
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 198 Revenge! Cut across

G-1 branch.

Karp and Barrett came here, temporarily rested, and waited for the arrival of reinforcements.

Subsequently, launched a general attack on the Golden Lion.


G-1 branch.

"Lieutenant General Karp, can you find the trail of the Golden Lion?" Barrett asked.

If Barrett remembers correctly, the golden lion can float the island in the air.

In other words, the golden lion's old nest is likely to be in the air, and it is still erratic, and it is basically impossible to find his trace.

"The world government has placed a spy in the Golden Lion team. We have his life card." Karp replied.

Because the Golden Lion wooed the team wildly, there must be some monsters in his team. It is not impossible for the world government to install spies.

And the life card is a bug-level existence, and it's not suitable for use here.

Therefore, it can also be said that the whereabouts of the golden lion is completely under the surveillance of the world government. Of course, the premise is that the person is in the golden lion's sky castle.

Coincidentally, it seems that this is the case. The Golden Lion seems to be very relieved. All the hands are placed in the castle in the sky.

"Is the Golden Lion's base in the air?" Barrett asked.

Although basically certain, Barrett still has to be certain.

"That's right, it's in the air. This time it's only you and me, plus Sakarski, and the three of us are acting. The old man is going to demolish the Golden Lion base." Karp said angrily.

Karp's anger hasn't subsided yet. He had played well with Roger, but the golden lion got in and caused Karp's heavy losses.

Capco couldn't swallow this breath.

This time, Sarkarski and Barrett are definitely catastrophic existences. Karp was really angry. He wanted to weaken the power of the Golden Lion and destroy the Golden Lion's base.


A week later.

Sakaski came to the G-1 branch.

"It's been a long time, Sarkarski," Barrett greeted.

"It's been a long time. I didn't expect to fight with you again." Sakarski replied.

The last time the two fought together, it seemed that the three of them were fighting Kaido in Dresrosa, but this time they were going to deal with the Golden Lion.

"Haha, but this time may not be fighting side by side." Barrett said.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Sakarski asked puzzled.

"The old man is angry. This time, the mission of the two of us is to destroy and kill the Quartet. You and I will be separated. We will destroy as much as we can, and strive to destroy the Golden Lion base." Barrett replied.

"Well, it's really a pity, but you can see which of us is more destructive." Sakarski said.

"No problem, but be careful. After all, it is the Golden Lion Pirates. Although the Golden Lion will be dragged by Karp, there may still be troublesome enemies." Sakarski said.

"Of course, don't die. I'm going to fight you for the position of marshal." Sakarski said.

This operation can be described as the biggest naval operation in these years, not only on Karp's side, but also on the Warring States side.

It can be said that this time, the navy is dispatched by the entire army.

As for Malin Vandor, there are Propulsion City and Judicial Island around, so I threw it away first.

In the eyes of the world government, the situation in the new world is urgent, no matter what, action must be taken to weaken the strength of the pirates in the new world.

"Let's go, let's go in, get ready, we are about to act." Barrett said.


Three days later.

Karp answered a phone worm.

"Let's go, let's act." Karp said to Barrett and Sakaski.

"Is the time?" Barrett said.

"Yes, the negotiation between Golden Lion and Roger has reached the final step, let's leave immediately." Karp ordered.

According to the spy from Golden Lion, Golden Lion has been wooing Roger during this time, but it is a pity that Roger has been reluctant to agree.

Now, the deadline is approaching. If Roger doesn't agree, Golden Lion may take action. He will not allow Roger to exist, and a big battle will be inevitable.

At that time, it was the perfect time for Karp and the three of them.

Your golden lion took advantage of my Karp's fight with Roger, and made a sideways kick, which caused a serious loss to our navy. My Karp would take advantage of your golden lion's fight with Roger, and we would also get a kicker, ruining your base. , The one who killed you.

This is the causal cycle.


One day later.

Above a piece of sea in the New World, there are five islands floating above the clouds.

There are a huge number of pirates stationed on these five islands. The island in the middle is where the golden lion is.

These five islands are the sky fortresses of the Golden Lion.

"Roger, today is the deadline. You must give me an answer. You can answer after you think about it. Do you want to be my subordinate?" Golden Lion asked.

"Haha, Ski, don't ask any more, I won't be your subordinate, I haven't achieved my goal yet, and my crew will not allow their captain to become someone else's crew." Roger was straightforward. Replied.

"Very well, since you have refused, then you will stay here forever. What goal, you will never achieve, you will regret your decision today." Golden Lion said.

"Haha, I won't regret it, but I may have failed some people's expectations." Roger said.

For some reason, Roger thought of the mysterious organization at this time. He might be going to die soon. The Ol Jaxson was really good, but the bill was still up.

The most important thing is my crew, I'm afraid I can't protect them.

Roger was a little bit self-blaming for taking them into the sea by himself, but failed to take them back.

"Go to war! Shiji!"

"Raleigh, try your best to take everyone out, and live a few lives," Roger said.

Immediately, the battle was about to start, and oncoming was the domineering collision between Roger and the Golden Lion.

The overlord look of the two is top-notch, and the collision between the two of them is even more terrifying.

Raleigh also has a domineering look, but at this time, he has a more important task, he wants to protect the other crew from leaving.

This is Roger's last wish.


As soon as Leili withdrew from the golden lion hall, the hall in front of him burst open.

Raleigh opened the way for everyone without looking back, but there were too many enemies, and all the enemies gathered, and there was no end in sight.

Raleigh smiled bitterly, "Hey, Captain, there is nothing I can do."

There is no hope of breakthrough at all, and the annihilation of the entire army can be said to be a certainty.

"Mr. Raleigh, let's go back. Even if we die, we will bite off a piece of the golden lion's flesh." Shanks said.

"Okay, let's go back. Since there is no doubt that we will die, then we will destroy him and kill him in the dark." Leily said.

Boom boom boom!

Three loud noises appeared on the two islands on the left and right, and on this island.

Immediately came the smoke.

Karp, Sakaski, and Barrett pierced the floating island directly from below and landed on the island.

"It's them!?" The Golden Lion asked in surprise.

Karp, revenge is coming...