
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 46

On Gaya Island, Barrett and his party have arrived here for half a year.

An eagle with a wingspan of four meters flew from the sea and fell in front of Barrett. It was Bell.

"Boss, there is news from Brother Hahn that the rising ocean current can already be predicted." Bell said excitedly.

In the past six months, Hahn spent most of the time at sea, observing rising ocean currents.

Especially recently, Hahn suddenly got inspiration and went straight to live at sea, just in case, after all, Hahn was very close to the rising current, so Bell followed.

I have to say that Hahn's efforts were not in vain.

It is worth mentioning that the two little guys, Bell and Gaka, have greatly increased their appetite after eating the Devil Fruit, and they have grown very quickly. With the advantage of speed, they have become more and more active recently.

Bell even goes to sea from time to time, and Gaka often participates in Barrett's training.

"Is it finally possible? Earlier than expected." Barrett surprised.

There is really no pattern in the rising ocean currents, Barrett didn't understand it anyway.

Bell is flying back first, I am afraid Hahn will be back soon.

"Bell, you go and notify everyone, gather." Barrett ordered.

"Understand." After speaking, Bell turned into a falcon and flew into the sky.

After a while, Hahn returned, and all six people were there.

"Mitchell, isn't the battle of the five powers over yet?" Barrett asked.

The two major forces have been disbanded, but due to the uneven distribution of the spoils, the five major forces have quarreled and are constantly fighting with each other.

"Not yet, but it is estimated to be coming soon. The three major forces have already determined their own territory. As long as the other two forces are well allocated, the struggle will end." Mitchell replied.

During this period of time, Mitchell actually formed an intelligence organization by himself, which was not large, but enough to inquire about Gaya Island.

Barrett has plans to hand over the "Anbu" to Mitchell in the future. At least for now, it seems that Mitchell has the ability to manage the intelligence organization.

Being a ship doctor is overkill.

"We don't have time to wait. We will end the matter here as soon as possible. There are still a lot of things in the sky." Barrett said with a headache.

It takes time to integrate the power of Gaya Island.

"Amy and I act separately, Hahn, you follow me, Bell, Gaka, you follow Amy, Mitchell, continue to watch the other three forces." Barrett ordered.



Everyone should be in harmony.

Then six people set off.

Six months later, the six people have improved a lot. The most obvious improvement is Bell and Gaka, the fruit ability of the animal system, so that the two have enough physical strength to practice.

Let them follow Amy this time, just to let them exercise their combat skills.

In addition, Barrett had nothing to do, imitating Feiyan, and imitated two swords for Bell and Gaka, and used them first. Although it is not as good as Feiyan, it is resistant to creation.

After all, the two of them still don't know how to cut iron. Barrett won't feel bad about how many broken swords of this standard.

When the two learned how to cut iron, the sword would not be broken easily.

In this way, the five people began their own actions, this time not only assassinating the leader, but also assaulting the two major forces as much as possible.

To put it simply, if you don't keep dogs or chickens, of course, it is under the condition of ensuring your own safety.

In the end, only Barrett achieved the goal, and because Bell and Gaka hadn't experienced such a bloody picture on Amy's side, there was a mistake.

Fortunately, the two eventually defeated themselves, but ran away 30% of the enemy.

It was another uproar.

"Damn it, check, check it out for me right away, where is the power coming out of it!" Hyena Spak shouted angrily.

Six months ago, Gaya Island disappeared from two forces. This time there are two forces. The killed chickens and dogs are not kept. It would be weird if you can't tell.

Someone wants to unify the forces of Gaya Island, and this person is not himself, I am afraid the other two major forces do not have this strength.

In other words, another foreign force entered Gaya Island six months ago, and its ambition is not small.

Spark didn't believe that this force had already destroyed the four forces, and then it was over.

"Let the other two captains come here now, I have important things to discuss with them." Spark said.

However, what Spark did not expect was that the largest intelligence organization on the island also got the news.

Later, the captains of the other two forces were killed on the way.

Without fighting, Amy and Barrett were very tired. It was Mitchell who knew their course of action.

Then I chose a narrow section of the road and placed bombs made by Barrett on both sides of the road.

The effect was unexpectedly good. With two loud noises, the giants of the two powers were killed again, and Spark exploded.

There is only one of the seven forces left, so it's strange if it doesn't blow up.

At the same time, Mitchell's intelligence organization immediately began to clean up the mess. Although their strength is not good, they can't stand up and be well equipped.

Barrett is entirely a mobile arsenal.

Now, there is only Spark Hyena.

The chaos continued for a whole day, and Mitchell was busy all day, and the five Barrett were replenishing their energy and preparing to take over the biggest force on Gaya Island.

Not right, the biggest force on Gaya Island now is the intelligence force in the hands of Mitchell.

It took a whole day to clear Gaya Island out of Mitchell.

The Hyena Pirates were hiding in the corner shivering.

After training, the five Barrett set off.

The group went straight to the Hyena Pirate Group.

When he arrived at the door of the Hyena Pirate Group, Spark actually took a group of people and stood there.

"It's you, in the past six months, swept the six major forces." Spark said.

"That's right, it's us, and the seven forces will soon be swept." Barrett said.

"Can't you leave us a way to survive?" Spark asked.

"Huh, what are you kidding?" Amy aired.

Mitchell's intelligence organization on Gaya Island has collected a lot of intelligence on the seven major forces. Among them, the most detailed and most infuriating one is Spark.

When Amy knew what Spark was doing, she almost carried Feiyan to assassinate Spark, but was stopped by Barrett.

Because Jaka's canine fruits let everyone know that Jaka's sense of smell is 1,200 times that of humans. Even if a strange cockroach enters the yard, Jaka will smell it.

This shows that Spark's sense of smell is equally terrifying, and it is basically impossible to assassinate successfully.

As long as Spark's residence enters a stranger, Spark will know immediately.

Therefore, assassination is not feasible, and taking in is even more impossible.

Originally, he also prepared a sea building stone for Hyena Spak, but it seems that it is not needed.

After learning of Spark's evil deeds, the two decided to hammer him to death.

"Amy, this time I don't have to fit the fruit. Let's join hands and fuck him." Barrett said domineeringly.

"No problem, my Feiyan is already hungry and thirsty." Amy shook Feiyan.

There is no possibility of negotiation anymore, and the battle is about to start.

The final battle on Gaya Island broke out...