
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 26 The Southeast Incident

On the way to the southern battlefield, a motorcycle whizzed past.

At this time, Barrett had a bad feeling in his heart.

What is the matter that Hermann can't say? Herman was anxious to let himself rush to the southern battlefield. Could it be that the southern battlefield couldn't hold on?

Barrett thought of this and couldn't help but increase the throttle.

After driving for a long time, Barrett finally rushed to the southern battlefield.

What greeted us at this time was a mess.

On the government's position, the soldiers leaned together in despair.

There were corpses all over the ground, government forces and rebels.

Barrett rushed to the position, it seems that the government forces have just experienced a fierce battle.

"Lieutenant General Hermann!" Barrett saw Hermann in the distance.

At this time Herman was in a panic.

"Barrett!" Herman saw Barrett running towards Barrett excitedly.

"You are finally here, come with me, and I will take you to see my boss, General Coleman." Apart from anything else, Herman took Barrett and left.

Barrett followed Herman into the depths of the government forces.

A temporary headquarters appeared before Barrett.

"Come on, Barrett, let me introduce you. This is General Coleman, General, and this is Barrett." Herman introduced the two to each other.

"Hello, General Coleman."

"Hello, Barrett."

"The situation is urgent, Herman, you can tell Barrett about the current situation." Coleman went directly to the subject, it seems that the problem is not small.

"According to our previous schedule, you stormed the southwest battlefield. We contained the enemy in the southern battlefield and blocked the enemy's reinforcements. The Lieutenant General Hagrid on the southeast battlefield also received similar orders."

"But we have just received news that Lieutenant General Hagrid led many soldiers from the southeast theater, approaching the capital Corrado, and has already controlled government officials."

"All evidence indicates that Lieutenant Hagrid has rebelled."

Herman displayed what happened during the day. In summary, the commander-in-chief of the Southeast Battlefield, Lieutenant General Hagrid, rebelled and the government was overthrown.

Speaking of Hagrid, he also had the reason for his rebellion. He was the only lieutenant in the three major war zones, and he was still a lieutenant general, and the rebels on the southwest battlefield happened to need a general.

"Barrett, what do you think? I know you, and Herman recommended you to me. I want to see your opinion." General Coleman said.

He didn't dare to underestimate the boy in front of him. All evidence showed that the boy in front of him was capable of killing the general.

"How's the situation in the southeast battlefield?" Barrett asked.

"The southeast battlefield is now in chaos. The government forces headed by Major Kofi are still trying their best to resist. In addition, the rebel forces on the southeast battlefield have completely freed up. This is why we were beaten so badly."

Herman explained that Major General Kofi was the one who received Barrett before.

In the previous battle, Coleman's forces faced coalition forces in the southern and southeastern war zones.

It's not miserable. Fortunately, some advantages have been accumulated before, otherwise the rebel army would have rushed to the southwest battlefield.

"Does Cordier know about this?" Barrett asked.

"I know, I told him personally." General Coleman said.

"Let him quickly clean up the remaining forces in the southwest. We don't have much time. Once Major General Kofi's troops in the southeast are eaten, we will face more enemies." Barrett said.

"The government forces in the two regions must be integrated before Major General Kofi is defeated." Coleman analyzed.

"But it will take at least two days to clean up the southwest region, and it will take at least two days to assemble and integrate troops. Major General Kofi may not last that long." Herman worried.

"How many government troops have defected in the southeast, and how many troops does Major General Kofi have?" Barrett asked.

"Hagrid led all three lieutenants, seven major generals, and about 50,000 troops to defect. Major General Kofi has only four major generals in total, and there are about 20,000 troops."

Herman replied that after the rebellion began, Kofi felt that the situation was not right, and immediately summoned the surrounding generals to integrate a force of less than 20,000.

"Twenty thousand vs. fifty thousand, it's really hard for Kofi." Coleman sighed.

"Kofi's 20,000 troops cannot be eaten, I will support Kofi." Barrett decided.

"That's what to do here, the coalition forces in the two regions totaled nearly 100,000, but we only have about 50,000." Herman asked.

"Abandon the southern theater and join the southwest theater." Barrett looked at Coleman.

Coleman is the commander-in-chief of the southern region, and the decision is in his hands.

"Barrett, I admit your talent and strength. It seems that your ambition is not small. It just happens that the government has been overthrown. What do you think?" Coleman asked another question.

"It won't be long before I will go to the outside world. There, I don't have any foundation. I need a country to serve me and provide me with intelligence, money, military and even killer agents."

Barrett said, this is what he wants to get this country.

"I'm afraid this country can't provide you with these." Coleman said.

The strength of the endless war country is still too weak.

"Don't worry about those, you only need to provide me with talents, I will find ways to train, and you have a lot of time, I still have things to do afterwards." Barrett said.

"Then what can this country get?" Coleman asked.

"You can get my asylum, and I will do my best to promote the development of this country. After all, the stronger this place is, the more help it can give me." Barrett replied.

This mode of operation is very similar to the future Four Emperors, Charlotte Lingling's World, but it is a little different and the structure is different.

Barrett wants his sphere of influence to spread across the entire four seas and great sea routes, of which the endless war is only one of them.

Does this have the feeling of some world government, of course, these are secretly.

"Understood, as long as you can protect this country, I am willing to be loyal." Coleman knelt on one knee and offered his knee.

"Herman." Coleman reminded.

The meaning is obvious. What are you doing while your boss is loyal?

"General, I have long been loyal." Herman embarrassed.

This feeling of early allegiance is a bit like a betrayal.

"You..." Coleman was speechless, and the co-author of Barrett had already started to act.

"Get up, General Coleman, you will still be a general in the future. I will give you a high degree of autonomy, but the government needs to be reorganized." Barrett helped Coleman up.

"No problem, in addition, I will persuade him from Kadir." Coleman said.

"Well, that's it, don't worry, the war will be over soon." Barrett promised.

Before leaving, Barrett left a lot of weapons and ammunition.

Using the combined fruit, Barrett can create a steady stream of weapons, and pile him up to death. Isn't it more convenient than Doflamingo to sell them later?

After the meeting, Barrett rode his beloved scooter and disappeared.

Destination: Southeastern Battlefield...

Seeing everyone's comments, it seemed to come alive again.

First, solve the problem of Begapunk. According to the data, Begapunk was recognized by the world government as the most dangerous existence for studying the "design of life", and he was arrested to work for the world government. He has too little information to find his age, so I dare not operate it lightly. In addition, the world government must attach great importance to him, and if he is abducted in advance, the subsequent plot will change a lot. So let him stay in the navy.

As for the question of the scientist, to satisfy you, I have not found a candidate yet, how about Caesar?

In addition, I think about the boat as you think, it must be a big boat.