
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 199 Disaster Level! Show off

The new world, the base of the golden lion, the floating island.

It was originally a battle between Golden Lion and Roger.

However, when the Roger Pirates were in desperate situation, Karp led the others in.


"Ski! I'm Karp looking for your revenge!" Karp went straight to the battlefield between the Golden Lion and Roger.

"Huh, what about two people, is my Golden Lion Club afraid of you?" Golden Lion said domineeringly.

Immediately, the Golden Lion drew two famous swords, "Ying Shi" and "Withered Wood".

These two famous knives are at the lowest level of the 21st Knife, and they are extremely sharp.

"Lion. Chikiya."

The Golden Lion hit two directly and attacked Karp and Roger first.

Roger also drew out the Western sword on his waist, resisting Shiji's attack.

But Karp is very straightforward, attaching the armed domineering directly to the fist, the slash of the golden lion.

"Lion roll. Diwei." Golden Lion continued to make moves.

The golden lion used the ability of fluttering fruits to directly lift the ground up, forming the appearance of five lions, attacking Roger and Karp.

It's just that the golden lion is still too reluctant to beat two.

Karp smashed the lion into pieces with one punch, and Roger also cut out the sword wave and cut the lion in half.

But it's not over yet. Similar to Barrett's hybrid fruit, these lions are made of inorganic substances and can be reorganized even if they are destroyed.

Karp was not careful and was surrounded by scattered debris, but Roger came to rescue in time, and the two teamed up, which can be said to be impeccable.

Even Locks was under the joint hands of the two, let alone his crew, the Golden Lion.

"Haha, I didn't expect that one day, I could also be treated by Captain Locks!" Skye laughed.

"Yes, but it also means that you are going to die here today." Karp said.

In fact, to be honest, Karp is really not sure to keep the Golden Lion. The Golden Lion wants to go. Few people can keep him.

Piaopiao fruit is too flexible.


Sakaski's side.

He directly used the abilities of Rock Berry.

The five-kilometer radius around Sakarski was completely covered by magma.

And Sakarski's destruction continued.


"Meteor Volcano."

In short, the entire island is within Sarkarski's attack range, and justice is within range.

"Huh, some decent ones have finally arrived." Sakarski said.

In his perception, several powerful enemies came from a distance. It seemed that they originally wanted to wipe out Roger and them, but now they came back to support.


Sakaski launched a lot of huge magma meteorites directly in that direction.

When it reached the sky, it burst open and turned into dense small magma meteorites, covering the area where the enemy was.

This group of enemies had lost 80% of them before they saw Sakarski.

But the remaining 20% ​​stopped, because there was magma in front of it. This place has become a volcanic crater. The five-kilometer radius is full of magma, and there is no way to go.

Not to mention being close to Sakarski.

But Sakarski can move around in the magma freely, just like a large fort, the kind of magma.

Sakarski started to move, because there were no living people in a five-kilometer radius, and his mission was to destroy the island.

Afterwards, Sakarski went straight to the group who came to support.

"The dog bites Guren."

The magma under the enemy's feet suddenly bulged out, exposing Sarkarski's body.

He had been active in elementalization before, arbitrarily moving in this magma.

Sakaski's arm turned into magma and formed the shape of a dog's head, hitting the enemy in front of him.

The pirate had armed domineering arms attached to his arms and wanted to defend against Sakaski's attack, but unfortunately, armed domineering could not resist the temperature.

The pirate's domineering armed look was directly broken, and Sakaski drove straight in and punched the pirate through.

If Sakarski did not feel wrong, this should be a captain-level pirate, and the bounty may be around four or five billion, but he was killed in seconds.

Rock Berry's defensive ability is indeed very strong, but having said that, the defensive capabilities of the other two natural elements are equally strong.

This is the advantage of nature, similar to spell damage.

No way, who makes the armed sex domineering unable to resist the temperature.

"Hint Dog."

Next, Sakarski directly opened up, and the pirates were already defeated.

So Sakarski began to infiltrate underground.

He elementified again, transformed into magma, came to the bottom of the magma, and then used the power of the rock berry fruit again to magma the ground below.

Sakarski can now permanently change the environment, but the scope is not large enough to cover the entire island and it can only slowly erode like this.

His goal is to turn this entire island into magma.

As for the pirates above, let them fend for themselves.

In a few minutes, Sakarski elementified an island. Since then, a floating island of the Flying Pirates has completely turned into a large mass of magma.

And this large group of magma was no longer under Shiji's control, and began to fall toward the sea, but fortunately, there was nothing in this sea area.

Immediately, Sakarski moved to another island.


Barrett's side.

He was very straightforward, integrating the storage ring of Jiancheng Fruit, with a lot of steel accumulated in it, all of which were taken out by Barrett.

Immediately, a large amount of liquid crystals flowed out of Barrett's body and began to swallow and assimilate these steel materials.

Then, an 800-meter-high, pure steel giant appeared in front of everyone.

"Good guy, has this guy's merging fruit been developed to this level?" Sakaski saw the giant from a distance.

There is no way, no one will lose sight of the 800-meter-high giant.

The thickness of these five floating islands is not 800 meters thick.

In fact, this has reached Barrett's limit, this height Barrett has been able to reach very early, after a year, he has not improved.

It seems that the limit of the fit fruit is probably here.

If you want to continue to expand, you can only awaken. At that time, Barrett's combined fruit will cover the area of ​​a large island.

An island like the Pirate World Expo is equivalent to a combination of five islands, but under Barrett's control, a wall appeared around the island, trapping everyone on the island.

This also shows that at that time, the range of Barrett's combined fruit has expanded to a range of tens of kilometers, which is a range of tens of thousands of meters.

Enough for Barrett.

Now, Barrett has shifted his goal and began to change the direction of the development of the combined fruit. The Lion Roll. Diwei is not bad, and Barrett can do that too.

Because Barrett can also manipulate inorganics.

Back to the topic.

The fist of the steel giant turned black.

Because the area is too large, the purple armed color domineering has to be diluted, becoming a lower level black armed color domineering.

Immediately, it was the ultimate cannon...