
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 12 Southeast Battlefield

In the evening,

Amy wakes up. Amy is very happy to learn that Herman has joined. In the past six months, Amy is very satisfied with Herman's ability to lead troops. It will make people feel at ease to have such a person join. .

"You are welcome to join, Herman." Amy is satisfied with the result.

"Well, since you are all awake, I will go back to the front line, there are still many things over there, waiting for me to deal with it." After speaking, Hermann got up and left.

"Boss, what do you think of Herman?" Amy looked at Barrett next to him.

"The ability to lead troops is good, and the strength is almost." Herman is 30 years old this year. Even in this small country, a 30-year-old major general is rare, not to mention that Herman is probably about to be promoted to lieutenant general.

Such a rank is completely exhausting. Although there is help from Barrett and Amy, these two are not enough to shake the whole battle.

But on the other hand, the 30-year-old Herman has less than 300 powers, which may be enough in this country, but he can't get it at all!

"Is a lot worse, I don't know his strength, can he improve?" Amy said regretfully.

"Even if you can improve, there is not much room for improvement. If you have a chance in the future, let him find a devil fruit." Barrett said helplessly.

Could it be that Herman can only be kept at home?It's really a pity, it's hard to fancy such a talent.

"I remember when you said that, when will my devil fruit be given to me?" Amy suddenly remembered, Barrett wanted to give him a devil fruit.

As if the devil fruit was worthless in front of him.

"Don't worry, I can't run. I don't have enough strength now. I'll take you to get it later." Barrett said as if he was at home.

"What about you?" Amy wondered if Barrett would eat Devil Fruit.

"Not sure, when the time comes, it will be there naturally." Barrett also muttered in his heart. The plot has changed so much, I don't know if I will meet the fruit of the fit.

Speaking of this devil fruit, it's time to put it forward, after all, the sooner you become familiar, the greater the potential for development.

"Hey, why are you so unreliable." Amy looked at Barrett contemptuously.

"Hey, hey, what kind of look are you! Tell you, if I don't think the fit is not enough, I would like to eat your fruit." Barrett yelled anxiously, his hatred.

"Okay, well, I'll wait." Amy saw Barrett in a hurry, so I could only give up, just kidding, it's enough here. Amy is very grateful to Barrett from the bottom of my heart, after all, it has been so long. , The first person to recognize him.

"Hurry up and cultivate. Next we are going to change the battlefield." Barrett lay down and looked at the ceiling. It has been almost a year.

"Where are you going next?" Amy looked at Barrett.

"Southeast Battlefield. I heard that there is the main position of the rebel army?"

"Yes, but don't we find soft persimmons first?" Amy puzzled.

The rebels first appeared from the southeast coast, and then spread throughout the south. I heard that there were shadows controlling them behind them.

"Try your luck, maybe you can pick up the devil fruit."

Amy was completely speechless.

In fact, Barrett is really not nonsense. In the original book, Barrett was hungry, exhausted, and his life hanging by a thread. He ate the fruit of the union. The Southwest Battlefield was the weakest place for the rebels. There, Barrett It is not easy to fall into such a desperate situation.

He is not alone, there are countless government troops behind him.

The southeast battlefield is the base camp of the rebels. In comparison, Barrett is more likely to fall into desperation wherever he is, so he will be in the southeast battlefield for a while and try his luck.

Two months later.

Barrett and Amy bid farewell to Herman and headed to the southeast battlefield. During this period, apart from recuperating their wounds, the two were practicing spiritual practice.Barrett had his sixth birthday half a month ago.

Haiyuan calendar 1483, October.

Barrett and Amy arrive at the southeast battlefield.

"Welcome to you, Major General Amy." The one who came to greet him was Lieutenant General Uwe Hager, the commander-in-chief of the Southeast Battlefield.Barrett seemed to be ignored.

During this time, Herman was successfully promoted to Lieutenant General, and Amy was also promoted to Honorary Major General.

Speaking of Amy's military rank, Lieutenant General Hagrid would not come to greet him, but Amy's reputation on the southern battlefield is so great that it will be published in newspapers almost every month, Amy's heroic deeds.

Amy impressively has been built into the image of a hero.

So Hagrid had to come out to meet him.

"Hello, Lieutenant General Hagrid, you are welcome." Amy did not dare to neglect at this time, this Lieutenant General Hagrid, not only has outstanding military achievements, but also his strength should not be underestimated.

"Please, let the adjutant take you to visit the barracks." Lieutenant General Hagrid asked the adjutant to lead the way, but returned to his office by himself.

Obviously, Hagrid didn't take these two children seriously.

He thought this was just a special propaganda made by the southern battlefield, especially after seeing the two.

"Huh, what strength can two children have."

Hagrid disdainfully said, Hagrid does have arrogant capital. He has been on the battlefield since he was 10 years old, and he has been on the battlefield for 30 years, which has also caused Hagrid to be defiant.

"Boss, he seems to look down on us very much, so he only asked an adjutant to take us around." Back to the dormitory, Amy complained to Barrett.

"Huh, yes, your military rank has increased too fast, even if it's just a false position, and you are too dazzling now, you are jealous, it seems that it has been so easy here for too long, it should be lively." Barrett dismissed.

Speaking of the fact that the Southeast battlefield has been at ease for too long, it is not that there is no war, but that the high-levels are content with the status quo.

In other battlefields, when bad news was spreading, the southeast battlefield, the rebel base camp, was able to hold its position to the satisfaction of the top government.

The rebel army was also happy to see this situation, so the main attack force began to shift to other battlefields.

It was just that before the large-scale transfer, the southern battlefield was defeated on all fronts and was almost completely cut off by the rebels.

The victory from the southern battlefield spread to the rear, and the pressure on Hagrid became heavier. This may be why Hagrid did not like Barrett and Amy, the two of them.

In fact, what is wrong with Hagrid?

The war has been too long, perhaps he has forgotten that the foot of the rebel army is also the land of the country. In comparison, Hermann is very aggressive, after all, Hermann is still young.

"What are you going to do? It seems to me that Hagrid is not very interested in attacking." Amy asked. If Hagrid does not send troops to attack, Barrett and Amy will not be enough to stuff the rebels. It.

"Don't worry, I will go to the front line later. This is no better than the southern battlefield. It is difficult to make a breakthrough in a short time. Focus on improving your strength first. If there is a battle, we will participate."

Barrett replied that he is not too anxious now, there are still up to four years before the plan is implemented, as long as a breakthrough can be achieved within these four years.

Besides, he still has to find a fusion fruit...

To be honest,

I really didn't plan to let Barrett eat the syrup at first,

But seeing some comments from book friends,

I suddenly felt that if Barrett didn't eat the syrupy fruit,

That might be the biggest failure of this book.

This combined fruit, let you break it back abruptly.

Thanks a lot, everyone.