquainted with these people early, and the boy in front of him is more worthy of Hurt to get to know.

"I will, it's not that simple to kill me." In the future, Barrett won't die in such a place.

"Very good, good spirits, I heard that you are the adopted son of Chief Gray, then go to Chief Gray." Obviously Hutt wants to take care of Barrett, but unfortunately, it will only backfire in the end.

"Sure enough, it's under his command." Is it safe to go under Gray's command?Dreaming, Barrett was betrayed by Gray in the original book. Think about it again in the past 5 years. Gray has visited Barrett once. In addition, Gray made a great contribution 5 years ago, but he is still an army commander. , It can be seen.

Not surprisingly, Gray has had a hard time for five years.

"Don't be happy too early. Before you go to Gray's command, you have to pass my training collectively. Don't be rookies who don't know anything on the battlefield. I will teach you the simplest fighting skills."

"Just to my liking." Barrett knew that Hutt was famously strict in the military, but Barrett didn't care about that training.

Under Gregory's watch, Barrett left the orphanage where he had stayed for five years.

At the frontline training camp, Barrett will be here for a month of simple training, and then will be sent to various battlefields.

"Assemble, assemble, I am your chief instructor this month, Hutt." All the teenagers looked up at Hutt standing on the podium, their eyes full of worship.

"This month, I will let your instructors teach you how to use firearms, make bombs, dispose of bombs, and some simple fights."

In this low-end game, people still use more guns. Of course, Barrett likes the high-end game that feels like a punch.

"This month, I won't care how much you learn. After a month, you will all be sent to the battlefield. As for how long you can live, it's up to you. Disband now and officially train tomorrow."

Soon everyone began to be assigned. The standard of assignment was very simple. Together on the same battlefield, Barrett was also assigned to his teammate, but there was only one.

Yes, there were only two people who came to support Gray, and it is not difficult to imagine how difficult Gray's situation is.

"You, hello, my name is Amy Little." Barrett is completely speechless, can this special also be on the battlefield?

"Are you serious? Do you know what we are going to face?" Barrett was so angry that such a guy is really rare in this endless war country.

"Please don't laugh at my determination. I want to fight, live, and become stronger. I have a reason to have to become stronger." Amy gritted her teeth, tears in her eyes, but the determined expression shook Barre. Special heart.

This expression is so familiar, Barrett saw the shadows of too many people on his body, Sauron, Kerby, Robin...

That expression is the weak person's desire for survival and strength.

"Ah, what a nice expression."

"I can give you strength, how about?"

Barrett was like a wolf grandmother at this time, abducting this inexperienced Amy.

"What do I need to pay?" Amy did not hesitate, he looked at the man in front of him firmly, as if he could dedicate everything.

"Oh? You believe me so?"

"I know you. Only two of us, Douglas Barrett, joined Gray's command this time. Even if you are not in the same orphanage, I know you. You were sent to the battlefield when you were only 5 years old. People call you a monster ,I believe you."

Barrett looked at the boy who was older than himself, unexpectedly smoothly.

"Freedom, I need you to give freedom, rest assured, not absolute freedom, I want you to be my knife, and I give you a chance to live and become stronger."

"I am willing." Without hesitation.

Uh, this picture is a bit awkward.

"Let's go, go to the dormitory, if you don't mind, talk about yourself."

Barrett is still very curious about this boy.


This boy is not from this country, but is located on another small island nearby. This small island is like a windmill town, uncontested in the world, everyone is very kind, until a group of pirates arrive.

There is no one on the island nowadays. Amy is in the forest, watching her family and villagers die one by one under the hands of the pirates. There is no resistance, that kind of despair, that kind of powerlessness is deeply imprinted in Amy's heart.

Barrett understood that this is the status quo of many people.The era of the great pirate has not yet begun, and there will be more people like Amy by then.

Hatred is the most motivating emotion.

Roger started the era of the great pirates and brought disaster to countless people.

Will Barrett stop it?

No, the era of the great pirates is an opportunity, an opportunity to overthrow the world government.

Maybe many people don't care who the ruler of the world is, but I'm sorry, they can't resist.

The fact of this world is that "weakness is the original sin"...