
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 148 The Four Gathering Together! Four Masters of the Navy

New world.

After receiving orders, Barrett, Sakaski, Polusalino, and Kuzan began to move closer to the front end of the new world.

The four of them also knew that going further would threaten the interests of those big pirates. When the time came, they might have difficulty getting out of the new world.

Even the top-notch nature department can hardly protect itself from those big pirates.

After all, his elementalization, in front of those masters, is like a sham, his own experience and color are not more domineering than those people, and he cannot actively elementalize.

At this time, the two natural departments realized how important it is to practice good physical skills.

As for the other natural element, it is naturally Polusalino. This guy relies on his natural devil fruit to be special.

The focus of practice is to develop the ability of devil fruit.

Of course, he also made some achievements, and now the glittering fruit has begun to take shape.


"Captain, we have received news that the four navy heroes seem to have retreated." In a pirate regiment, the Pirates Collecting Intelligence reported.

The Four Naval Masters is also the title of Barrett's Four. During this period, the four of them can be said to have shown their brilliance, and they also have the title of Four Naval Masters.

If everything is normal, the four of them will be generals and marshals.

"Normal, if you continue to penetrate into the new world, it will threaten the interests of those big pirates." The captain said.

This scene was released in various pirate groups in the New World.

Everyone got the news immediately.

In their hearts, it is normal for the four to retreat. After all, in the second half of the new world, more than 70% of the pirates have gathered in the new world.

Moreover, there are all the great pirates in the New World. Anyone would think that the four great navy heroes were afraid, so they stepped back.

"Report to the captain, the latest news. The navy headquarters will grant the rank of major general to Barrett, Sakaski, and Polusalino in half a month."

"Kuzan, directly awarded the rank of colonel after graduation."

"And it will be here, Malin Fando will hold a celebration ceremony." The pirate who collected the information sent back new news.

This news, under the operation of the Warring States, spread throughout the new world.

Now, all the pirates know that the navy will hold a celebration meeting to celebrate the four outstanding naval forces, which is a great shame for the pirates.

After all, the four masters of the Navy have achieved such brilliance by stepping on their heads.

Anyway, this time, the pirates of the new world boiled again.

The entire first half of the new world was refreshed, and all the sites had lost their original owners. At this time, it was naturally first-come, first-served, and the strong possessed it.

The pirates who had been suppressed for too long burst out of anger in their hearts. After being chased for so long, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.


"Captain Roger, the four masters of the Navy have left the new world." Jabba said to Roger.

"Well, the people in the Navy are not all fools, they know how to measure, well, let's have a banquet, hahaha." Roger laughed.

The Roger Pirates were also affected by this action.

Although the Roger Pirates Group is not afraid of the so-called Four Masters of the Navy, no one wants to be the first to do it.

Because the first one to do it will definitely become a deadly enemy of the Navy.

So including Roger and Golden Lion, they are all waiting, waiting for them to take the lead.

Roger originally thought that Skee would not be able to help but take advantage of this time, and he continued to expand his influence and had no plans to make a move.

On the contrary, Shi Ji enjoys this process very much.

In this way, Roger and the others would be even more unlikely to take action.

As for the other pirates, like the white beards, they did not have the confidence to fight the navy, so everyone did not take action.

As for the navy headquarters, it was accepted as soon as it was good, and four people were recalled in time, which did not result in casualties.


"Admiral, the four navy heroes have already left the new world, and those pirates have also returned one after another, the first half of the new world."

The news of Sijie's departure also reached Shi Ji's ears.

"Huh? That's a pity. I wanted to gather these pirates, so I went to catch a few Four Masters, so they could run fast." Shi Ji regretted.

In fact, although Shi Ji's head is relatively large, he also knows the priorities.

The trouble to find Sijie is definitely not worth the loss. On the contrary, the longer Sijie stays in the new world, the more he gets.

Therefore, Shi Ji hasn't acted for a long time. His goal is the whole world, and if he does it now, his goal can hardly be achieved.


Marin Vando.

"Marshal Kong, the four of Barrett have successfully returned to the Chambord Islands." A navy went to the marshal's office and reported.

"Very well, let them stay in the Chambord Islands for a while, and start preparing for the celebration of the event." Sora ordered.

"Understood, Marshal."

After all, it passed without risk. Although this incident fattened a few large pirates, the navy gained more.

It can be described as fame and fortune, this wave is not a loss.


Chambord Islands.

Today's Chambord Islands is particularly lively, because four people have arrived one after another today.

Four masters of the Navy.


"Brigadier General Barrett, we are about to reach the Chambord Islands." A navy said on board Barrett.

"The other three, who else hasn't arrived?" Barrett asked.

"Now only Kuzan, following General Zefa, behind the pirate, the other two people have arrived." The sea soldier replied.

Kuzan's strength is still a bit worse. After all, he has not graduated from the Naval Academy. He is tri-color domineering, not even one, but he has only learned the Six Forms.

Therefore, although the Devil Fruit has good abilities, among the four, it is still somewhat weak. There are many pirates and three of them can fight, but Kuzan can't fight.

This time, in order to prevent accidents, Zefa personally escorted him, and Kuzan also traveled to the New World as a naval cadet this time.

"Land," Barrett said.

This trip to the new world can be regarded as a successful conclusion.

I have successfully learned the domineering armed color, and can already use it proficiently, and now I have all mastered the three-color domineering.

Next will be promoted to major general.

At that time, in accordance with the practice of the Navy, he should be sent to the branch to serve as the branch base chief.

Logically speaking, it should be in the first half of the Great Route, and the Lieutenant General is in the New World.

This is exactly what Barrett wanted. After all, his headquarters was in the first half of the great route, but it would be a shame if Barrett's strength was in the first half.

Therefore, it is not that there is no possibility of going to the new world. As a deputy base commander, the problem is still not big.


Chambord Islands, Naval Branch.

"Barrett, you finally arrived." Sakarski said.

In the lounge, Barrett met Sakaski, this guy was a little different from Sakaski whom Barrett knew.

On the contrary, he is more like the general of the navy headquarters, Akadog.

The current Sakaski has already begun to turn towards the red dog.

"Sakaski, I heard that you killed a lot of people this time." Barrett said.

"Yes, they all deserve to die. Who knows if they have any human lives in their hands, it's better to kill them." Sakarski replied.

"Ah la la, you are all here." Kuzan breathed and entered the meeting room.

Four masters, come together...