
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 43 Gaya Island

The first half of the great route.

Barrett and his group of six are on their way to Gaya Island.

"Boss, do you mean that the devil fruit prepared for me is on Gaya Island?" Amy found Barrett and asked.

"No, that place should be called Bika. We have to go through Gaya Island to get there." Barrett replied.

"Bika, haven't you heard of it?" Amy questioned.

"Do you know Sky Island?" Barrett asked.

"Sky Island, a little familiar." Amy thought.

"Is it Roland a big liar?" Bell said.

"Oh, yes, Roland, the big liar, there seems to be some empty island, boss, isn't that a lie?" Mitchell asked.

"The sky islands are real, and the golden towns Roland said about are also real. They are all 10,000 meters high in the sky." Barrett said astonishingly.



Everyone was shocked. They believed in Barrett, that is to say, those were all real, and the big liar Roland did not lie.

"But, boss, ten thousand meters, how do we get up?" Amy asked.

"Does it depend on Bell to take us up?" Hahn thought suddenly.

"Here, ten kilometers, if I fly horizontally now, there is no problem, but flying vertically is a bit difficult, let alone taking people." Bell replied.

"There is no good way, you can only ride the rising current, try your luck." Barrett replied.

There is no navigator on the ship who can predict the rising currents, so I can only try my luck, five times a month, take your time.

"Rising ocean currents?" everyone puzzled.

"It is a special natural disaster. Seawater flows into underground caves. Because of geothermal heat, water vapor explodes and ejects the seawater about five times a month," Hahn explained.

For this kind of thing, Hahn has done some tutoring.

"Yes, we just wait for that thing, and observe it for a while on Gaya Island, and train Bell and Gaka by the way."

"If you can't sit on the rising ocean current for a long time, you will have to rely on Bell to take us up when necessary. We still have time. Let's practice for a while." Barrett said.

"No problem, boss, at most one year, I can definitely take you up there." Bell promised.

To be honest, Barrett is 8 years old this year, even if he waits for another year, the problem is not big, but Barrett refused.

"Boss, if we really can't sit on the rising currents, we will continue to practice in Gaya Island?" Amy obviously refused this.

"What's the situation on Gaya Island now?" Barrett asked.

"It can be said that it is a transfer station for pirates. There is no ruling force. The personnel are mixed and chaotic. It belongs to the three-regardless zone." Bell replied.

It's no secret that Bell has paid attention to Gaya Island because of Rolando, a well-known liar.

"Well, there is nothing to do during this time, let's practice with the pirates on Gaya Island." Barrett said.

"That's a good idea, boss, do you want to rule Gaya Island?" Amy came with interest.

"Not only Gaya Island, but also Sky Island. Sky Island not only has Devil Fruit, but one thing is also good." Barrett did not say clearly.

It's hard to tell how things like Korashima shells are. Only after personal experience can they understand its benefits. If it can be mass-produced and equipped in the hands of the troops, it is definitely a big killer.

And it's only available on the empty island, and it's also good to sell.

"You can use Gaya Island as a facade and Sky Island as a secret base." Mitchell suggested.

"Yes, I think so too. No one will know about the secret development of strength on Sky Island. It happens that we have to practice for a long time separately."

"During this period, we secretly developed our forces, using Gaya Island as a springboard, so that our forces will be disconnected until the world is chaotic, and then completely exposed to the world." Barrett preached.

This is the grand plan that Barrett has in mind, and Barrett will also cover it as a navy, hiding it for as long as he can.

"Then boss, why didn't we use Alabastan as the sphere of influence before?" Hahn asked.

"Hey, the water in Alabastan is too deep. It's not something we can touch at the moment, not to mention that they still have 600,000 troops." Barrett sighed.

Alabastan is indeed a piece of fat, but it involves not only the Nafirutali family, but also Pluto, one of the three ancient weapons.

Barrett is not guilty.

"You have to eat the rice bite by bite. The road has to be walked step by step. Let's get the Gaya Island and the empty island first." Barrett said helplessly.


"Boss, we can land." Hahnhui reported that the ship has docked.

"Let's go, divide into three teams, go to inquire about the intelligence separately, meet on the boat tonight, discuss the next plan." Barrett ordered.

"no problem."

Then the six people divided into three teams and set off.


As night fell, the six people returned to the boat.

"Everyone, please tell me about the information collected." Barrett said.

"I'll do it first." Mitchell said first.

"The power on the island is complicated, but fortunately, there is no too strong power, probably because Gaya Island has nothing, and the pointer is broken here." Mitchell said.

"This is an advantageous condition. There is no strong force and the flow of people is scarce. It is suitable for our early development." Barrett commented.

"Gaya Island currently has seven pirate groups, which can also be said to be resident pirate groups. They divided Gaya Island into seven forces." Amy continued.

"These seven pirate groups are not strong, probably at the level of 50 million rewards." Hahn added.

"Although their individual strength is not strong, they are not easy to do together." Barrett thought.

How strong are the pirates who are resident here? Since this is not a new world, they have begun to care for them.

"We found out that these seven forces are not in harmony, and they can be internalized first." Bell and Gaka said.

"Several forces have been together in such a large place for a long time, there will naturally be frictions, but conflicts are not so easy to break out, we must find a way." Barrett thought.

"Boss, how about the assassination?" Amy suddenly thought of a way.

"Feasible, first find the leader of a force to assassinate it, the island will inevitably be in chaos, and the other six forces will inevitably fall into a melee in order to gain benefits." Barrett analyzed.

"This will not only eliminate one force, but also consume the other six forces, and they will not be able to recover in a short time." Mitchell continued.

"It's easy to assassinate a leader with our strength, Amy, just in case, we two will act together tonight." Barrett decided.

"Act tonight?" Amy asked puzzledly, acting a bit abruptly tonight.

"Our arrival will slowly attract the attention of others, but after a while, there is nothing to hesitate." Barrett explained.

"Yes, then which force do we choose?" Amy asked.

"Find someone who is stronger and don't be too easy to be swallowed by others." Barrett said.

Soon after, the two got up and acted.

Tonight, it is destined to be a sleepless night...