
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 27

Southeast battlefield, Major General Kofi's Department.

"Koffey, how about it, have you contacted other theaters? Are there any reinforcements?" a major general in the temporary combat headquarters asked.

"The southern theater is resisting, and the enemies of the two rebel theaters can't fight with Benteng, and the southwest theater is not to mention." Another major general said.

Although there is no explicit statement, everyone knows that there is no reinforcement at all.

"I have contacted the other two theaters just now, and they really can't do it, but they sent someone to support us," Kofi said.

He knew who it was. Barrett had practiced with him for a period of time. According to Kofi's understanding, Barrett was probably a top lieutenant general. At that time, Barrett had not eaten the fruit of the fit.

"A person to support us, even if we don't want to send someone to us, we don't have to humiliate us so much. We will die in battle and will not surrender!" a lieutenant general filled with indignation.

Just kidding, can one person bridge the gap of 30,000 people?

"I know this person. He probably has the strength of a top lieutenant general. Although he does not belong to the government army, he has a very good relationship with Lieutenant General Amy." Kofi explained.

Even this is not enough to fill the gap of 30,000 people, I don't know what the purpose of General Coleman sent him.

"It's a big deal. Let's buy time for the other two war zones. They are the last hope of this country." The last taciturn major general said.

"Report, a teenager calling himself Barrett begged to see him."

Just then a messenger came in to report.

"Let him in, he is reinforcement." Kofi ordered.

"Long time no see, Major General Kofi." Barrett walked into the headquarters.

"Introduce everyone, this is Barrett." Kofi obviously didn't have much interest. One Barrett is not enough to smooth the gap.

"Don't be so disappointed, I have brought a huge amount of weapons and ammunition, and I can manage enough." Barrett said airy.

"What, there?" All the major generals looked at Barrett hopefully.

"Prepare a warehouse for me, and I will make it for you." Barrett said mysteriously.

"Come here, find him a warehouse." Kofi was skeptical.

Soon two soldiers and a group of people came to an empty warehouse.

Kofi's troops have long been short of ammunition. If the enemy hadn't had much ammunition, the battle would have ended long ago. In this world, weapons are always popular.

"Miscellaneous people wait to retreat." Barrett said.

Because you want to hide your identity, it's better not to make everyone know.

The soldiers around the warehouse quickly retreated. There were not many people at first, and it was just an empty warehouse.

Barrett saw that there were only a few major generals left, his hands flowed out of the liquid crystals in the body, and the liquid crystals in the body began to assimilate everything around it, then deformed, and a bunch of guns came out.

After a few rounds, the warehouse was full of weapons, but at this time the warehouse had disappeared, and the rubble underneath also disappeared.

At this time, several major generals saw a scene that shocked them.

"Evil... Devil Fruit?" Kofi asked.

"Yes, I am a fit person who ate the Superman series. The fit fruit. Everything you see today will be rotten to the stomach, otherwise." Barrett turned on a little ghost.

This spirit is still within Barrett's control.

But everyone was stunned, even if it was a little bit of spirit, they could bear it, after all, they were not major admirals of the navy headquarters.

"We understand." Kofi said quickly.

Barrett put away that little ghost. Since receiving Coleman's knee in the southern war zone, Barrett felt that he had a kind of imperial feeling.

It was a sign of overlord color, and it was this sign that made Barrett dare to take the initiative to turn on a little ghost, and now it is clear that Barrett's guess is correct.

"These weapons should be enough to make up for the lack of strength." Barrett said.

It's really a good medicine for people suffering from lack of firepower.

"As for those lieutenants, leave it to me." Barrett said.

Now Barrett is not afraid of the siege of the lieutenant.

"Quickly, distribute these weapons immediately, we are about to start the counterattack!" Kofi was ecstatic.

He, who was already desperate, saw the hope of victory.

"Quick, quick, come here to distribute weapons and ammunition!" The other major generals put their fears behind.

Desperate to survive, now they can't manage that much.

Soon, the soldiers in charge of the warehouse heard the sound and rushed over. They were also stunned when they saw the scene in front of them.

"What are you doing in a daze? Contact the officers of the various units to get weapons and ammunition." Kofi woke up the soldiers in a daze.

When they came back to their senses, they cried with emotion and thought they were going to die. Now that they have these weapons, the front line can definitely win.

One after another, officers continued to come to receive weapons. When they heard the news, they thought it was just a few broken guns, but they were also stunned when they stood in front of the warehouse.

These weapons are their life-saving straw. With these weapons, they can easily kill enemies that are several times theirs.

Victory in the battle was just around the corner, and soon the weapons in front of him were divided up.

"Okay, let's go to the front line and solve the betrayal government forces. I will also go to the capital, Corrado, to solve Hagrid." Barrett said to Kofi.

"No problem, let's go to the front!" Kofi said excitedly.

He can't wait to see the victory of the government army.

Under the leadership of Kofi, Barrett came to the front.

The soldiers here have just received their weapons, are full of vitality, and are preparing to launch a counterattack.

"Mr. Barrett, according to our news, there is a lieutenant general here." Kofi told Barrett.

"Very well, let the soldiers launch an offensive. When I see the lieutenant general, I will solve it." Barrett stared at the enemy's camp from a distance.

"Okay, the order goes on, immediately integrate and launch the general attack." Kofi ordered.

At this time, the enemy also realized the strangeness of the government army, and sent troops as well.

In a short while, the enemy was in range, the artillery roared, and the enemy fell in large swaths. At this time, the enemy has not yet come into contact with government forces.

When the chaos broke, the enemy's fighting spirit was overwhelmed, and some people even escaped.

The officers shot a few deserters to stabilize the formation, but the casualties were too heavy. At this time, when they retreated, the soldiers just died in vain. If they continue to rush, the casualties will increase.

The enemy chose to continue the charge.

The enemy's lieutenant general dodged in the rain of bullets and commanded the army to charge.

Soon he was locked by Barrett, and the first prey came.

Barrett stepped out, and the tiger appeared in Barrett's hand.

All the enemies who blocked Barrett along the road were punched by Barrett. At this time, the enemy lieutenant general also noticed the enemy running in a straight line.

The eyes of the two met together.

A thought came to the head of the lieutenant, 'I am a rival.'

And Barrett just looked at him like a prey.

Strong and weak at a glance...