
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 156 Harvest! Gather people's hearts

Chambord Islands, Naval Branch.

At this time, Barrett was with Murdoch, reviewing the one hundred soldiers who persisted to the last navy.

In addition, Barrett was about to expel 90% of the navy from the navy branch, and the news also spread.

Not only the Chambord Islands, this news is now known to everyone, everyone is staring at the Chambord Islands.

Let's see what kind of courage Barrett has, and what kind of ending will this scrape treatment end with?

Immediately, something that no one had imagined, including Barrett, happened.


Naval branch playground.

At this time, in the center of the playground, there were a hundred soldiers standing under the sun, waiting for inspection.

"Haha, Diez Barreiros, you are still standing here, give up, what do you insist on."

"Yes, yes, really take it seriously."

"Even if you pass, what can you do? It's a compliment at most, and then it's gone, haha."

"Yes, look at us, how comfortable!"


In front of the hundred people was a colonel named Diez Barreiros.

And around him is a group of ruffian soldiers, also a group of school officers.

They ridiculed Barreiros around, persuading Barreiros to give up this indifferent training, because there were many similar trainings before.

It's nothing more than three firearms for new officials. After the training is completed, it is over. At most, it is praised, and then what should be done or what.

They continued to eat, drink and have fun, be passive and negligent, and did not improve at all, even their chief did not act.

So they had seen it clearly, and fell along with it, doing nothing to do all day.

In fact, they are not to blame, it is the environment that has changed them.

Perhaps when they joined the navy, they also had a chivalrous heart, but gradually, it was exhausted.

However, Barreiros is still insisting, it's just that his belief is stronger than these people.

Over time, Barreiros will fall, and even become a pirate.


"The base commander is here!" Someone immediately reminded him when he saw Barrett and Murdoch in the distance.

Immediately, the surrounding navies retreated. In any case, they wanted to give Barrett a face, not to mention Barrett's reputation.

However, under the guidance of curiosity, they did not leave there, but stopped around the playground, wanting to see what Barrett had to say.


"Major General Barrett, this is the one hundred navy that has persisted." Murdoch introduced.

"Well, great," Barrett said.

As expected by Barrett, although the number of these people is a bit smaller, their willpower is far beyond ordinary people.

Being able to persist for such a long time under the scorching sun without supervision by anyone is indeed plausible, and at least it has met Barrett's requirements.

"This is the highest rank among these 100 people, Barreiros." Murdoch introduced Barrett.

To put it bluntly, Barreiros can be said to be the spiritual leader of this hundred people, so Murdoch introduced Barreiros separately.

For Barreiros, Murdoch can be considered to understand, he can be said to be Chambord Islands, an alternative to the Navy branch.

Obviously in such an environment, but Barreiros still insisted on the belief in his heart, which made Murdoch more admire.

Fortunately, Murdoch knew that Barreiros was about to meet his own nobleman.

Barrett appreciates such people.

"Barreiros? What is your full name?" Barrett asked.

Speaking of Barreiros, Barrett thinks of a person, a very important person, and a person who has a profound influence on Barrett.

"Report sir, Diez Barreiros." Barreiros reported.

"Do you have any children?" Barrett asked again.

"Reporter sir, my child was just born, called X-Drake." Barreiros reported.

Sure enough, just as Barrett guessed, this Barreiros in front of him is one of the future supernovae, X-Drake's father.

As a general, he betrayed the navy and became a pirate.

His son, who also followed his father's footsteps, was also a rear admiral, but became a pirate, but Drake should be an undercover in the navy.

Drake's identity, like comparable, is the captain of the secret special unit "SWORD" of the Navy headquarters.

It now seems that the reason for Barreiros' betrayal of the navy is already clear, after all, in the decaying place of Chambord Islands.

When he doubted his beliefs, it was normal to leave the Navy.

As for why Barrett cares about Barretros, it is not because of Drake.

In Barrett's view, although Drake is an animal, ancient species, super dragon, and fruit capable, he is worthless in front of his father.

The reason is that after Barrerus became a pirate, he got something.

A dream of a world government and navy.

Superman is the devil fruit, the fruit of surgery.

Yes, Barreiros was the pirate who was going to sell the fruits of the operation to the world government through Doflamingo.

However, the news leaked and was cut off by Corason and gave Luo the fruits of the operation.

Therefore, in Barrett's view, Barreiros's value far exceeds his son Drake.


"Very good, you can stay here for so long and stick to your beliefs, you are very good." Barrett praised.

"Sir, this is my duty as a navy." Barreiros reported loudly.

After hearing Barrett's words, Barreiros felt a bit of tears in his eyes. Someone finally recognized him. Barreiros felt that everything he had done before was worthwhile.

"Very well, rest assured! I, Douglas Barrett, hereby promise that I will not let down the faith in your hearts!" Barrett shouted at the center of the playground, one hundred navy soldiers.

Barrett's words won the approval of a hundred people. Their mood at this time was the same as Barreiros's. After all their eyes were rolled, someone finally approved them.

At this point, they can do anything for the sake of Barrett and their faith.

"We will never fail, Chief Barrett's trust!"

A hundred navy soldiers exhausted all their strength and shouted loudly.

Barrett looked at the crowd, and a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes. These people were exactly what Barrett wanted.

Even the people around the playground were a little moved when they heard their conversation. Barrett's words stimulated them.

They tortured themselves deeply, what they did before, is it really correct?


"Cut, it's just a pretense. After a while, it will be revealed." The navy colonel who mocked Barreiros just now mocked.

Although his voice is very small, he can't hide Barrett's domineering look.

Barrett's face changed, and he continued.

"Everyone, since I promised you, I will definitely not break my promise. Starting today, there are only one hundred combat members of you in the Chambord Islands."

"Another one hundred logistics members will remain in charge of your logistics, and the rest will be fired!"

"In addition, Chambord Islands, the military expenditure of the naval branch remains unchanged, and all of it goes to you."

Barrett solemnly announced...