
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 42 Yang Fan! set sail!

Rainy Casino Hall.

At this time, the casino was in dilapidated condition. Barrett's three punches cracked the ground, and the entire casino seemed to be rebuilt.

"Haha, brother Barrett, don't be angry. As the saying goes, business is not righteous. I will remember if you saved me." To be honest, Olsen was a little panicked.

He was afraid that when Barrett was angry, he would fit into the giant and punch him too.

"It's okay, I'm the one who counts." Barrett said helplessly.

It seems that we will find other animal fruits for Bell and Gaka in the future, but this thing depends on luck. When the artificial devil fruit comes out, the day lily will be cold.

"Wait, where's the devil fruit?" Olsen opened two treasure chests, which contained only gold and silver jewelry, but no devil fruit.

"Haha, King Olsen, it seems that you are still too happy too early." The devil fruit is not in the treasure chest, where is that.

Barrett had a guess.

"Goodbye, King Olsen, you will slowly find your Devil Fruit, I will not be with you." Barrett finished speaking, and left with Hahn and Gaka.

"Boss, are we really not looking anymore?" Hahn asked.

"No need to search, I think Amy has found it." Barrett replied.

"Boss, you mean, the devil fruit is on their boat?" Hahn continued to ask.

"It shouldn't be wrong, go back to the boat and have a look." Barrett replied.

As for why Barrett said that, first of all, the devil fruit should be in Alabastan, and in the hands of the Giant Axe Pirates, and no one would eat it except Bell and Gaka.

And now Van Dijk didn't have it in his hands, but the two Devil Fruits would definitely be found, so there was only one possibility.

In the previous world, Bell and Gaka took Olsen to Van Dijk's Pirate Ship and found the two Devil Fruits. Otherwise, would they have to search all over the world?

You know that the treasure map is also not in the treasure chest, so Barrett guessed that it was most likely that Bell took Amy and found the two devil fruits.

If you really want to look aimlessly in the end, then Barrett will give up. They have that time to run all over Alabastan.

So, no matter what, it's the right thing to go back to the boat.

"Boss, shall we go directly back to the boat?" Hahn asked.

"No hurry, there are still two days. We have agreed to gather in two days. I am afraid that Amy will not return to the boat in advance. Let's go shopping first. We will go back one day later." Barrett said.

"Boss, we still need to prepare food." Jiaka reminded.

"Oh yes, if you don't tell me, I will forget it, there are not many supplies on the ship, so please purchase supplies by the way." Barrett said.

"But, boss, we have no money." Jiaka said silently.

"Well, add a card, find a casino." Barrett scratched his head, as if that could only be the case.


At this time, on Amy's side, they had already found the Pirate Ship with the Giant Axe.

After killing a few crew members watching the ship, Amy and the others found the two devil fruits.

But the three of them did not go back. There were still two days left, and there was no time to go anywhere else. They simply had a banquet on the giant axe boat.

On the third night, they also ran into the deputy captain of the giant axe, and the ending was not unexpected.

On the fourth day, the two teams walked towards the boat at the same time.

In the evening of the fourth day, Barrett took the lead to reach his ship.

It was just unexpected that Olsen would arrive before him.

"Why did King Olsen come here?" Barrett asked knowingly.

This guy definitely came to see, Barrett couldn't find the devil fruit.

"There are three other people in your crew. I don't know where to go. Let me see if they have found the Devil Fruit. If they find it, please give me the treasure map as agreed." Olsen asked.

If Amy and the others do not find it, Olsen will go back and order the Kingdom Army to continue searching.

"No problem, let's get on the boat." Barrett promised, it's all trivial.

The next morning, Amy and the three of them finally returned to the boat.

"Amy, how about it, have you found the Devil Fruit?" Barrett asked when Amy came back.

After all, this involves the future of Bell and Gaka.

"Boss, fortunately, I found it. I found the two devil fruits, and the treasure map, together." Amy said excitedly.

"Great, great Amy!" Barrett patted Amy on the shoulder.

"Hey, then, Brother Barrett, congratulations, it's just that treasure map..." Olsen said.

"No problem, I count, Amy gives Olson the treasure map." Barrett ordered.

With that said, Amy handed Olson the treasure map, and two boxes to Barrett.

Barrett opened the two boxes, and they were two devil fruits.

Olsen got what he deserved, said goodbye to Barrett and them, and left.

"Bell, Gaka, these two devil fruits have been given to you." Barrett gave the two devil fruits to the two.

There is an introduction to the Devil Fruit on the two boxes.

"This, boss, how can we take it." Bell said.

"Yes, these two devil fruits should be given to Brother Amy, Brother Hahn." Gaka agreed.

"Eat with confidence, we will go to Amy's Devil Fruit at the next stop." Barrett said.

"As for Hahn, I haven't thought of any fruit for him for the time being, I'm sorry Hahn." Barrett apologized.

"It's okay, boss, I don't want to eat the devil fruit yet. I want to drive or repair the ship, so I won't eat the devil fruit." Hahn explained.

Hahn did not intend to eat the devil fruit, especially after Bell and Gaka ate the devil fruit, there must be some swimming on the boat.

"Since you think so, let's do it first, Bell and Gaka, eat the fruit." Barrett said.

Everyone also looked at Bell and Jakaling, their eyes full of expectation.

The two looked at everyone with gratitude in their eyes and ate the devil fruit in their hands.


"It's terrible."

The faces of the two men were blue.

"Uh, boss, are all devil fruits so unpalatable?" Amy felt a chill in her back.

"It seems like this." In Barrett's memory, the taste of the combined fruit is still fresh in my memory.

"Hey, it's really hard for them." Mitchell couldn't bear it.

Looking at the two people in front of them, their faces were full of tears, moved, and some were smoked, but they still resisted and swallowed the devil fruit.

"Haha, yes, it's worthy of the person I'm fancy, but I swallowed them all." Barrett said with satisfaction.

Although the devil fruit can gain abilities by biting the first bite, both of them swallowed them, with good willpower.

Afterwards, the two of them had snots and tears. If the atmosphere was not too moving, the two would swallow them all without being excited.

"Haha, young ones, Yang Fan! Set sail!" Barrett shouted.



In this way, a new journey begins...