
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 149 Titles! Hold office

Chambord Islands, naval branch, meeting room.

At this time, Barrett, Sakaski, Polusalino, Kuzan, and the four great naval leaders gathered together.

"Speaking of Kuzan, you guys are really like Polusalino." Barrett teased.

Both Kuzan and Polusalino are lazy characters, but Kuzan seems to have more ideas of his own, while Polusalino is the kind of salary to work.

"Huh? Really, that's a fate." Polusalino said with a wretched look.

In other words, Polusalino was originally a wretched look, if it weren't for the status of a navy admiral, it would be the image of a wretched uncle.

"Oh? You are Polusalino, right?" Kuzan said hello.

"Sakaski." Sakaski also introduced himself.

"Kuzan." Kuzan responded.

The dialogue between the two is very simple, I don't know if it is because of the devil fruit ability to restrain each other, the two seem to be incompatible.

The first time I met, it was so cold.

"Yeah, Barrett, I heard that you have awakened your armed and domineering, it's really scary." Polusalino said.

Once, although Barrett's physical skills can crush the two, because they will not be armed and domineering, the two can remain invincible.

But now, Barrett has learned to be armed and domineering, and physique has surpassed the two, then the two have lost their advantage in front of Barrett.

However, with Polusalino's urinary sex, he has always said the most insulting words and fights the toughest, so Polusalino's purpose is not simple.

"Barrett, let's discuss it when we have time." Sakarski said.

Sakaski has the same purpose as Polusalino.

Although the four are known as the Four Masters of the Navy, secretly, everyone acquiesces to Barrett's talent and ranks first.

Although Barrett's strength before did not benefit the two of them, it is different now. Many people believe that Barrett, who has awakened his armed and domineering, has surpassed the two.

Be the first person worthy of the name.

With the arrogance of nature, he refused to accept it, so Polusalino and Sakaski wanted to prove that they were not bad.

This is why the two entered the new world halfway through and participated in hunting.

"I am happy to accompany you. I would also like to see your progress over the past few years." Barrett said.

Fighting with the strong is Barrett's favorite, and Barrett lacks the most intent to fight.

In addition, Barrett also wanted to defeat the two, prove his strength, and win the much-anticipated glory, which is also a man's favorite.

However, Kuzan was still too young and lacking in strength to participate, and the three of them did not embarrass him.

After all, the three of them are not fools in the novel, and they have also experienced this stage. Don't bully the young and poor, Kuzan will grow up sooner or later.

At that time, Kuzan is definitely at the same level with them, and Kuzan's age is not very old, only a few years older than Barrett.

There is still a lot of room for growth, and Kuzan's future achievements may not be weaker than Sakaski.

Moreover, they will all work together in the future, and none of them want to make trouble.


"The four of you are all here, do you know each other." Zefa pushed in.

The four people in front of him are all their own students, and they are also the future of the Navy. Zefa is also very pleased while having a headache.

"Teacher Zefa."


The four answered.

"Okay, clean it up, Malin Vandor has allowed your warships to dock at the port." Zefa said.

The navy headquarters did not intend to let the four stay in the Chambord Islands for too long, but it was just for them to meet in advance.

Immediately, the four returned to their warship, and then set sail towards Malin Vando.

The four warships marched side by side, together toward the navy headquarters.


A week later, the celebration ceremony began.

Malin Vandor, the square in front of the Naval Building, is also the battlefield on top of the war.

At this time, a large number of navy and reporters gathered here, and the entire square was full. Around the square, there were video phone worms.

This scale is almost the same as the war on top.

At the northernmost end of the square, a high platform was erected.

On the high platform, there were four people sitting.

Marshal, empty.

General, Zefa.

General, Warring States.

Navy hero, lieutenant general, Karp.

Kong stood up and came to the front of the high platform, the middle position.

"Everyone, some time ago, our navy headquarters organized a large-scale military operation."

"The four naval masters you know well, General Zefa, all participated in the war."

"They set off a bloody storm in the new world."

"Let the pirates of the new world flee from place to place like a mouse crossing the street."

"So that in the first half of the new world, the pirates are almost invisible."

"They are indispensable. Therefore, here today, we hold a celebration meeting for the four outstanding naval forces and give them titles."

Kong shouted.

It can be said that empty is a serious nonsense.

If it were not for special reasons, few of the four navy heroes would have returned from the new world, and in the end, the so-called four navy heroes still "escaped" back to Malin Vando.

It can be said that Sora is completely fooling the guys with unknown circumstances.

But this has achieved the goal of emptiness. After all, there are a few people who understand in this world. Most people passively receive news.

They listen to what others say.

After all, to be more ugly, they are the frogs at the bottom of the well. They don't know the situation in this world, and they don't have their own sources of intelligence.

Therefore, Sora can also take this to make a fuss.

Immediately, the celebration ceremony officially began.

Barrett, Sakaski, Polusalino, and Kuzan, four of them were on the high platform in the eyes of everyone.

Marshal Kong, personally awarded the titles to the four.

Except for Kuzan, the other three have already been promoted to major general, and Kuzan was promoted to the colonel immediately after graduation.

This is probably the most solemn major general award ceremony.

It took one morning, and the celebration ceremony finally ended successfully, and most parts of the world also got news.

Not surprisingly, the future of the Navy is the world of these four people.

Of course, the premise is that Barrett will stay in the Navy.


Naval Headquarters Building, Marshal's Office.

Marshal Kong and the generals of the Warring States period waited for a high-level group to gather again.

Some things have to be discussed in private, for example, Barrett, Sakaski, and Polusalino, the appointment of the three.

In fact, with the strength of the three people, even if they serve as base leaders in the New World, there is no problem.

However, it was a big fan and a celebration ceremony was held. The four navy heroes can be said to be the number one enemy of the pirates. Whoever kills them will definitely be famous in the world.

And the big pirates staring at the four of them, there are many.

Because reputation is really important in this world.

If the Golden Lion can win the Four Greatest Navy, then he can reap a batch of prestige and recruit more pirates.

To dominate the new world, take another step.


"Now, the appointment issues of Sakarski and Polusalino have basically been resolved."

"The two of them held the fortresses of the two routes separately, but the issue of Barrett's appointment still needs to be discussed."

Sora concluded...