
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 45-Hyena Spark

Gaya Island.

The most powerful force among the seven forces on the island, the Hyena Pirate Group.

At this time, the captain of the Hyena Pirates, Hyena Spak, is raping a young girl. This is his biggest hobby for so many years.

After becoming the biggest power on Gaya Island, Spark seems to have become the emperor of the earth. Within his sphere of influence, he can do whatever he wants.

When a person loses his bondage, his wildness will be exposed, and Spark is like this.

As a pirate, he wandered on the sea all day long, facing various natural disasters on the sea, as well as the navy's pursuit and interception.

However, after boarding Gaya Island, no one could threaten him anymore.

Spark, who had eaten the Devil Fruit, quickly occupied a territory with his powerful strength.

When he wanted to continue to expand the territory, other strengths united, and Spark could only give up, but he still had the largest territory.

He became one of the seven overlords of Gaya Island and began to enjoy unscrupulously.

At first it was just teasing the Liangjia women, but slowly, he found out.

Even if you do something excessive, you won't be arrested by the Navy because it arouses people's anger. This is an illegal zone.

The bounty will not go up, and no one will fight for your head for the huge bounty.

Gaya Island has slowly faded out of the navy's sight.

As a result, Spark's wildness erupted, perhaps because of the influence of Devil Fruit.

Spark started to get worse.

Ordinary women can no longer satisfy his desires, or are tired of playing.

He found that he had begun to fall in love with the desperate look of women, so this place became a hell on earth, and Spark enjoyed this feeling even more.

He would catch the woman's family, ask the woman to beg him to let her family go, then kill everyone, watching the woman fall into despair.

Everyone has their own wild nature, but people will control their own wild nature. This is also the difference between humans and animals, but on certain occasions, when people lose their limits, the wild nature will explode.

Inner desires, violence, etc. will burst out and become uncontrollable.

However, deep in people's hearts, there are not only the suppressed wildness, but also the fetters in people's hearts. There are also people who are important to them, and even those who can give up their lives.

How many people give up their lives for others, not because they have no wildness in their hearts, but because they have something more important than wildness in their hearts.

Something more important than your own life.

Unfortunately, Spark is not included here.

Not every owner of superpowers is a hero.

It was because of his power that Spark lost himself, and it happened that his wildness was so dark and his heart was so distorted.


When the girl was struggling desperately, she suddenly remembered the knock on the door and was very anxious.

Spak put aside his work, he knew that no one would dare to knock on this door without an emergency, because he didn't know how many people died before.

"Come in." Spark said impatiently.

A little brother pushed in.

"Captain, there are two captains on our island who were beheaded. This is information gathered by brothers outside."

Although I haven't been a pirate for many years, the crew is still used to being called Spark, Captain.

Spark was shocked at first, then took the information and looked at it carefully.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't look. At a glance, Spark wakes up instantly.

Killing two bosses in a row, one assassination, and one force killing, even if he was it, it would be difficult to accomplish such a record lightly.

Then the other four forces are even more impossible. Could they be external forces?

Spark is puzzled. If it is an external force, what is their purpose?

If they want to occupy the territory, why didn't they see their actions during the day, but the other four forces were eager to try.

Could it be a vendetta, that is such a coincidence that these two people have offended others at the same time?

Spark obviously did not expect that Barrett and others, with such a big appetite, wanted the entire Gaya Island.

Perhaps it's because, after a long time of dominance, I have forgotten the sense of crisis, how vast the outside world is, and how perverted the strong are.

"Order the brothers outside, stare, and move outside. If the other four forces do their work, then we can't fall behind." Spark said.

Occupying more chassis means more women. The Spark here is tired of playing with it. He who is the brains of the worm, he can manage so much.

He is eager to occupy more chassis.

As for infighting and consumption, the arrogant Spark couldn't manage that much. In his opinion, no one could shake his position.

It's been too long, and I have forgotten the terrible world.

This is not to say how strong Barrett is, it's just that Spark is a little sitting on the sidelines now.

"Captain, of these two forces, one of them is not in line with us. Look, should we plug in?" the crew member asked.

Of these two forces, only one is in line with the Hyena Pirate Group and can do it directly, and the other is not in line with them, which is somewhat difficult.

"Hmph, why don't you intervene and send the brothers in sneak in to sabotage me. If you don't spit out something, they don't want to easily annex." Spark said.

He is like a vicious dog now, wherever there is a fishy smell, he has to take a bite.

"Understood, Captain, I will go and give orders." After speaking, the crew member wanted to leave.

"Wait." Spark stopped him.

When the crew member was puzzled, Spark stepped forward and knocked the crew member away with a punch.

"You disturbed me." It's still in a good mood for Spark, otherwise...

After speaking, Spark returned to the house and looked at the girl in the corner who was about to commit suicide.

"If you dare to commit suicide, I will kill your whole family." Spark smirked.

At this moment, the true nature of a beast is fully exposed.


At this time, the atmosphere on Gaya Island was extremely depressing.

Everyone knows that a bloody storm is coming.

The two forces are like headless flies, shaking, and around him, there are five geckos, planning to share and eat.

The reality is that things are impermanent.

In the first second, he was still domineering, but in the next second, everyone shouted and beat.

The fate of the two powers is doomed.

On Barrett's side, the outside matter has nothing to do with them.

Only Mitchell spied out information from time to time. Bell and Gaka couldn't sit still and took the initiative to become bodyguards.

It seems that Mitchell has started to form an intelligence organization, but she did not expect that she would have a soft spot for it.

Barrett was so happy.

Next, Barrett and Amy are about to start practicing. They have been out to sea for so long and haven't practiced seriously yet. Recently, the improvement of strength has been a bit slow.

After finally having this opportunity, the two would naturally not let it go.

As for the outside, let him go, and when the time comes, Barrett will clean up Gaya Island.

Those who are jumping for joy now will not be able to jump up anymore.

The winner is the one who laughs last...