
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 147 Boiling! Pirate's counterattack

Malin Vandor, Naval Headquarters Building.

At this time, except for Zefa, all the high-level navy gathered together. Even Zefa, also using a phone worm, participated in this meeting, and they were discussing events in the new world.

"Everyone, the new world is boiling now."

"Barrett, Sakaski, Polusalino, Kuzan, and Zefa, five of them appeared in the new world at the same time, and the impact they brought to the new world was too great."

"At present, according to our intelligence personnel, the pirates of the new world have a tendency to gather."

"This is absolutely intolerable. Our navy must respond."

Marshal Kong said.

The pirates of the new world have always been a pile of scattered sand. Although they are numerous, they have no cohesion. The threat to the world government is not as great as imagined.

Therefore, when the future revolutionary army appears, it is recognized by the world government as the number one enemy.

The pirates who have ravaged the new world for so long did not receive this "honor."

It is because the revolutionary army has a common leader, high cohesion, and their purpose is obviously the world government.

Therefore, the world government pays so much attention to the revolutionary army.

It was after Roger became the King of Pirates that he knew all the secrets before he was given this treatment. Ordinary Pirates, to the world government, are just some punks.

Although they disrupted social order, they did not rebel, nor did they organize and lead.

However, now under the pressure of the Barrett four, these little pirates have begun to gather, and in order to protect themselves, they have to vassalize the powerful pirates.

And this will cause those pirate groups to get stronger and stronger.

However, according to the intelligence of the New World, these pirate groups, which are gradually becoming stronger, cannot resist the advancement of the four.

As a result, the big pirate group began to merge.

In this way, the navy, and even the world government, are absolutely unwilling to see. The emergence of the large group of pirates seriously threatens the rule of the world government.


"You must send someone to support the four of them, otherwise, not only will the Great Pirate Group be born, but the four of them will probably be in danger." General Zefa said.

The two students I like most are in the new world. What they will face next is no longer their previous opponents.

Zefa is alone in the New World, and he has no skills at all. You must know that there are many great pirates in the New World, and I am afraid that he cannot guarantee the safety of the four.

"It's true, none of the four of them can have a problem." He said.

"However, we don't have to conflict with the pirates of the new world." He added.

"Yes, this incident is just four people plus Zefa, which puts too much pressure on them. If the five of them withdraw from the new world, those big pirates will destroy themselves without attack." The Warring States explained.

"Crack, click..."

"Haha, in that case, the navy's majesty will be lost." Karp laughed while eating senbei.

"Kapu, how many times have I told you not to eat during the meeting!" Kong shouted.

This guy is hopeless, especially after he became a naval hero, he is even more unscrupulous. It is not a meeting to eat.

"However, what Karp said is right. If we withdraw from the new world in this way, the majesty of our navy will not be guaranteed."

"Moreover, even if we withdraw from the new world, it is difficult to guarantee that those big pirates will not disappear. After all, there are too many ambitious people."

"They won't let the fat in their mouths, just swallow them like that, for example, Golden Lion Shiji." Kong worried.

Indeed, there are many ambitious big pirates who are taking advantage of this opportunity to expand their power wildly, especially headed by Golden Lion Shiji.

This guy has a stance of forming a large group of pirates.

"But our navy has no ability to sweep the pirate regiments. The four of them have not grown up yet, and our combat power is not enough."

"Forced war will only cause unnecessary casualties." He said.

At present, the navy has really few manpower. It is impossible to sweep the new world. I am afraid that it will be attacked by pirates.

At that time, the Navy will definitely suffer heavy losses.

"So we must come up with a one-size-fits-all strategy, which can dissolve those big pirate groups and reduce the casualties of the navy." Warring States concluded.

"Yes, this is the purpose of this meeting. We must come up with a surefire solution." Kong agreed.

"Puff ha ha ha, unless you kill the Golden Lion, that guy will never disband the pirate group." Karp laughed.

Regarding Shiji's ambitions, everyone knows that Shiji is definitely not a pirate, as simple as Roger, he is an careerist.

Therefore, he will never give up this opportunity.

"Shut up! Karp!" Warring States scolded.

Everyone knew what Karp said, so Shiji was not included in the calculation, and Karp, this guy, took off everyone's fig leaf in public.

It can be said that everyone's faces are greatly enlarged.

"Well, think about it, everyone, is there any way? Anyway, I can't force it." Kong said helplessly.

For Karp's escaped character, the best way Sora chose was to ignore it.

"Call them back, give them titles, and hold a commendation meeting." Warring States proposed.

"Good idea, just recently they arrested many pirates in the New World, and the accumulated credit is enough." Marshal Kong said.

The four of them arrested and killed many pirates in the New World. Although they weren't big pirates, they were better off in large numbers.

It is also time to grant them the rank of major general.

Moreover, in this way, they also have sufficient reasons to let the four of them withdraw from the new world.

As for those large pirate groups, they will naturally fall apart without external pressure. After all, how much cohesion can a group of pirates gather in an organization.

As for those big sea pirate groups similar to the Golden Lion, at present, there is no good way.

It is important to keep the four of them first. If the four of them encounter these big pirates, I am afraid that it would be dangerous to tie them to everything.

After all, the strength of the Golden Lion alone has surpassed the general and marshal of the navy headquarters.

After being seriously injured, the Golden Lion still let the Golden Lion destroy half of Marin Vando under the joint hands of the Warring States Period and Karp.

This shows that the strength of those big pirates is definitely not something that the four talented newcomers can contend.

"Well, for half a month, let them slowly gather in the first half of the new world, Karp, you go to the new world in secret."

"Warring States, in this half a month, you should prepare. After half a month, everyone will withdraw from the new world, Warring States. When that happens, you will announce to the outside world."

"Barrett, Sakaski, Polusalino, promoted to major general."

"Kuzan, promoted to high colonel."

Empty command road.



"Brigadier General Barrett, ordered by the Navy Headquarters, to move closer to the first half of the new world."

"Sakars Benchmark General, ordered by the Navy Headquarters, to move closer to the first half of the new world."


For a time, the Barrett four received the same order.

The four knew that this hunting game should be over...